Okay. I'll keep this in mind. However, I should then withdraw this
(later). I'm trying to create a Diplomacy-style second-guessing
scheme, where you want to do things not because the results help you
but because the actual action helps you. Metarule means it's a rule
about rules, and nothing else.
ais523 wrote:
particular, if a contract would be given a Rest (the equivalent of a
Blot), every member of the contract would be given a Rest instead.
the Insulator (equivalent of today's Referee) was required to report
the Fugitive status.
For those wondering how "Rest" and "Insulator" fit
On 5/15/24 5:48 PM, 4st nomic via agora-discussion wrote:
FWIW, Welcome back!
Why I declare, apathy, you have manners befitting a true Southern gentlespivak.
(Deliberately NttPF, but someone needed to make a joke along these lines
wunst wrote:
Am 13.05.24 um 01:00 schrieb ais523 via agora-discussion:
On Sun, 2024-05-12 at 15:32 -0700, Edward Murphy via agora-business
Proposal: No apathetic apathy
Amend Rule 2465 (Victory by Apathy) by appending this text:
A player SHALL NOT announce intent to Declare Ap
Ah, since Rule 2642 says “transferred”, but not specifying a particular
cause. Understood.
- Jaff
On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 2:08 PM Janet Cobb via agora-business <
agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> On 5/12/24 13:03, Jaff via agora-official wrote:
> > StoneOwnerLast
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