Hello everyone,
I know akka is a concurrency framework.But does it fit parallelism
coding?Or just use
>> Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
>> Check the FAQ:
>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
>> Search the archives: h
I worked towards option 2. Making a nested Source[Source[_]] (I miss using
scala). This works, but I get a deadletter which I am unsure what is
causing it. Would appreciate to get some feedback if I am heading to
correct path, or am I going to have a painful path and might as well shoot
my f
I have been trying to use akka streams to process our Kafka based micro
service. One micro service would get further data from an older REST based
service. I have put in some Java code below (sorry not doing Scala for
this code base, as I am working with another developer that would make
Hello Magnus
This is not an answer to your problem but I am trying to get an answer to
my problem. I am working on a POC developing a TCP server which listens on
device traffic. I was able to implement the server using Akka IO (v2.3.14)
and trying to figure out how to configure TLS for this TCP
I tried a sample to use range request in an ActorPublisher to download a
large file. But only one range is downloaded. The publisher is stopped when
another range request is downloading data.
I set akka logger to "DEBUG". I also printed messages when received
messages in the publisher, but I
Greetings, hope I'm asking in the right venue here.
I'm playing around with writing a home automation system, mostly as a
learning experience, and partially because I don't really like anything
that exists right now in that space. I'm targeting .NET (C#) just because
it's the language I know be
This could be helpful:
>> Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
>> Check the FAQ:
>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/addition
You can set the "jdk.tls.client.protocols" system property to set options
for the JVM -- this is a feature that is only available in JDK 1.8 though.
Otherwise, you would have to set the security
Hi there,
I just copy pasted the file and have to say "it works here".
Are you sure you have dependencies for akka-http-experimental in your build?
It works since ContentTypes is part of the akka.http.scaladsl.model package,
and that we've imported all the symbols from at the top of the file:
The minimal example give at the following
http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.4.8/scala/http/routing-dsl/index.html does
not work.
It gives an error on line no 19.
Error:(19, 31) not found: value ContentTypes
complete(HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`text/html(UTF-8)`, "Say
hello to akka-http"))
The following example at
http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.4/scala/http/common/json-support.html gives
an error at line no. 43 and 44.
Error:(43, 41) type mismatch;
found : WebServer.Item
required: akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.ToResponseMarshallable
case Some(item) => complete(ite
What's the min-nr-of-members set to?
Is node A the only seed node in the cluster? Which ones are the seed nodes?
Best wishes,
Siva on 6+
> On Jul 22, 2016, at 11:45 PM, Patrik Nordwall
> wrote:
> It's one of Lightbend's commercial offerings. Contact Lightbend for more
> information and pri
Good idea. Thanks!
Best wishes,
Siva on 6+
> On Jul 22, 2016, at 3:28 AM, Akka Team wrote:
> Hi Siva,
> I don't recall cluster singleton having a passivation feature. I think this
> feature simply does not exists. On the other hand there is not much reason to
> passivate, the actor itsel
In our system we have a few blocking actors(service calls) and we were
using default dispatcher, but when we increase load the system becomes very
slow and we observed that the message waits a long time to reach to next
actor (which means dispatcher is taking time to transfer messages)
I was wondering what is the best way to clean up resources after an
HttpResponse was sent over the network.
I need to use a legacy file-backed implementation of a buffer to get the
data for HTTP responses. The API gives an InputStream to the data and
eventually I need to call the cleanu
Has some developed an akka stream based TCP server where connections is
kept open and frame delimited messages is pouring in, and is eventually
stored somewhere in a database? It seems to be such a simple pattern that i
am surprised to not find any examples for it. But maybe the world is not so
Configure file as follow:
# Protocol to use for SSL encryption, choose from:
# Java 6 & 7:
# 'SSLv3', 'TLSv1'
# Java 7:
# 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2'
protocol = "TLSv1.2"
When I use nmap to scan, I find that TLSv1 is enabled:
D:\softwares\nmap-7.12>nmap -p --script=ssl* x.x.x.x --unpriv
17 matches
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