- I'm running NetBSD 1.6.1 on Dell Lattitude. Here is the device information.
- ---
- st0 at scsibus1 target 1 lun 0: tape removable
- st0: drive empty
- st0: sync (25.00ns offset 127), 16-bit (80.000MB/s) transfers
- ch0 at scsibus1 target 6 lun 0: changer
I'm running NetBSD 1.6.1 on Dell Lattitude. Here is the device information.
st0 at scsibus1 target 1 lun 0: tape removable
st0: drive empty
st0: sync (25.00ns offset 127), 16-bit (80.000MB/s) transfers
ch0 at scsibus1 target 6 lun 0: changer removable
ch0: async, 8-bit tr
- Thank you very much for very useful advice. I've change chg-scsi.conf
- file as you said. I didn't get the Input/ouput error message.
- However, I still get the following errors:
It looks like the tape device isn't fully recognized.
What device is it? (with fu
Thank you very much for very useful advice. I've change chg-scsi.conf file as
you said. I didn't get the Input/ouput error message. However, I still get the
following errors:
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /data/amanda: 24318827 KB di
- When I run amcheck with chg-scsi, I've got the following message:
- Amanda Tape Server Host Check
- -
- Holding disk /data/amanda: 24318827 KB disk space available, that's plenty
- amcheck-server: slot 0: tape_rdlabel: tape op
When I run amcheck with chg-scsi, I've got the following message:
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /data/amanda: 24318827 KB disk space available, that's plenty
amcheck-server: slot 0: tape_rdlabel: tape open: /dev/st0: Input/output error
I've being using amanda for a couple of years. Recently I upgrade amanda from
2.4.1 to 2.4.2p2. I also upgrade the clients to 2.4.2p2. Now I have problems
with chg-scsi. I red once that the new version of amanda's chg-scsi changer
supports Exabyte's X220 library. I configured amanda.conf