Re: [AMRadio] DX 60 mods

2010-07-02 Thread crawfish
I would like to see those "last" mods. I have several of the Electric Radio issues, and Bill from Bowie had some great articles in them! Joe W4AAB > If one is "really" inclined to consider Audio mods for the DX-60, I'd > give serious to the m

Re: [AMRadio] TU47 BC-610 Tuning Unit

2010-05-31 Thread crawfish
Thanks, Jim!! Maybe I need to look for a BC-610 to go with it. 73 de Joe W4AAB > Try this go here, > > > Jim > WB2FCN > > > - Original Message - > From: > To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Am

Re: [AMRadio] TU47 BC-610 Tuning Unit

2010-05-29 Thread crawfish
I guess the schematic got removed when they did the mod to 160m. I guess I need a BC-610 manual( or a scanned copy from a TU47). Joe W4AAB > The Schematic is Usually on the case of the tuning unit. If not it is > definitely > in the BC-610 manual wit

[AMRadio] TU47 BC-610 Tuning Unit

2010-05-28 Thread crawfish
I am trying to find a schematic for a TU47 tuning unit for the BC-610. Mine has been modded to 160m.I am hoping to use it to build a small RF driver to put on 160m. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Webs

Re: [AMRadio] Ham Radio Growing in the Age of Twitter

2010-04-09 Thread crawfish
Back then, it was "Son, just look at it, and don't touch,'cause it will bounce you off the wall, boy, if it don't kill you!!". Joe W4AAB > Its a wonder how any of us survived to tell the tale! ;-) > > 73 Max > M0GHQ > > > > - Original

Re: [AMRadio] Old Call Books, 1956-59

2010-04-08 Thread crawfish
I have a 1956 and a 1958 Callbook. I will see what I can find. Joe W4AAB > I would like to help a friend, Joseph Gillespie, who has forgotten > his call sign from many years ago. All Joe can remember is that he > had a Novice lice

[AMRadio] 6146 Modulator is in 1957 Handbook

2010-01-11 Thread crawfish
I overlooked it the other day. It was right before my eyes today. Mahlon K4OQ said that there is a subtle difference in the 1957/58 version and the one in the 1961 Handbook.Now, to decide what to use as RF amp. For a medium sized transmitter, I could use just one 4-250.

[AMRadio] Thanks to All Per 6146 Modulator

2010-01-10 Thread crawfish
I wish to thank the many replies per the 6146 modulator. I have the info, and again, thanks to all who responded. 73 de Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: AM

Re: [AMRadio] Need Schematic of Modulator Uing Push-Pull 6146's

2010-01-09 Thread crawfish
Thanks, Don. I am building a larger modulator, but wanted to build a smaller one using this transformer. Recuperating from knee replacement and maybe by mid-February, I can get some stuff finished. 73 de Joe W4AAB > Hi Joe, > > The James

[AMRadio] Need Schematic of Modulator Uing Push-Pull 6146's

2010-01-09 Thread crawfish
I can't find any of my 1950's/1960's ARRL Handbooks to see if I can find a schematic of a modulator using push-pull 6146's. If anyone has the above, please e-mail me off-list. Thanks!! I traded for a modulation transformer which was used with P-P 6146's.

Re: [AMRadio] T-368 connector needed

2010-01-01 Thread crawfish
Thanks, Larry. Joe W4AAB Hi Bob and Allen, > > Here is an ad for a G76 and power supply. Please go > to > find under Antique radios. > > FS Gonset G-76 > I have 2 Gonest G-76 and one p

Re: [AMRadio] T-368 connector needed

2010-01-01 Thread crawfish
I will post info about 2 G-76's that are available in Massachusetts on AM Swap, plus private e-mail to Allen. Joe W4AAB > Allen, What are you looking for??? What price > range what quality... We have a number of BA > receivers in various fo

Re: [AMRadio] ceramic caps

2009-12-25 Thread crawfish
I believe it is UR4LL. Joe W4AAB > Are you sure that's the call? > > Nothing shows up in QRZ. > > 73, Barrie, W7ALW > > - Original Message - > From: "Bernie Doran" > To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" > > Sent: Friday, December 25, 2009 4:

Re: [AMRadio] CQ sweepstakes, CQ sweepstakes

2009-11-23 Thread crawfish
Reminds me of the night back in the late 1970's when the ARRL CD contest wandered onto 3895. The '95'ers started calling CQ CB and started giving CB calls and handles e.g."Moon Pie" as their exchange. The guys who were looking for other CD(SCM,etc.) stations were trying to explain what CD was, and

Re: [AMRadio] 100TH and 250TH advice and or comment

2009-08-25 Thread crawfish
John Mohn was W5MEU. I remember him talking about that one night over 20 years ago.I have an old 450TL that I want to use. I guess I need to bring it up slowly with a variac feeding the filament transformer to keep the inrush current from wrecking the filament, or is that an issue?

Re: [AMRadio] 2m AM

2009-07-29 Thread crawfish
Back in the day. 145.350 was the national watering hole on 2m AM, but the additional of the 144-145 mHz repeater subband did away with that frequency for AM.A few days after the change, a friend of mine and I talked to a guy(can't remember the call) in Little Rock, AR who was running a kW on 2m AM.

Re: [AMRadio] 10 Meters Active

2009-06-19 Thread crawfish
I have a list of stations that I call on CW in the lower part of 10 when the outlaws are on in that part of the band.CW gets rid of the lids from freeband land!! Let's get active on 10 now that the conditions are getting better. Joe W4AAB > Good for

Re: [AMRadio] Navy TAJ-19 Transmitter

2009-05-23 Thread crawfish
There are stations here in the U.S. taht have special permission to operate the 490-510 kHz band, and this could be a start. I will check with groups I am on. For more info, check . Joe W4AAB > Souns difficult, :-( >   >   > "... >

Re: [AMRadio] GB> Re: Filament choke

2009-05-01 Thread crawfish
The voltage rating on the load side doesn't have to be as high as on the tune side, as the impedance is lower. You got all bases covered. Joe W4AAB > I've got a fairly wide-spaced 500 pF air variable for the tuning cap so > no more sho

Re: [AMRadio] Seeking advice on "wires in trees"

2009-04-28 Thread crawfish
Get a Sherrill Big Shot industrial slingshot and put those ropes way up there. Joe W4AAB > I had the tree trimmers do that 20 years ago, its still up there. > I don't use that tree to hold an antenna up anymore, but the pulley and > rop

[AMRadio] Viking II Jumper Info

2009-04-24 Thread crawfish
Does any one on the list have the information on the wiring of the jumpers in the accessory plug of the Johnson Viking Ranger II? A friend of mine needs this info. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main

Re: [AMRadio] [Hamvention] Re: Motorhomes in Flea Market Area

2009-04-19 Thread crawfish
Larry, please don't respond using language like that, especially since the response was NOT from the AM group. Joe W4AAB > HI Guys, > > You know what?? > > Here is a person asking an honest question (and I may be wrong) > > But all you give

Re: [AMRadio] 40 Meter AM

2009-04-02 Thread crawfish
Still lightning here. maybe tomorrow night. Joe W4AAB > Is anyone on the air tonight? > > I have tuned 7.125 - 7.2, and haven't heard anything but SSB. > > > > > > > Mike Duke, K5XU > American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs > > > __

Re: [AMRadio] FW: [FT2000_new] Very Important info

2009-04-01 Thread crawfish
April Fool!!! Joe W4AAB > Did everyone see this NOTICE from ARRL. > > [Robert Peters] > > This new FCC ruling mandating the move to digital > voice affects all HF SSB and AM users! > > > > See the official notice posted at the ARRL > website: > > > >

Re: [AMRadio] 7160Kc AM Tuesday nite

2009-03-31 Thread crawfish
Hearing everyone but Don KYV who I am sure is too close(150 miles) on 40. I heard the VFO swishers who are probably slopbucket lids. Sounding great in the mobile(IC-718 with Perth Outbacker on my 1996 Buick. I got to get a 40m antenna back up this weekend!

Re: [AMRadio] Lots of AM on 7160 Right Now!

2009-03-30 Thread crawfish
I got on with Paul, N4JK, and I believe WA4NJY. Paul never got my call OK. I was running 40 watts into a Perth Outbacker on my Buick.Not sure if it was even working OK. Got to check the SWR. Joe W4AAB > Listening now but on a 75m dipole son

Re: [AMRadio] CG-512 Transformer

2009-01-08 Thread crawfish
The late Durward Tucker,W5VU, built that transmitter, but KD5OEI is the ham who owns it now. He is the guy who owns the Bunker of Doom website. Joe W4AAB > Barrie, > > See if you can contact W5VU, he has a photo of a rig with the transformer > in questio

[AMRadio] DX-100 FS on

2007-11-10 Thread crawfish
K4ICL has a DX-100 for sale on Ad #628917.Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: AMRadio mailing list List Rules (

[AMRadio] BC-610-E and -H FS on

2007-11-09 Thread crawfish
W9GOB near Chicago has a BC-610-E for $700. and an -H for $300. The -H needs a new T5.Pick up only. Ads #628858 and 628859.Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB _

[AMRadio] BC-610I FS on

2007-11-05 Thread crawfish
W9SWS has a BC-610I on for $750. pick-up only in northern IL.It has the BC-614 speech amp, and coils for 160 through 20m.Ad #628002.Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __

[AMRadio] N1TNQ Homebrew Transmitter on

2007-11-04 Thread crawfish
Ad #627843. Pick up in Rhode Island. He wants to trade it for a mobile transceiver. Single 813 mod. by p-p 811A's.Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: http

[AMRadio] ART-13 FS on

2007-11-04 Thread crawfish
WB1FRW has an ART-13 for sale. Ad #627670. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: AMRadio mailing list List Rules (m

[AMRadio] DX-35 FS on QTH

2007-10-28 Thread crawfish
N0TQQ has a Heath DX-35 for $50. plus shipping. Ad #626354.Usual disclaimers apply. I know the DX-35,-40, ad the -60 series are not BIG transmitters, but they can used with amplifiers for reasonable AM use. Joe W4AAB _

Re: [AMRadio] RE: [Boatanchors] Do I Remember??

2007-10-27 Thread crawfish
You must mean Low Band, Bob. The 30-50 mHz band. Here in TN some much public safety stuff is being moved up to UHF when in fact they need to keep it on low band to get the signals up and over and around these hills. I have heard those stories about that fantastic sunspot cycle. All since have been

[AMRadio] DX-40/VF1 FS on QTH

2007-10-27 Thread crawfish
Pete W2HP is selling a Heath DX-40 and VF-1 on is from the estate of KI2J.Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: http://www.a

[AMRadio] Clegg 99'er FS on QTH

2007-10-27 Thread crawfish
Bill, W9VC, has a Clegg 99'er for sale on QTH(ad#625276) for $50.00 plus shipping from Richmond, IN.Usual disclaimers apply, but have done lots of trading with Bill over last 2 years or so.He says it puts out 5 watts on 6m AM.

Re: [AMRadio] Rinaldo sore about AM?

2007-10-26 Thread crawfish
Paul Rinaldo, W4RI. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "Jose HF Silva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 1:20 PM Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Rinaldo sore about AM? > Hi, Paul > > Who is Rinal

[AMRadio] Johnson Valiant FS on QRZ

2007-10-26 Thread crawfish
N6AQ in the San Antonio,TX area has a Valiant for sale. Ad #172523. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: AMRadio mailing list List

[AMRadio] Globe Champion 350 FS QTH

2007-10-26 Thread crawfish
WA0VRC has a Globe Champion 350 for sale for a dollar a watt(input). 150-175 watts out. Has listed under HF Radios on QTH.Ad #618853. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB

[AMRadio] kW Hallicrafters Station FS on QTH

2007-10-25 Thread crawfish
K6TFC has an HT-32A;SX-101; and an HT-33B for sale on for $2500. Ad #625678. He had it listed under HF Radios.Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ O

[AMRadio] Globe Champion 350 FS on QTH

2007-10-20 Thread crawfish
WA0VRC has a WRL Globe Champion 350 for sale for $350.Ad #624803. he listed it under HF Radios instead of Antique Radios.Pickup in MN only. Joe W4AAB __

[AMRadio] BC-456 Screen Modualtor FS on QTH

2007-10-20 Thread crawfish
WN1I wants $30. plus shipping for the BC-456 screen modulator for the ARC-5 series transmitters. Ad #624827.Usual disclaimers. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: http://www

[AMRadio] Update on South Carolina Warehouse Cleanup

2007-10-20 Thread crawfish
K1VVC has an ad on QTH(#624784) which says that next Saturday and Sunday, Oct.27 and 28 are scheduled for another sale. He mentioned that here are two BC transmitters(one he listed in a recent ad). Hope someone gets some goodies.

[AMRadio] B&W 5100B FS on QTH

2007-10-18 Thread crawfish
KC2KKP has a Barker and Williamson 5100B for sale for $600. plus shipping. Ad #624307.Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: AMRadio mailing

[AMRadio] 20V2 FS Sweetwater, TN

2007-10-18 Thread crawfish
W4OLJ has a Collins 20V2 for sale on QTH for $2500. Just taken out of service and is presently on 1460 kHz. Ad#617369. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: A

[AMRadio] DX-40 plus other Heath stuff FS on

2007-10-17 Thread crawfish
WA0MNA has a Heath station with DX-40 as the transmitter for sale for $300. shipped.Ad#624294. No receiver, but antenna tuner and VF-1 VFO and other accessories.He said he needs the bucks. Even a Conelrad Monitor!! Joe W4AAB _

Re: [AMRadio] Amateur Radio Vet Turns 100

2007-10-17 Thread crawfish
Harry Mills is now K4HU in Hendersonville, N.C. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "John Lyles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 5:15 PM Subject: [AMRadio] Amateur Radio Vet Turns 100 > Artic

[AMRadio] Ranger II FS on QTH

2007-10-06 Thread crawfish
It is listed in HF Radios.N8ZRD has a Ranger II for sale for $300. pickup only near Dayton, OH. Ad#622108.Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: ht

[AMRadio] Fw: GB> Great Old Surplus Houses

2007-10-06 Thread crawfish
In case you haven't heard... Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 8:00 AM Subject: GB> Great Old Surplus Houses > For those of y'all who haven't seen this yet, > the Bo

[AMRadio] Fw: GB> Fw: [NTMS] Nortex

2007-10-06 Thread crawfish
More on the Nortex situation from the Glowbugs list. Joe W4AAB > > Begin forwarded message: > > > > > From: Kent Britain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > Date: October 6, 2007 1:08:21 AM GMT+00:00 > > > To: Ntms-Request <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > S

[AMRadio] Fw: BC-610 choke & Xmfr

2007-10-05 Thread crawfish
>From another list, just in case someone needs one. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "George Babits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "baswaplist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 9:53 AM Subject: FS: BC-610 chok

[AMRadio] HB Transmitter on QTH

2007-09-29 Thread crawfish
N1TNQ is selling a homebrew AM transmitter in a 3 foot rack. 813 mod by p-p 811A's. Ad #620905. No connections to seller. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: http://www.amfone.n

[AMRadio] Viking II FS on QTH

2007-09-29 Thread crawfish
K8SU has a Johnson Viking II for sale for $159.00 pick-up only in OH(about 40 miles south of Canton, OH).Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website:

[AMRadio] Viking Ranger FS on QTH

2007-09-28 Thread crawfish
W2DWR in northern FL has a Johnson Viking Ranger for sale for $350. plus shipping. Ad # 620593. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: http://www.amf

[AMRadio] Fw: BC-610 choke & Xmfr

2007-09-23 Thread crawfish
>From another list. Usual disclaimers, yada yada. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "George Babits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "baswaplist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 9:03 PM Subject: FS: BC-610 choke & X

Re: [AMRadio] AM transmitter on eBay

2007-09-23 Thread crawfish
The seller is Don Merz, N3RHT. Don has some first-rate stuff and first-rate dealing, I have enjoyed trading with Don. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "Bob Peters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur

[AMRadio] ART-13 FS on

2007-09-22 Thread crawfish
N1UDI has an ART-13 for sake for $300. pickup only in Fairfield County, CT. QTH Ad #619689. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: AMRadio

Re: [AMRadio] Globe Scout 65A Question

2007-09-21 Thread crawfish
George and others, I have a Globe Scout 65A. I can take digital pictures of the insides if you all need it. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "Rick Brashear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service'" Sen

[AMRadio] DX-100 FS on QTH.nnet

2007-09-15 Thread crawfish
K4ICL has a DX-100 for sale for $185. plus shipping from Greenville, S.C. Ad#618239. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ Our Main Website: AMRadio mailin

Re: [AMRadio] Frequency Question

2007-09-11 Thread crawfish
I was thinking the Canadians get on 3735 AM. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "Jim Wilhite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 7:02 PM Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Fr

[AMRadio] HT-37 FS on QTH

2007-09-09 Thread crawfish
W9CTB has a Hallicrafters HT-37 for sale or trade. He is looking for a 2 kW antenna tuner(no Mighty Foul Junk)or $275. cash.Ad #617416.Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB

[AMRadio] 813 Transmitter FS on QTH

2007-09-07 Thread crawfish
It is actually an amplifier with modulator, but WB1ABB has a single 813 amp modulated by a pair of 813's for sale on QTH.Ad #616842. Pick-up in Vermont. In 3 foot rack, weighs 250 lbs.Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB ___

Re: Fw: [AMRadio] Conditioner

2007-09-01 Thread crawfish
It is Fedron. My bad. Mike,which Wyle Lab location did you work at? I knew a lot of guys who worked at the one in Huntsville, AL. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "WE0H" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Discussion of AM Radi

Re: [AMRadio] Viking I FS on QTH

2007-09-01 Thread crawfish
TECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of crawfish Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2007 8:43 PM To: Subject: [AMRadio] Viking I FS on QTH W0FEB has a Viking I for sale for $185. plus shipping. Ad #615756. Usual disclaimers apply, yada yada.

[AMRadio] Viking I FS on QTH

2007-09-01 Thread crawfish
W0FEB has a Viking I for sale for $185. plus shipping. Ad #615756. Usual disclaimers apply, yada yada. Joe W4AAB __ AMRadio mailing list List Rules (must read!):

Re: [AMRadio] Conditioner

2007-09-01 Thread crawfish
It is called Fedrin. Make sure you have plenty of ventilation. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "WE0H" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2007 3:50 PM Su

Re: [AMRadio] NIB 872's

2007-08-31 Thread crawfish
I have a few 872A's. Contact me off-list!! Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "ronnie.hull" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 12:31 PM Subject: RE: [AMRadio] NIB 87

Re: [AMRadio] Small(est) rigs with 6146 final

2007-08-28 Thread crawfish
I have a parted-out HT-37 that had dual 6146's. But it is( or was) too big for mobile use :-). Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "Greg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Pete Ferrand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" ; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, August

[AMRadio] DX-100 FS NW OH

2007-08-26 Thread crawfish
N8LKA has a DX-100 for sale for $225. on Ad #612570. Joe W4AAB __ AMRadio mailing list List Rules (must read!): List Home:

[AMRadio] 20V-3 FS in SW Virginia

2007-08-26 Thread crawfish
WA3BNM has a 20V-3 for sale for $750.00 on #614661. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ AMRadio mailing list List Rules (must read!): Lis

Re: [AMRadio] Ashtabula Bill, 814 tube, Huntsville Hamfest

2007-08-16 Thread crawfish
I will see you there, Don!! Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "D. Chester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 5:08 PM Subject: [AMRadio] Ashtabula Bill, 814 tube, Huntsville Hamfest > I worked Bill just a few days ago on 729

[AMRadio] Viking Valiant II FS Ithaca, NY

2007-08-09 Thread crawfish
W6XR/2 has an Valiant II for sale for $375. pickup or he will will deliver within 100 mile sof Ithaca, NY. QTH listing #605297. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ A

Re: [AMRadio] Spanish

2007-08-06 Thread crawfish
That is si habla espanol, gringo!!:-) Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "Peter Markavage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 1:31 PM Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Spanish > I was hoping you were here! > Pete, wa2cwa > (se hab

Re: [AMRadio] would like to build a little homebrew project

2007-08-01 Thread crawfish
gt; ARC-5. I suspect that this transmitter may have been > built from a handbook article, but I don't have a HB > that old. > > Any thoughts? > > Mike /kz5m > > > --- crawfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I just received a copy of the 12th Radio >

Re: [AMRadio] would like to build a little homebrew project

2007-07-31 Thread crawfish
I just received a copy of the 12th Radio handbook(1949). After WWII, 160m was given to LORAN for the most part, and you had to go to the pre-war Radio Handbooks to find amps for 160m.In recent days on this reflector, use of 4-65's were discussed. A 200 watt input amp using a 4-65 modulated by a pai

[AMRadio] TU-5-B Tuning Unit FS

2007-07-27 Thread crawfish
K2JX has one listed on QTH(ad #609222) for $20. plus shipping. I have one that I am trying to decide what to do with it(make a VFO or exciter). __ AMRadio mailing list List Rules (must read!): List Home:

[AMRadio] 6m Gonset Comm III FS

2007-07-25 Thread crawfish
KB3JUH has one for $60. on QTH. It is the ivory colored case, not the Civil Defense yellow . He has 50.4 crystal plus crystals in 51 mHz range, mike, etc.Usual disclaimers. Joe W4AAB __ A

Re: [AMRadio] I wonder?

2007-07-25 Thread crawfish
I have it on ARRL CD. What do you need? Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "Jim Wilhite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 8:27 PM Subject: [AMRadio] I wonder? > Does anyone have a copy of the August 1957 issue

[AMRadio] BC-610's FS in Albany, N.Y.

2007-07-25 Thread crawfish Ad #608842 by WB2GCR. He references a listing on amfone. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ AMRadio mailing list List Rules (must read!): List H

Re: [AMRadio] Boatanchor Transmitter FS in Salem, OR

2007-07-23 Thread crawfish
I just turned 54, and have been in ham radio 35 years. Since moving here to the hills of TN 17 years ago, I finally have enough room to put many boatanchors to use.Still building on big power on AM, while working on SMT stuff as a tech in the telecommunications field.

Re: [AMRadio] Boatanchor Transmitter FS in Salem, OR

2007-07-21 Thread crawfish
s offered it for from the fellow that has had it for a very long > time in his barn. The guy that bought it a couple of months ago now wants > 2.5 times what he probably paid for it and he hasn't even taken the time to > check it out!~~!!! Van > - Original Message - > Fr

[AMRadio] Re: Boatanchor Transmitter

2007-07-21 Thread crawfish
If I knew where the transmitter came from and if it had been kept in the dry, that would be OK. I know too well about the vultures in ham radio. I have helped sell some estate sales, and I always ask the executors of the estate what THEY want for the equipment. I have been fortunate to get most

Re: [AMRadio] Boatanchor Transmitter FS in Salem, OR

2007-07-21 Thread crawfish
when it was for sale for $200 a couple months ago and > chose not to buy it. It hasn't been fired up in years! It may be ok but I > certainly would insist that it be checked before buying at that price! > > Van, K7VS > - Original Message - > From: "crawfish&

[AMRadio] Boatanchor Transmitter FS in Salem, OR

2007-07-21 Thread crawfish
KB7NRN has a rack-mounted transmitter listed on with a pair of 813's modulated by a pair of 811's. Ad #608165. He wants $500. for it.Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ A

Re: [AMRadio] Re: [amham] Bud FCC 90A

2007-07-19 Thread crawfish
117L7 in mine. I don't have a schematic, but could trace one out. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "David Hollander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007

[AMRadio] Boatanchors FS in Vermont

2007-07-16 Thread crawfish
N2IDU has an ad on (#607368) listing several BA's for sale in Vermont. Pick-up only!! Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ AMRadio mailing list List Rules (must read

Re: [AMRadio] Tubing

2007-07-09 Thread crawfish
Brake line (automotive shops should have this). Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "Rick Brashear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service'" Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 8:51 PM Subject:

Re: [AMRadio] Tube Carton

2007-07-02 Thread crawfish
I believe Antique Electronic Supply has Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "uvcm inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service'" Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 10:36 AM Subje

[AMRadio] K2QQF Ad (Over 4000 Tubes, Crystal Radio Parts, Homebrew Stuff) In New Jersey

2007-06-25 Thread crawfish Ad #603704. Location is Egg Harbor City, N.J. I would hate to see the stuff sent to trash. Usual disclaimers apply. Sounds like a homebrewer's paradise of parts. Joe W4AAB ___

[AMRadio] Viking II Parts Available

2007-06-23 Thread crawfish
Jim, N6FO, has an ad on where he says he has lots of Johson Viking II parts for sale. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ AMRadio maili

[AMRadio] Fw: DX-100 Parts FS

2007-06-23 Thread crawfish
Check out W8CQ's ad in QTH (#603291). Look like he has plenty of DX-100 parts for sale. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ AMRadio mailing list List Rules (must read!): h

Re: [AMRadio] Re: 500 Kc (was Re: 450T amp)

2007-06-14 Thread crawfish
I worked on some old AM radios with 470 kHz IF's. Everything today is 455 or in cars, 262.5 kHz. It is nice when people standardize things. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "Rick Brashear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'

Re: [AMRadio] Re: 500 Kc (was Re: 450T amp)

2007-06-14 Thread crawfish
I bought some crystals not long ago, and I think I have 465. I remember some radios had IF's at 465 and 470. Of course, car AM radios are standard at 262.5 kHz.Our county did have GZS at the local airport on 375, but it is not running anymore. I have a crystal for that, too.Maybe I should see what

Re: [AMRadio] 500 Kc (was Re: 450T amp)

2007-06-13 Thread crawfish
You would interfere with all the AM radios in the neighborhood by getting into their IF's :-). One must NEVER interfere with Swap and Shop on AM stations under chance of being killed by irate housewives!! Joe W4AAB(with a crystal

Re: [AMRadio] 450T amp

2007-06-11 Thread crawfish
I need a schematic of an amp using a single 450TL. I have only one, and need to use it for something other than a lamp :-). Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "Geoff/W5OMR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Discussion of AM Radio" S

[AMRadio] FS:Two BIG Plate Transformers

2007-06-11 Thread crawfish
K2LNU has two plate transformers. Both are 105 VACinput, 6200 vac output at 2 kVa. $50.00 for the pair. He is in Clarence, NY just east of Buffalo. Reference QTH ad #601460. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __

Re: [AMRadio] WTD - AN/URM-25

2007-06-09 Thread crawfish
No, but I dohave a TS-497 and a URM-81 excess to my needs. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "rbethman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "AM Radio" Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 3:17 PM Subject: [AMRadio] WTD

[AMRadio] Gonset 6m CD(Yellow) Radio FS

2007-06-07 Thread crawfish
Mark, WN3CDW, has one for $50. plus shipping on Ad#600628. I am only the messendger. Usual disclaimers apply. Joe W4AAB __ AMRadio mailing list List Rules (must re

Re: [AMRadio] 20 Meter AM Lives

2007-06-01 Thread crawfish
Was this on 14.286? It would be nice to have another 20m frequency in the Extra/Advanced area. Joe W4AAB - Original Message - From: "Mike Duke, K5XU" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Discussion of AM Radio" Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 9:25 PM Sub

Re: [AMRadio] BC-250-T Free in Oregon

2007-06-01 Thread crawfish
e 01, 2007 2:52 PM Subject: [AMRadio] BC-250-T Free in Oregon > Please contact Joe, W4AAB, NOT ME!! > > -Original Message- > From: crawfish <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 12:44 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: GB> BC-250-T

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