Re: [android-developers] sqlite3 on Android

2010-12-09 Thread Michael MacDonald
The initial cursor position is before the first row. You have to moveToNext() or moveToFirst( before you get any data out of the cursor. On 12/09/10 01:36, kypriakos wrote: I have the following code that accesses data on a database residing in /data/data/app name/databases (I copy my

Re: [android-developers] AppsLib (Archos store) is not legit?

2010-11-10 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 11/09/10 16:51, wrote: Hello, What do you all know about AppsLib? I know they were a small startup store who partnered with Archos to provide them with an app store on their devices. Recently we found that they are distributing pirated software,

Re: [android-developers] Java and Android phones?

2010-10-30 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 10/29/10 23:07, kypriakos wrote: Hi all, some Android phones do not have Java installed on them - that's what their specs list. What does that mean? Isn't every app written for an Android phone developed for a java runtime? What do these phone lack? Thanks Java support in this

Re: [android-developers] Class Object and Messenger/Bundle

2010-10-12 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 10/11/10 17:23, Jim Cortez wrote: Hello all, I am trying to send a Class object using the android.os.Messenger capabilities. The Bundle class does not have methods for adding a Class object and the Class object is not parcelable. Has anyone done this before? Are there any ideas on how

Re: [android-developers] Re: Amazon android market. Anyone take the offer?

2010-10-05 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 10/04/10 22:14, Maps.Huge.Info (Maps API Guru) wrote: I got the e-mail and read the terms. I decided to stick with the Android market and forget this one. I think it's going to be a dud. Then again, what do I know? -John Coryat I got the e-mail but did not agree to the NDA. I would

Re: [android-developers] Re: Passing arguments to JSON c# .net web service

2010-09-28 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 09/28/10 08:58, titleist wrote: I noticed that whenever httpPost is called, the exception is thrown: // Compiled from (version 1.5 : 49.0, super bit) public final class dalvik.system.DexFile { // Method descriptor #8 (Ljava/io/File;)V // Stack: 3, Locals: 2 public

Re: [android-developers] MS Exchange API

2010-09-23 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 09/20/10 23:18, mukgup wrote: Hello All, I am looking to make an application in which I have to read Email's from MS Exchange server. I tried to search on API's provided by Android 2.2 to do so but no luck yet. Is it possible to do so. Is android gave open APIs to read and reply email

Re: [android-developers] How to get android version programmtically

2010-09-16 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 09/16/10 00:48, Jiang wrote: Hello, guyes. I need to get android version programmtically dynamically when my application is running on device. I tried android.os.Build.Version, but it doesn't exist in Android sdk 1.6. How to get android version? Thanks. Jiang

Re: [android-developers] Google TV applications

2010-09-04 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 09/04/10 08:55, ben wrote: I've seen a few preview videos of Google TV pop up on the internet. I noticed they contained several apps such as GameTime and the Weather Channel. I was wondering how this is possible since there's no API yet and no announcement of one from Google. It's going

Re: [android-developers] Lost my keystore, loads of Apps, what to do?

2010-09-03 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 09/03/10 05:31, Droid wrote: WIndows did a system restore on a crash boot-up, guess what? yes, my keystore has gone now - for ever. I should have backed it up. But The problem is I have 20 Apps that I cannot now update in the Market as it will not accept a new key signing. Can

Re: [android-developers] ListView ClassCastException

2010-08-30 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 08/30/10 06:59, Alok Kulkarni wrote: Hi all,in my application I have a class as: 1. public class TouchInterceptor extends ListView and my main activity class as: 1. public class GUIEngine extends Activity in this class i initialize my ListView variable as: 1.

Re: [android-developers] Re: Bug in Android 2.2 with move to sdcard home screen shortcuts?

2010-08-27 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 08/27/10 22:42, Doug wrote: I'll follow up with extra info by pointing out that the string array extra also gets wiped when the device is rebooted. Both N1 and Droid. And I'm told by a user that apparently this was a problem in Android 2.1 as well. I noticed the same problem with

Re: [android-developers] Re: Android Market Licensing: Now Available!

2010-08-25 Thread Michael MacDonald
Encrypting the .apk is like forward-locking; it is easily defeated on rooted phones. On 08/25/10 13:33, keyeslabs wrote: That's not what I was picturing. Isn't there some way that we could do both? Apps downloaded from market could be encrypted and only decrypted by the OS when used (in

Re: [android-developers] Object Relational Mapping --- Tiny ORM on GitWeb

2010-07-20 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 07/20/10 15:09, Michael Angerman wrote: Is this project Tiny ORM written by Shawn O. Pearce going to be equivalent to Hibernate in Java ActiveRecord in Ruby Doctrine in PHP;a=summary Does any one know if Google is working on an ORM for

Re: [android-developers] Re: Android market hiding apps with bluetooth permissions from Android 1.5 and 1.6

2010-07-13 Thread Michael MacDonald
Seems like a work-around for that would be to have a base app that only requests the base permissions, and have it on-demand install an optional add-on that requests the additional permissions. The base app calls into the add-on to do the additional functionality. On 07/13/10 15:17, Jonas

Re: [android-developers] how do I create an executable file from a working android project with eclipse?

2010-07-07 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 07/07/10 10:52, gabri wrote: I've been trying to export it to a jar file but as there is no main method in my app this doesen't work. Can someone tell me how to create this executable? the executable is tu run the emulator and app both in computer not at phone!! Android apps will only

Re: [android-developers] double tap zoom on Google maps

2010-07-07 Thread Michael MacDonald
Maybe the problem is you are not forwarding touch events to the GestureDetector I would expect to see something like @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent evt) { return detector.onTouchEvent(evt); } On 07/06/10 21:07, zeeshan mirza wrote: Here is my own code

Re: [android-developers] Terminal Server access from an Android Tablet PC

2010-07-04 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 07/02/10 16:26, Peter Ciank wrote: Dear People, very soon, I have to implement for my users something smaller than a notebook. I've been searching and researching and I found iPad and other Tablets with Android. I'm very interested in Android because, I think, it's more flexible but one

Re: [android-developers] Slow Eclipse on OS X

2010-06-12 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 06/12/10 17:22, Bill Lumberg wrote: I am running Eclipse Galileo on an Intel Mac and after using it for a bit, it becomes very slow. By slow I mean switching between tabs and scrolling through source becomes nearly unusable. I have to close Eclipse and re-open it, and that usually only

Re: [android-developers] Froyo-Problem: Calendar access

2010-05-25 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 05/25/10 03:34, Andreas Streim wrote: Hi everybody, my app uses the internal calendar via the not officially, but in some articles on the web mentioned methods. So I have some lines to read all available calendars: String[] projection = new String[] { _id, displayName }; Uri calendars =

Re: [android-developers] Re: Froyo-Problem: Calendar access

2010-05-25 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 05/25/10 15:31, andreas wrote: Hi, Tell me if I am wrong, but Google tells us, there is a content provider for calendar: There you can read: Similarly, the URIs for the table of recent phone calls and the

Re: [android-developers] An SDK without Java

2010-05-24 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 05/20/10 11:44, Matt Joyce wrote: Are there any plans to produce an SDK that's Java free? I'd really like to develop for my phone, but the current SDK prevents me from doing so in good conscience. I am curious if I should just write my apps for another platform or if I should hold out for

Re: [android-developers] Re: Get file path from asset

2010-04-16 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 04/15/10 11:17, Ne0 wrote: Thanks, I hadn't, but i have now and it did not work. pdg was a typo i meant. .. Uri path = Uri.fromFile(new File(assets/UserGuide.pdf); .. Any other suggestions? I don't think other apps can access assets that are part of your .apk directly--you might

Re: [android-developers] Re: any lawyer types out there that can get this site down?

2010-04-08 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 04/08/10 08:23, Bob Kerns wrote: HOWEVER -- as a developer, I can find no way to list my paid app on their site. This makes me very suspicious. Are the developers getting paid, or are these pirates? 100% pirates -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: [android-developers] Re: Eclipse setup - how can I run the Email app from the plattform source

2010-04-07 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 04/07/10 09:19, Brill Pappin wrote: If your rewriting the email app, I'd be willing to help... coming from the iPhone, I'm not all that impressed with it on the Android and would like a better alternative. - Brill On Apr 6, 9:17 pm, patbenatar wrote: The K9 mail

Re: [android-developers] Android market - limited distribution

2010-03-30 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 03/29/10 13:42, Mark Murphy wrote: ole! wrote: Hi All: We have an app that needs to be distributed to a large but limited audience. We are doing this through our own web site. Now that ATT will not allow any downloads to the Flip except through the Android market, we need to have

Re: [android-developers] Brand New Troubles Building on Mac OSX

2010-03-18 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 03/18/10 11:11, Brion Emde wrote: I just got a new computer, a Mac-mini, and I'm working on getting my Android development going on the new machine. I'm migrating from Vista, where my application currently runs correctly. It does not build correctly on OSX. I can create a new project, like

Re: [android-developers] ORM tool for ANDROID Applications

2010-03-16 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 03/15/10 18:19, Hari wrote: Hi, I am new to ANDROID application development. I am in the process of learning ANDROID framework and trying to understand the examples. I noticed that the data manipulation was using native SQL. Is there a ORM tool for ANDROID framework? (Like, Hibernate for

Re: [android-developers] Re: phone-as-client Socket connections time out in 3GS mode, but work fine in wifi

2010-03-15 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 03/14/10 21:03, Samsyn wrote: I wonder if this could be a Verizon thing. What strikes me as odd is that the UrlConnection works fine, and that must also be using tcp, so is fundamentally the same as my subsequent Socket connection, which fails. The differences are: * different server..

Re: [android-developers] High Level Wrapper for SQL-Lite

2010-03-09 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 03/09/10 02:00, Pali Gill wrote: Hello All, I am developing an Android Application for which i would be using a high level SQL-Lite Wrapper. Can anyone suggest me a high level wrapper for SQL Lite Thanks a lot Pali Gill. You might consider sqlitegen, a lightweight ORM-type code

Re: [android-developers] Android NDK installation on windows?

2010-03-05 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 03/05/10 10:06, Abhi wrote: Hi, I am trying to install and run Android NDK on my windows xp machine. I am new to NDK and looking for some help in understanding the installation process. I have downloaded cygwin and GNU Make 3.81 but running the build command results in a

Re: [android-developers] Eclipse is too slow

2010-02-23 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 02/22/10 07:55, Ferm wrote: Hello I just installed the latest version of Eclipse IDE for Java Developers together with the ADT plugin on my Mac (2.8 GHz, 4 GB Ram). - Opening new files from the package explorer. For example, opening a layout xml file takes 1-2sec- And the mouse pointer

Re: [android-developers] Re: Variable values just get lost!??!?

2010-02-08 Thread Michael MacDonald
On 02/08/10 10:30, Streets Of Boston wrote: Did you check if you service is being destroyed (onDestroy) or being killed (entire service process is being killed by Android) and re- created later at points in your code that are unexpected? Put break-points in your service's onCreate, onDestroy

Re: [android-developers] Re: APK not visible in market for HTC Tattoo Android Phone ?

2010-02-02 Thread Michael MacDonald
Pablo Szyrko wrote: Hi, I'm having the same issue. Is it needed any additional configuration? thanks in advance, Pablo On 7 ene, 13:25, Mark Wyszomierski wrote: Hi, I'm trying to verify this - my app has the following in its manifest: supports-screens

Re: [android-developers] StackOverflow, Threads and Stack Sizes

2010-02-02 Thread Michael MacDonald
Rich wrote: Hello! I've been looking around trying to find a definitive answer on this with no success, perhaps you guys can give me something concrete? Also, it doesn't help that Android dev has teamed up with the StackOverflow website, as it means that any questions relating to ACTUAL

Re: [android-developers] what kind of Java in Android

2009-12-11 Thread Michael MacDonald
The android.jar that you build against only contains stubs of the public API functions. Private functions that are part of the implementation aren't there, although they are part of the runtime system that gets installed on the phone. EricWang wrote: When I debug a program on Android, the debug

Re: [android-developers] Re: Emulator on Linux 10 times slower than on Windows

2009-12-07 Thread Michael MacDonald
I've had bad Linux/hardware interactions with the emulator from audio. The emulator AFAIK uses the SDL audio libraries. Try starting the emulator from the command line with the -noaudio flag and see if that works better. wrote: To answer your questions: I was

Re: [android-developers] Re: Can anyone tell me ONE app that shows up in Android Market on HTC Tattoo

2009-12-01 Thread Michael MacDonald
Is this right? The documentation clearly says that supports-screens is a child of manifest. Justin (Google Employee) wrote: The issue is that your manifest file structure is incorrect. supports- screens should be a child of uses-sdk. Does the SDK throw a compile- time warning? We should

Re: [android-developers] Re: Android in China - What is going on?

2009-11-30 Thread Michael MacDonald
Although there is probably _someone_ at Google China who is responsible for liaison with the Chinese government and so would be concerned with any filtering being done of Android, you're not going to find them here, nor are you going to find anyone who knows who they are. Your best bet is

Re: [android-developers] ADC2 Judging App FC

2009-11-07 Thread Michael MacDonald
Happening to me as well-- Regular T-Mobile G1 Marc Lester Tan wrote: Yup happens to me too, download doesn't work and FCs when installed manually. Argh On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 1:37 AM, dadical wrote: Is anyone else seeing problems with the ADC2 judging app throwing a

[android-developers] Re: Preferred way to support multiple Android OS Versions?

2009-10-28 Thread Michael MacDonald
I don't think this is as hard as you think. You don't need to have multiple versions of the application. If you want to support different resolutions, just change (or add) the targetSdkVersion attribute in your Android manifest to 4 (which is 1.6). If you don't change the minSdkVersion, it

[android-developers] Re: JNI problem : from c Languege call Java method

2009-10-15 Thread Michael MacDonald
The method you are calling is not static, but you are not calling it with an instance object. You are calling it with the class object instead. Probably you want to make the method you are calling static. zhangho wrote: JNI problem : from c Languege call Java i think from c Languege call

[android-developers] Re: OpenGL 2D Game Framework

2009-09-18 Thread Michael MacDonald
I was thinking of doing something similar, but now I won't have to. I'll look at the code. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Android Developers group. To post to this group, send email to

[android-developers] Re: How to Run J2SE Code on Android

2009-08-05 Thread Michael MacDonald
Watermarker wrote: What about If I want to use some of my own build very simple library. How I can export it and use it on android platform. You can make any library you want part of your application, provided that the library only uses the Android APIs. Just include the library in the

[android-developers] Re: build JNI C code fail ???

2009-04-27 Thread Michael MacDonald
Keroro wrote: You need to supply variable names for all your function parameters, not just jinit j. Why build error? build and Error Message: ../mydroid$ make libmax target thumb C: libmax = development/max/max.c development/max/max.c: In function 'Java_testdll_set':

[android-developers] Re: What's the proper way to share data between lite and pro versions of the same app?

2009-04-27 Thread Michael MacDonald
You have to specify the full path when opening the SQL database, instead of using the helper that derives it from the context. Just Checking wrote: I tried that, and it didn't seem to work. In both manifests, I specified: android:sharedUserId=org.mydomain.projectname But no luck. From the

[android-developers] Re: Parsing #xx; characters in XML

2009-04-27 Thread Michael MacDonald
The entity is another node. You have to get the next node (the entity) and append it to the value from the previous node, and then add any ensuing nodes in the value (characters or entities) Marcus wrote: I have the same problem. I'm using the org.w3c.dom namespace for reading and parsing

[android-developers] Re: How do i save a (large) edited JPEG with full 24bit colordepth without getting OutOfMemoryErrors?

2009-04-20 Thread Michael MacDonald
I don't think there is much to help you do this kind of processing on a whole large image at once within the phone on the current SDK. I think you might have to read a part of the image, process it, and write it out filter style, implementing all the image compression/decompression yourself. Or

[android-developers] Re: *** Why 1 G1 can see Paid Apps in the Android Market and Another Not? ***

2009-03-31 Thread Michael MacDonald
Developer phones can't see paid apps in the market.  This is because the root access available on the developer phones breaks the Market copy-protection model. The Market copy-protection model ignores that there are many consumer phones that have been rooted... Eric Schott wrote: I have

[android-developers] Re: *** Why 1 G1 can see Paid Apps in the Android Market and Another Not? ***

2009-03-31 Thread Michael MacDonald
Michael MacDonald wrote: Sorry - meant to say that developer phones can't see copy-protected apps in the market. Developer phones can't see paid apps in the market. This is because the root access available on the developer phones breaks the Market copy-protection model. The Market copy

[android-developers] Re: Access the environment variable in java layer

2009-03-27 Thread Michael MacDonald
Environment variables will only be visible in processes descending from the process that sets them. Since the app processes in android aren't spawned from your daemon, you won't be able to see the environment variables there. Charles Lu wrote: Hi, I wish to get the environment variable

[android-developers] Re: Optimizing very big switch?

2009-03-26 Thread Michael MacDonald
Switch statements generally compile to very efficient code. You might change it to something table driven, with an array of options, and it might be easier to maintain that way; but for speed of execution a switch statement will work very well. HotHeart wrote: I have switch with 255 cases in

[android-developers] Re: How to track memory consumption? (Bitmaps)

2009-03-26 Thread Michael MacDonald
AFAIK, bitmaps *are* created outside the Java heap, and there is a limit of 16MB imposed on the *sum* of the Java heap and the total of the allocated bitmaps. I don't know what you can look at to tell exactly how big the bitmap is, but I think they are essentially the size you think they would

[android-developers] Re: Could I release a new version of an app under a new name and port existing users for free?

2009-03-19 Thread Michael MacDonald
Google does not have the private key which you would need to sign new apps. Moral of the story: Make sure your keystore is backed up off-site *before* you publish an app (If nothing else you can mail it to your web mail account as an attachment) Avraham Serour wrote: couldn't you ask google

[android-developers] Re: Black areas during alpha animation on transparent PNGs.. Help !

2009-03-18 Thread Michael MacDonald
I think the system might be assuming the ImageView is opaque and so not drawing what's behind it. Try using a custom Drawable in the image view and return the correct value from getOpacity() quakeboy wrote: I am currently at the verge of releasing a game for android. While creating menu view

[android-developers] Re: How to move file from sdcard to private location

2009-03-18 Thread Michael MacDonald
Rename won't work because they are on different file system. You'll have to physically copy from one to the other. wrote: I want to move some files from sdcard to /data/data/myapp/files folder, I can use OpenInputFile and OpenOutputFile and write to it, then delete the

[android-developers] Re: Support from Developers

2009-03-15 Thread Michael MacDonald
There are already ways to release apps without releasing them to the Market, if they aren't ready for the market. You can just put them up on a website, for example. Alexander wrote: I have been in discussion with a few devs not quite content with the ratings/feedback system currently in

[android-developers] Re: Problem reading file

2009-02-12 Thread Michael MacDonald
Actually, it can read fine to toCharArray, since that just returns a char array. However, since you were basing it off an empty string, the array length was 0, and so it wasn't reading any bytes :) David wrote: I found the problem. An InputStreamReader will not read() to a

[android-developers] Re: How to lock down device?

2009-02-10 Thread Michael MacDonald
Won't removing the SIM lock it down with respect to text messages and incoming calls? marchinram wrote: Hello, I am developing for an event marketing company that wishes to have event staff use the device with android at events and capture data from people with an app I'm gonna write. What

[android-developers] Re: Serialization problem with objects, when using ksoap

2009-02-03 Thread Michael MacDonald
Maybe it's as simple as PAT_DETAILS is not implementing sooraj.rit wrote: Hi i want to implement a webmethod to search some data and I have done it well in . Now i want to access that method from android . The real problem I am facing is that, I have to use a

[android-developers] Re: Retrieve a database from the network

2009-01-27 Thread Michael MacDonald
static SQLiteDatabase SQLiteDatabase openOrCreateDatabase comes in flavors that take a or a String path Billy Bob wrote: Hello, I'd like to use an existing sqlite3 database created outside of the phone, on a computer reachable by Wifi. I know how to download the file using

[android-developers] Re: How can I detect if the user has started my app again?

2009-01-20 Thread Michael MacDonald
You might look into onNewIntent() -- called when an activity is resumed because of a new intent balachmar wrote: Well, I thought so too! But onResume() is called both when the menu disappears and when the user open the program again by clicking on the icon. Same goes for onRestart().

[android-developers] Re: static member data issue in arm-eabi-ld

2009-01-15 Thread Michael MacDonald
This is a problem with your c++ program, not with android. m is declared but not defined. You need to add int c::m; to your source file. simon wrote: hi all, i'm trying to compile simple native application under Android platform and got problem with linker (looks like linker or linker

[android-developers] Re: Large amounts of data and app responsiveness

2009-01-13 Thread Michael MacDonald
, just using post didn't help, but I think using post() would be better to use if I was able to check the status of the message queue (empty or not). On Jan 13, 2:59am, Michael MacDonald wrote: Try not posting a runnable on the receiving thread if one is already

[android-developers] Re: setTextFilterEnabled(true) and onKeyDown

2009-01-13 Thread Michael MacDonald
AFAIK-- onKeyDown will be called first. Only if it does not consume the event (only if it returns false) does the filter processing happen. Mike Wei wrote: 1. write a activity extends ListAcitivity. set a ResourceCursorAdapter. 2. set getListView().setTextFilterEnabled(). 3. write

[android-developers] Re: Large amounts of data and app responsiveness

2009-01-12 Thread Michael MacDonald
Try not posting a runnable on the receiving thread if one is already queued? Al wrote: Hi all, in my irc app, I'm trying to improve the responsiveness when it has to deal with a lot of data at a single time. At the moment, once the data is append()-ed to the textview, I post a delayed

[android-developers] Re: Secrity with SlideMe

2009-01-07 Thread Michael MacDonald
I believe applications are written to a directory on the phone that is not visible to normal users (via unix permissions). If you have a developer phone (which gives you root access) you could access it. I think that's oneof the reasons Android Market is not available on the developer phones. I