hi all,
i am creating an application, in this i want to use a Servlet which
performs certain action suppose from android client i am passing a
Registration form and then form data will go to the server and then
server gives response to the android client.
i don't have much experience with HttpCli
Hi all,
I am having a scenario like i have a procedure in my application for
encrypting files and i have to call or initiate the procedure from a
Remote server, so in a generic way i want to do Remote administration
in Android, can someone please give me an idea about it, how it can be
done in and
Hi all,
i have an encryption application, i need to show the progress bar
while encrypting files. i am confused how to use AsyncTask class to
create a progress dialog inside my application?
In encryption method i am having an arraylist containing set of files
to encypt with a Passphrase, in this
Hi all,
I have written a File Encryption application for android, i am using
AES 256 bit encryption, encryption process is working good, but while
decrypting the files program giving exception as
javax.crypto.BadPaddingException : Pad block corrupted.
i am not able to understand why this excepti
> Mukesh
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 10:26 AM, chander wrote:
>> hi all,
>> I am making an application in which i have a scenario like if user
>> enters a wrong passphrase or password more than specified no. of times
>> then Phone should be locked.
hi all,
I am making an application in which i have a scenario like if user
enters a wrong passphrase or password more than specified no. of times
then Phone should be locked. so what will be the best solution for
doing this?
I need your suggestions as well as some information regarding Screen
Hi all,
I am making an File encryption application, in this while decrypting
multiple selected files my program giving java.io.IOException Pad
Block Corrupted exception.
and on the other part if i am selecting a single file then decryption
algorithm works great.
Please suggest me the way how i
Try using http instead of https. may be it will work.
On 1/17/12, Starter trouble wrote:
> All efforts in vain.
> Win 7, R16.exe
> Panda AV(disabled)
> Avira AV(disabled)
> Firewall Disabled
> Uninstalled and reinstalled SDK
> SDK Manager -> Run as administrator
> Checked and Unchecked F
Hi all,
I am making a File encryption application,i am using AES encryption
for doing this. In this, i listed all files stored on the SD card and
then i gave a checkbox infront of files.
1- User can select multiple files and on clicking ENCRYPT, these files
will be encrypted in ".enc" format, i a
i think it wil take 1-2 Hours.
Thanks a lot again.
On 1/13/12, Mark Murphy wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Chander mourya
> wrote:
>> Thanks Murphy, yes i have to run commands and run the charging to 100%
>> , i am trying to find out the details how it can be don
AM, chander wrote:
>> Android 4.0 brings the encryption feature of android 3.0 devices to
>> mobile phones. i want to try "ENCRYPT PHONE"
>> feature of android 4.0 but i don't have a physical device, can is it
>> possible to do it with Android Emulator?
hi all,
Android 4.0 brings the encryption feature of android 3.0 devices to
mobile phones. i want to try "ENCRYPT PHONE"
feature of android 4.0 but i don't have a physical device, can is it
possible to do it with Android Emulator?
or i want to ask that if i want to encrypt Phone contacts then wil
Hello mukesh, thanks a lot, i will try the same procedure as you described
On 1/11/12, Mukesh Srivastav wrote:
> Hi Chander,
> I wish if i could help with the whole source. The problem is the design.
> let me tell you the real approach.
> 1. create a model
Hi all,
In my application, i created a custom file adapter and i am using
ListView with checkboxes, upto this point everything working great.
But now i have to take the values of Checked listView items in an
Array list. In my list view, i am listing Files present on the SD card
so i have to take F
> in onCreate bind the Adapter with your list.
> listAdapter = new MusicArrayAdapter(this, musicList);
> mainListView.setAdapter(listAdapter);
> Warm Regards,
> *Mukesh Kumar*,
> Android Consultant/Freelancer,
> India,Hyderabad
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at
hi all,
I am creating an application in which i used a List view to list all
files present in SD card, but for some purpose i need to make ListView
checkable or selectable by user.
i created my own Array adapter of Files, i tried getChoiceMode
property as Multiselection but its not working. can so
Hi all,
i am doing encryption by using fileinput and fileoutputstreams, i am
able to encrypt one file and write the encrypted contents to second
but now i want to change it, encryption will be done on a single file
no second file will be created.
so i changed the FileInputStream and FileOutpu
Thanks nikolay
On 1/3/12, Nikolay Elenkov wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 11:49 PM, chander wrote:
>> please explain me in brief so that i can save my key inside this
>> KeyStore and if possible give me some links and resources also. so
>> that i can move
hi all,
i made a file encryption program, it encrypts a file using AES
algorithm by using a secret key of 256 bits,but now my objective is to
store this encryption key inside Java key store provided by JCE.
but i have no idea about Key Store, please first explain me by using
this key store how thi
Hi, Happy new year to all..
I am writing a code for simple navigation between different pages in
android application. I created a Button and then on Click event i am
setting my ContentView. i have written same code for 2 buttons working
fine. but when i am writing click event for 3rd button an
Thanks a lot nikolay, it worked when i used rawkey...
Thanks again.
On 12/27/11, Chander mourya wrote:
> Thanks nikoley,
> i implemented DES algorithm to encrypt a String it worked fine in that
> but while encrypting a file i have to ask user an Encryption key so at
if possible can you edit this text by using a raw key?
Thanks a lot.
On 12/27/11, Nikolay Elenkov wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 3:11 PM, chander wrote:
>> Exception is : java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException :
>> SecretKeyFactory AES implementation not found.
No that is not weird i edited my message.will i give you the Logcat
On 12/27/11, Nikolay Elenkov wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 3:03 PM, chander wrote:
>> hi all,
>> i am trying the File encryption using AES on android but there is a
>> weird excep
Hi all,
I am trying the AES file encryption on android, but at the runtime it
is giving one Exception,i am not able to find out any solution for
My code for encryption is :
i have already initialized the file as
File file = new File("/mnt/sdcard/a.txt");
public void encrypt(File file,Stri
hi all,
i am trying the File encryption using AES on android but there is a
weird exception occured everytime,i am not able to find out the
solution for this exception.
my code for encryption is:
public void encrypt(File file,String aesKey) throws Exception
n 12/21/11, Nikolay Elenkov wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 2:10 PM, Chander mourya
> wrote:
>> Thanks Nikolay, but there is one more question arises like it only
>> encrypts the phone storage,suppose if i want to Encrypt files on my SD
>> Card also then what is the best way
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 5:01 PM, chander wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to know about Encryption features of android like "ENCRYPT
>> PHONE" Feature so i want to know about what encryption algorithm and
>> bit support android has? and what ar
Hi all,
I want to know about Encryption features of android like "ENCRYPT
PHONE" Feature so i want to know about what encryption algorithm and
bit support android has? and what are the capabilities it can do like
how we can encrypt
1- Phonebook entries
2- Files stored on the sd card
I need compl
Hi all,
I am trying to modify the save event of a contact application. I
downloaded the souce code and copied the Contacts and ContactsProvider
in my Eclipse.
But there is some dependency on "import
com.android.common.content.SyncStateContentProviderHelper" package
this dependency cannot be resolve
; an enciphered form could be a novel approach to using J.C.E. to
> enhance Android Security Model
> there is an Android Security group that is informed for the crypto
> stuff but for a place to start I suggest
> http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/security/security.html
Hi I need to encrypt my android phone contacts while saving a contact
in android form i want to encrypt it using any encryption algorithm
with the help of Java Cryptography extensions.
can i embed my encryption algorithm like DES or any algorithm in
phonebook contacts while saving them to my androi
Hi all,
I have to setup VPN client and server on android,what are the steps to
create this in my source code.
please tell me the procedure so that i can develop my own client and
server to communicate through VPN.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goog
Hello all,
I am using ndk-build command to build my native C code,i am using
windows xp and i am having android-ndk-r6b development kit.
i tried this command many times,my environment variables path already
set with android ndk path.but this command not working.
i am not able to understand whats
Following steps solved the issue:
1. Uninstalled the 0.9.x plugin
2. Removed the Maven plugin for Android which was still pointing to
0.9.x plugin.
3. Install the latest. Works fine !!!
On Dec 7, 10:04 am, Chander Pechetty wrote:
> I will just install on a fresh instance, sho
I will just install on a fresh instance, should most likely fix the
problem... no big deal !!! must be some dependency.
cannot wait to try all the cool stuff.
On Dec 7, 9:58 am, Chander Pechetty wrote:
> I can select all of them. On pressing "Next" I get the opera
so an update will
be performed instead.
and the next button is disabled, so i cannot proceed further.
On Dec 7, 9:48 am, Xavier Ducrohet wrote:
> I'm not sure why it wouldn't let you install DDMS/ADT unless you're
> missing some dependency. Does it not allow
ed to platform-tools and
plugin complains about not finding tools folder when setting the sdk
location in "android preferences".
Accessed manually from command line and downloaded all artifacts. Let
me know if I can provide any other information.
On Dec 7, 8:58 am, Xavier
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Android Developers" group.
To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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Use " adb shell am instrument"
Check out the platform documentation at
for an example.
On Jun 9, 8:57 am, Raja Nagendra Kumar
> Nope.. Sachin, sorry for being less clear on my need.
> I was referring to a Test case a
Interesting, I had filed an issue earlier with my G1 crashing
occasionally when playing bebbled; wonder if they are related ( to
cosmic rays :-)
There is a lengthy discussion on loss of database at
they also mysteriously disappear and appear in groups such as
"world_wide_with_god_minstry" and "AA_CNA_XX"
wonder what goes on underneath ..:-)
On Feb 13, 9:24 am, ian wrote:
> Sometimes my posts don't seem to stay posted or do not appear at
> all. .
> Maybe I complained too much before about
It works for me , but then again I have a customized build.
May be the default rules (android_rules.xml) override the property.
Import the rules as documented in build.xml and give it a try
On Feb 9, 9:20 am, Bob Kerns wrote:
> It doesn't work for me, either, but I've got to get my daughter
It works for me , but then again I have a customized build.
May be the default rules (android_rules.xml) override the property.
Import the rules as documented in build.xml and give it a try
On Feb 9, 9:20 am, Bob Kerns wrote:
> It doesn't work for me, either, but I've got to get my daughter
release your lock in "onPause" and not in "onDestroy" as the activity
won't be destroyed.
On Feb 4, 10:42 pm, lipinski wrote:
> Thanks, but my intent is to prevent the system from dimming/locking
> the screen for a configurable amount of time - since there will likely
> be no user activity.
> s
, the documentation
is in the build.xml file and not in the template files ).
On Feb 4, 11:13 am, Chander Pechetty wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> /platforms/android-2.0.1/templates/android_test_rules.xml
> contains the rules for your test project just as android_rules.xml
> cont
I just replied a gentleman on this forum at http://bit.ly/cikIiz.
Basically you go the command line to your tests folder and run "ant
On Feb 4, 4:20 am, "Mapara,Harshit" wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am looking a way to use Emma on Android project. I have an
> application -project, and withi
tests for the Calculator app can be found here
On Feb 3, 3:12 pm, "matzebr...@googlemail.com"
> Hi,
> we're using android for some software engineering courses at our
make sure your list item does not contains focusable children (like
buttons, imageviews)
setting android:focusable="false" usually works for buttons and so
On Jan 30, 2:42 pm, qmwestview wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a working ListActivity class. Each of the list item consists of
> an ImageView a
You can also load your custom kml, gpx or plain lat/long from the
android eclipse plugin.
Just open Android View/Emulator control and look for location
On Jan 30, 5:47 am, Anthoni wrote:
> Ho Sourabh,
> I think this should do what you want
> to.http://developer.android.com/guide/deve
use ConnectivityManager and probably add the permission -
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE to manifest file
On Jan 28, 12:31 pm, "Sasikumar.S" wrote:
> Thank You for ur reply Jian,
> I will check it and tell to you.
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Jian Chen wrote:
> > ah, then let us come to the
increase your devices's hardware configuration, something of the order
greater than system image, try 512MB (when you create the emulator
instance using AVD)
On Jan 25, 9:27 am, prachi wrote:
> Hi all
> I have updated my android sdk to 2.1 version and was trying to build
> one application on th
Here's a partial layout for your case. Use the layout_below along with
RightOf and the text for the minus button was "+".
If you don't use that, then all of them are to the right of the
specified layout id , but not below the same parent as the id's
You can also use a LinearLayout to re
Use org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler if you just need
a String.
Also, you can use org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils class to retrieve
the response in different forms or write your own ResponseHandler.
On Dec 28, 10:33 pm, Maurice wrote:
> Hi
> My (client)ap
lipboardObserver: pid=5544 uid=10061 gids=
> {1015}
> 12-27 11:07:47.412: INFO/dalvikvm(5544): Debugger thread not active,
> ignoring DDM send (t=0x41504e4d l=38)
> On Dec 26, 12:58 am, Chander Pechetty wrote:
> > post your stack trace on force close ...
> > On Dec
post your stack trace on force close ...
On Dec 25, 11:41 pm, Wayne Wenthin wrote:
> When you find out let me know. I've had no luck either.
> On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 6:50 AM, andrew android wrote:
> > ProgressDialog during location tasks either won't show or force closes
> > - I have t
is to be accomplished?
> Can I somehow find out beforehand if I will run in this error and then use
> some other mean, say a toast, to at least notify the user that not all is
> good?
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 8:01 AM, Chander Pechetty wrote:
> > There are currently few
Another tip would be to use "include" tag to reduce the layout
Check out the following blogpost :
On Dec 17, 9:12 am, Chander Pechetty wrote:
> This hopefully sho
This hopefully should work,
LayoutInflater layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(getBaseContext());
(or get it as a Service)
View childView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.child_item, null);
group.addView(childView); ( // add it to any ViewGroup)
On Dec 16, 11:09 pm, Ben Griffiths
As far as I can tell, there is no compatibility problem. Enable server
logging and see if you get a "250 or [some number] directory OK", and
hopefully its the same code you are running with the same account; it
could be a minor bug somewhere else....:-)
On D
1. Check the KML namespace..."http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2";
2. Is your URL - urlencoded ? You have to encode your url it has
& ?...
On Nov 30, 11:43 pm, furby wrote:
> I have a KML file that is being generated on the server side and
> loaded into the google maps application on Android. The re
Since there is no knowing when your activity got finished and the
sequence of steps that caused it, depending on different modes, you
get sporadic reports.
On Nov 22, 1:23 pm, Mariano Kamp wrote:
> Hey,
> I sporadically get bug reports with a BadTokenException.
I am getting the following NPE with Gestures (20 % of the time).
Anyone encountering the same issue ?
I am using the code similar to GestureActivityList sample provided at
E/AndroidRuntime( 919): java.lang.NullPointerEx
Yes... You should avoid obfuscating everything obviously,as you may
end up getting verify errors. Runs fine on both 1.1 and 1.5; I don't
think obfuscated code has any dependency on SDK versions
On Jul 23, 9:56 am, Raja Nagendra Kumar
> Thank you Rao for the quick reply. After obfuscat
The camera application doubles up as Camcorder app. See...
On Jul 3, 1:19 pm, "loril...@gmail.com" wrote:
> Can anyone please l
You may want to read the issue at
Fadden has also provided a wonderful python script gclog.py which
gives you more insight into the workings of GC.
You received this message because yo
Is there a PDF version of icon template guidelines available? The
"README.txt" suggests so, but the link is broken.
You received th
never mind. finally got it on the 5 attempt ...
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Android Developers" group.
To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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Has anyone download the template pack zip file from
I get the following error as the download never goes through---
signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part a
Just on a hunch as I have not tried it, can you remove the content
URL's from your preference file and try it again (form the url inside
your code, and store the variable number in prefs)
Again, I have not received any lost shared prefs complaints from
anyone and I did not lose any in the last c
Describe your platform,
did you flash the 1.5 images onto your device ?
Unless enough details are provided, there is very little help one can
You received this message because you are
Read the blog post at
and then API documentation
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Android Developers" group.
To post to this group, s
This was on the Preview release. will update when I get my hands on
the just released SDK 1.5 release 1
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Android Developers" group.
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I have an activity defined in the manifest with the attribute
When I run the app on SDK 1.5, pressing Ctrl + F11 and change the
orientation to landscape and then again press Ctrl+F11, the
orientation of the emulator changes, but not the screen ori
Sorry, I was referring to the settings created using
PreferenceActivity screen using xml. Your actual preference values do
not help much in diagnosing the issue.
Example snippet from loading preferences from xml:
For preferences created programatically, you can use
Are these settings part of your preferences xml file?
use android:persistent="true" or set it and you most likely won't have
this issue.
Check if your case falls under the issue :
You rece
The observations I made earlier are from running your code, and the
not the above code.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Android Developers" group.
To post to this group, send email to android-developer
You also need the following to start the activity
startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(sendIntent, title), 0);
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Groups "Android Developers" group.
To post to this group,
Hope that helps,
Not sure why you are initializing one time settings of WebView in a
while loop. (and also the StringBuffer.toString inside a loop fed to
It doesn't look right to me. Use
org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler for getting the
string from the http response to feed it.
to see if you are passing the "to", "from" correctly...
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
I don't see any itemClickListener registered ?
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Groups "Android Developers" group.
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You can have a look at the following post. You can create your own
theme and apply it to all your dialogs.
Thanks for all the tips guys...
I used the following on Ubuntu 8.10 and got it working.
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", SYMLINK+="android_adb",
But I couldn't get the udevcontrol command to work as suggested on the
link above.
well, just used the oldest trick in the book - "
Which service provider are you using ? and how did you activate it ?
Does anyone have an unlimited data plan currently?
On Feb 18, 10:48 am, dillirao malipeddi
> Sure you can use the Dev phone 1 (Google) in india
> Currently i am using Dev phone1 in INDIA -- It works fine
Are you getting this exception after you add
"android:configChanges="orientation" to your manifest file :
On Feb 18, 2:15 pm, AusR wrote:
> Hi, can anyone shed any further light on this? Please? And Thank you!
You received this mes
The Link on APIDiff Report on upgrading to SDK 1.1 returns 404
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Groups "Android Developers" group.
To post to this group, s
settings = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0);
Be sure to unregister it on onPause()
You received this message because you are subscri
Ok posting my own answer:
Sending an Intent
with data URI set as below seems to work fine.
Intent mapIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
Uri uri1 = Uri.parse("geo:0,0?q=http://code.google.com/apis/kml/
You can also set the theme, in your style.xml
- @drawable/blue
- #f0f0
Then in your Dialog subclass use the constructor which takes a
super(context, R.style.myCoolDialog); // to
The Dialog inherits the Theme that you set for the Activity. usually
it shows up white text on black for Theme.Light.
to someting lighter. maybe- @android:color/white
You received this message
Looking closer at your layout, the textview's layout_width is set to
wrap_content, it should be android:layout_width="fill_parent"
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You need to tell your ListView that the list items are focusable.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Android Developers" group.
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Vibrate, but it works on
the device.
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Groups "Android Developers" group.
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To un
Not sure if you can do this, but check out
to understand the tools and limitations
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1. Save as unix file/format
2. use dos2unix
trick is to remove the carriage return character.
On Feb 5, 7:44 am, Neo wrote:
> i had a problem about read the file, in the inputstream, the string
> have a lot or "Enter"
> but the "Enter" display like this "口"
> i tried used the "android edit t
In your PreferenceActivity class, just call
Preference dialogPref = findPreference(yourdialogkey);
Get the dialog Layout if you are using a custom View or call one of
the SetMessage methods.
You received this message because you are subsc
yeah, its a hack, the other options don't seem to work. its really the
job of the parent layout to take care of laying the children, so there
must be some option in TableRow/TableLayout.
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(has extras) }
Is the only option is to write a KML parser and override the
MapActivity to draw the POI's
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Put the permissions outside the application tag. and try
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To unsu
If your text requirements are complex, you can use other views below
the image. You can also set the number of lines of text etc.
On Feb 2, 7:54 am, Pete wrote:
> *Scenario*
> I'm attempting to host Image Buttons with a descriptor TextView below
> each button. To do this elegantly, I decided t
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