Whenever port 25 is blocked, port 587 is often left open and available for
submitting new messages.
Kostya Vasilyev -- http://kmansoft.wordpress.com
26.01.2011 1:08 пользователь "JAlexoid (Aleksandr Panzin)" <
jalex...@gmail.com> написал:
You received this message because you are subscribe
A) If you have a website, then you can use the HTTP Client to do the
interaction with your server and post all the messages you like (This
is the easy way a.k.a WebService)
B) If you need to only send the email to one single address, then just
send it over SMTP directly to that server. An SMTP serv
25.01.2011 22:16, Jonathan Jenne пишет:
By the way, i checked in the logs and SmsMessenger is giving me
"Invalid Destination Address"
I think that's funny because like I said earlier this is entirely
possible to do, yet Android cannot do it? I'm trying to build for
version 1.6, was this some
By the way, i checked in the logs and SmsMessenger is giving me
"Invalid Destination Address"
I think that's funny because like I said earlier this is entirely
possible to do, yet Android cannot do it? I'm trying to build for
version 1.6, was this something added in later versions?
On Jan 25,
Right, this is why I figured it should be so easy! On any regular cell
phone that I'm aware of, you can send text messages to an email
address... and that's exactly what I'm trying to do here. In fact, the
company I work for, most of our communication between customers and
our server happens in thi
does work on some carrier like mine.
It depends on if your carrier has a gateway, mine for example is
String number = "j...@edispatches.com";
String st = "testing";
sm.sendTextMessage(number, null, st, null, null);
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 9:51 PM, Kostya V
AFAIK, this is typically implemented within the cellular network's
"smarts" along with other services (like voicemail, or SMS messages
about missed calls).
Doing this in an application seems possible, but difficult, as you'll
need to implement your own email messaging back-end, possibly includ
[mailto:android-developers@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of JAlexoid (Aleksandr
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 5:47 PM
To: Android Developers
Subject: [android-developers] Re: Send an SMS message to an email?
I am pretty sure that SmsMessenger does not send emails. You use the Email
client to do
I am pretty sure that SmsMessenger does not send emails. You use the
Email client to do that.
Read the error output from LogCat. If then you don't know what is the
problem, post it here. Maybe someone will ridicule you for something
or there is a genuine problem.
On 24 янв, 23:12, Jonathan Jenne
On Jan 21, 12:23 pm, Jonathan Jenne wrote:
> I'm trying to code an app that sends an SMS message to an email
> gateway. I know this is possible because I can send a message from my
> phone number to an email, and have it receive it properly. Also, I can
> reply to that email and my phone
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