"Jack J. Woehr" wrote:
> I'd like to make a Java executor target to unit execute code within our byzantine
> However, if I do:
> classpathref="library.classpath.unitexec">
perties) a varying number of elements to the Java task so I can
ant -Dunitexec.mainclass="com.foo.Main" -Dunitexec.arg1="arf" unitexec
ant -Dunitexec.mainclass="com.bar.Main" -Dunitexec.arg1="woof"
-Dunitexec.arg2="fred" unitexec
... e
Is there a way to Echo the expansion of a fileset?
Jack J. Woehr # We have but one choice: the path of secular
Senior Consultant # humanism, based upon the principles of
Purematrix, Inc. # logic and reason. - Prof.Pervez Hoodbhoy,
www.purematrix.com #Quaid-e-Azam University in
Every time I run Ant on a tree, it always says it is compiling one (1) file even
if it really apparently compiles nothing because everything it already compiled.
What is happening, please? Is this a f-ANT-asy or reality? :-)
Jack J. Woehr # We have but one choice: the path of secular
Please, how can I get the path of a Path element back as a string?
I'd like to define a Path and then print it out in Echo.
Jack J. Woehr # For it's Tommy this an' Tommy that,
Senior Consultant # an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
Purematrix, Inc. # Bu
t (of course, it's an older project). (I mean similar in terms
of documentation
needs and style.)
Ant is a very nice tool. I have a lot of faith in your project and have
our main project at PureMatrix over to Ant from Make. Keep up the good
Jack J. Woehr # "I never