>> Someone mentioned the Nokia phone with a modem...I am not up on cell
>> phones but wondered if they can be used for dos browsers like
>> Arachne? Which model?
I have a Nokia 6210 and it acts as a standard Hayes modem when you
connect it to the serial port.. I use it constantly as I live on a
Tnx for the info regarding the wireless phones. Will have to do some more
research on them.
Neil T.
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On Sun, 26 May 2002 20:24:46 -0400 (EDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Greetings-
> Someone mentioned the Nokia phone with a modem...I am not up on cell
> phones but wondered if they can be used for dos browsers like
> Arachne? Which model?
> Thanks and cheers-
> Neil T.
Hello Neil:
I use the No
Someone mentioned the Nokia phone with a modem...I am not up on cell
phones but wondered if they can be used for dos browsers like
Arachne? Which model?
Thanks and cheers-
Neil T.
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