I have never done any agi programming, but my first thought is maybe you need
a wait statement after answering?
John Beaman
Telecom Specialist
Voice Telecommunications Services Department.
Good Samaritan National Campus
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/15/2007 10:53:51 AM >>>
Thanks all, I'll give this a shot.
On 1/15/07, Yuan LIU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: *"blackwater dev" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes, the wav file is fine. For some reason it's just getting cut off.
Whatever I type there seems to get cut off, strange.
With plain dialplan (no AGI), I notice tha
From: "blackwater dev" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes, the wav file is fine. For some reason it's just getting cut off. Whatever I type there seems to get cut off, strange.
With plain dialplan (no AGI), I notice that the first few syllables from Playback() or Background() could be eaten up, sometimes
blackwater dev wrote:
I have the following code. When I call the extension, it either
ignores the first "Hello there everyone", or says "hello" and moves on
sometime stoping before it finishes hello. The rest of the text reads
fine. Anyone else have this issue??
Try adding this...
Looking at the phpagi 2.14 source that I have I see that right after
creating the file it does this:
$ret = $this->stream_file($fname, $escape_digits);
So if the swift-generated wav file sounds right the stream_file is where
the problem lies.
copy the wav file to a file named test.wav and create
Yes, the wav file is fine. For some reason it's just getting cut off.
Whatever I type there seems to get cut off, strange.
On 1/15/07, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Are you creating a temporary wav file? If so, look at that first. If the
wav file is truncated at least you know the problem is
Are you creating a temporary wav file? If so, look at that first. If the
wav file is truncated at least you know the problem is related to the
way swift gets invoked and passed the text argument. If the file is okay
you need to look at the way it gets handled afterwards.
blackwater dev wrote:
> I
I have the following code. When I call the extension, it either ignores the
first "Hello there everyone", or says "hello" and moves on sometime stoping
before it finishes hello. The rest of the text reads fine. Anyone else
have this issue??