> Can you tell me, in those "unusual cases" when there is "difficulty
> in determining which instance came last," what the heck am I supposed to do
> if the users expect to always see the "most recent" instance?
Bob: The same thing you'd do if you had two entries with matching ids
and mod
Antone Roundy wrote:
> Only in the unusual cases will there be any difficulty in determining
> which instance came last.
"Unusual" is a relative term... I read over 10 million feeds every
day, many of them multiple times each day. I intend to read every public
feed that gets created. Thus,
On Saturday, May 21, 2005, at 09:20 PM, Bob Wyman wrote:
Antone Roundy wrote:
Unless the "need" for this can be shown, and it can be shown that
an extension can't take care of it, I'm -1 on atom:modified.
The need is simple and I've stated it dozens of times...
...but is it a need or
Antone Roundy wrote:
> Unless the "need" for this can be shown, and it can be shown that
> an extension can't take care of it, I'm -1 on atom:modified.
The need is simple and I've stated it dozens of times... Given two
non-identical entries that share the same atom:id and the same atom:upd