Al might. Others may not. Could you enlighten us Mike?
From: Mike Borgelt
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 5:48 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Glow sailplane & AUS legislation
You know there is no safety case.
I'm sure
You know there is no safety case.
I'm sure you know what is really going on.
At 04:47 PM 24/04/2015, you wrote:
> GloW actually fits in 95.10 under RAAus. However very soon when
> RAAus puts out their new ops manual it will be prohibited to turn off
> the engine in flight deliberate
> GloW actually fits in 95.10 under RAAus. However very soon when
> RAAus puts out their new ops manual it will be prohibited to turn off
> the engine in flight deliberately. I'm sure all my RAAus customers
> for varios, flying their motorgliders under RAAus will immediately
> cease this practice.
I should also say that 95.10 is the "anything goes, open slather, we
don't want to know about it class" except for gross weight under
300Kg and wing loading (<30 Kg/sq.m.)
RAAus is discouraging people from putting aircraft in it even though
they qualify.
If CASA totally deregulated sport avi
Hi Dave,
GloW actually fits in 95.10 under RAAus. However very soon when
RAAus puts out their new ops manual it will be prohibited to turn off
the engine in flight deliberately. I'm sure all my RAAus customers
for varios, flying their motorgliders under RAAus will immediately
cease this prac
So where would the GLOW sit with the current legislation for gliders in
Australia ?
Is it similar to the UK legislation and the fact that its an ultralight glider
means it may be kept off CASA's radar ? Or is that wishful thinking
Dave Kinlan