Re: rpc/literal and Schema Validation

2006-02-25 Thread Rakesh Sanghvi
Hi Anne i think i was doing mistake in my dev. i got it that we can't validate input. I got it from your reply that we should avoid to use rpc/literal. but we are implementing WS-I profile and according to specification we must have to implement rpc/literal. it would be great if you explain which

Re: rpc/literal and Schema Validation

2006-02-25 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
WS-I allows document/literal and rpc/literal. But as I said, many systems don't support rpc/literal, so I strongly recommend that you change your specification to use doc/literal instead. If you use the wrapped convention with doc/literal, the messages on the wire and the programming model are

rpc/literal and Schema Validation

2006-02-24 Thread Rakesh Sanghvi
Hi Just want to confirm if i implemented my WSDL SOAP binding as rpc/litteral then I believe Schema validation will not happened automatically. if it is true then will it JAXB will be fine for validating SOAP request against schema. Let me know if any good suggestion. Thanks Rakesh

Re: rpc/literal and Schema Validation

2006-02-24 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
Rakesh,Axis never automatically performs schema validation, although it will throw an error if it encounters an element or type that it doesn't expect when parsing the message. This is true whether you are using doc/lit, rpc/lit, or rpc/encoded. If you would like to add a validation process, then

Re: rpc/literal and Schema Validation

2006-02-24 Thread Rakesh Sanghvi
Hi Anne Thanks for your valuable reply. Let me explain in detail... Example:- xsd:element name=radius xsd:simpleType xsd:restriction base=xsd:float xsd:minInclusive value=0.05/ xsd:maxInclusive value=1.0/ /xsd:restriction /xsd:simpleType /xsd:element if radius element value is not