Is there a localhost optimization?

2002-04-05 Thread Bryan Field-Elliot
Hi, We're building a SOAP service which can be a client or a server (of itself). Sometimes (frequently, actually), we need to invoke methods on the same webapp instance on the same server. Does Axis contain any optimizations to "shortcut" the serialization & wire transfer, if it notices that

some questions

2002-04-05 Thread Ma, June
Hi AXIS experts,   I reviewed this AXIS package and have some questions that I can't figure out the answer. I'd appreciate if you can give me some help. 1. Do you ever do any kind of xml instance validation? If you do, how do you figure out the schema location information ?   2. We are doi

How does one point his client to a know wsdl file to set the default encoding?

2002-04-05 Thread Jamie Powell
I am looking for insight on how to set my client code to point to a known wsdl file, and have the encoding set for my soap message.   Jamie Powell

Custom Serializers and Deserializers for arrays of complex types with doc literal encoding.

2002-04-05 Thread Jamie Powell
I am currently looking for some examples on how to write a custom serializer/deserializer that handles arrays of complex types in doc literal.     I would appreciate any pointers.       Thanks Jamie Powell  

Custom Serializers and Deserializers for arrays of complex types with doc literal encoding.

2002-04-05 Thread Jamie Powell
    I am currently looking for some examples on how to write a custom serializer/deserializer that handles arrays of complex types in doc literal.     I would appreciate any pointers.       Thanks Jamie Powell

Does anyone no how to set the encoding to doc literal?

2002-04-05 Thread Jamie Powell
I need to be able to send a soap message encoded as doc literal and not as SOAP encoded. How would I set the encoding. I see in the call object a method for setting the encoding style. The argument Only mentions a String parameter. Looking further into this, there are no constants, or jav

RE: Attachment sample

2002-04-05 Thread Liu, C.C
Thanks, I just put activation.jar there and forgot the mail.jar. C.C. Liu -Original Message- From: Stan Jordan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 5:00 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Attachment sample CC... Most likely cause is that you need either m

Re: Attachment sample

2002-04-05 Thread Stan Jordan
CC... Most likely cause is that you need either mail.jar or mailapi.jar on your CLASSPATH. Also, you may want to check the archives. This problem has come up many, many times. Stan - Original Message - From: "Liu, C.C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, April 05,

RE: Attachment sample

2002-04-05 Thread Ng, Charles
Do you have 'activation.jar' and 'mail.jar' in your classpath? -Original Message- From: Liu, C.C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 4:56 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: Attachment sample Hi, I got the following error from Attachment sample client side, can anyo

Attachment sample

2002-04-05 Thread Liu, C.C
Hi, I got the following error from Attachment sample client side, can anyone show me what's the possible cause of it? Thanks. C.C. Liu java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.JAFDataHandlerSeri

Java2WSDL and mapping of names interop

2002-04-05 Thread Cun Yong Tan
I have an Axis WS method that returns a complex type (JavaBean). If my bean is coded like so: public class KeyValPair { private String _key; // NOTE the underscores ! private String _val; public KeyValPair(){} public String getKey() {return _key;} public String getVal() {

Re: C++ and Axis

2002-04-05 Thread Adam Greene
I'm not sure. Because like every Web Services tool kit for Java or C++, the documentation is either poorly written or non-existant. We have got to get better documentation for Apache AXIS. I know it's in flux, but even if the docs changed and had a "Important Changes" section to say "this is n

Example of using EJB as source of Web Service

2002-04-05 Thread Adam Greene
Does any have an example of a web service based on a stateless EJB. This is what I have: deploy.wsdd"; xmlns:java="";>

Re: C++ and Axis

2002-04-05 Thread Andre Juffer
Alternatively, you could have a look at the WASP Server in C++ Lite by Systinet, which is free also for commercial use: I have used the jar files of Axis together with a Cocoon2 action to call a SOAP server implemented with WASP C++. It all work

RE: C++ and Axis

2002-04-05 Thread Simon McClenahan
Server-side Axis seems to be available in Java only. I noticed a client-side Axis-C++ in the contrib directory in the CVS repository a while ago. For server-side Web Service implementation you're probably better off using gSOAP or EasySoap++ http://easysoap

Serialization and Deserialization.

2002-04-05 Thread Jamie Powell
When using Suns JWSDP. I have the option of going into the com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.literal package and grabbing serialization objects that accommodate doc literal encoding.   For instance LiteralObjectSerializerBase and Initializable.   These are found in the jaxrpc-ri.jar. This librar

Return namespace retNS ?

2002-04-05 Thread Simon McClenahan
I just compiled the latest and greatest Axis from CVS as of about 30 minutes ago, and I tried to run AdminClient sending to Tomcat server. I configured Tomcat to use Crimson, Xerces and Xerces2, and they all come up with the same SAXException (slightly different messages) For Xerces2 - Exception:

C++ and Axis

2002-04-05 Thread mamoun . hirzalla
Could you use Axis to have Web Services written in C++ rather than Java? If yes, is there any sample code to look at? Thanks, Mamoun Hirzalla The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addre

RE: NoSuchMethodError

2002-04-05 Thread Brenda Coulson
Just to let others who may experience the same behavior - this was due to an out-of-date Xerces jar file. Once I got the latest Xerces distribution from Apache web site and updated my classpath and directories accordingly, everything started working. brenda -Original Message- From: Brend

Bad envelope while deploying to axis AdminClient

2002-04-05 Thread Paul Slattery
Hi ,   I am using Axis in conjunction with Tomcat and the IBM wsToolkit. I am trying to deploy a custom service that I have written in java to the axis admin client . I have created the webapp structure using the .war file and .wsdl files created by the IBM Toolkit . These appear to be cor

RE: Messaging example?

2002-04-05 Thread Ramon Turnes
Hi, Take a look at how the AdminClient uses the AdminService in Axis. Of course, you have to download the source code. Regarding the signature, your methods must have one of the following signatures: Document methodA(MessageContext msgC, Document xml); Document methodA(Document xml); though