Re: Installation problem

2003-10-21 Thread Stephen Gordon
Looks like you need to also put Log4J's JAR into the webapp dir as well. (indicated by the org/apache/log4j/Category error). It must be used by the XMLSec package. I wouldn't be surprised if there are others you need as well. I find it's better to put everything in the webapp dir. Just as a furth

RE: Installation problem

2003-10-21 Thread raysiu
Thanks for your kindly reply! You are right. The happyaxis said that "Found JAXP implementation", but I feel confused why it can't find out "where"? Also I have followed your suggestion to put the activation.jar in my classpath amd axis' webapp classpath, the happyaxis shows that following messag

Re: Installation problem

2003-10-21 Thread Stephen Gordon
raysiu wrote: Hi all, I am a new user of Axis : ) I have installed the Axis. Currently I am trying to validate the Axis with happyaxis: Found SAAJ API (javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage) at C:\apache_group\Tomcat_4.1\common\lib\saaj.jar Found JAX-RPC API (javax.xml.rpc.Service) at C:\apa

Installation problem

2003-10-21 Thread raysiu
Hi all,   I am a new user of Axis : )   I have installed the Axis. Currently I am trying to validate the Axis with happyaxis:   Found SAAJ API (javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage) at C:\apache_group\Tomcat_4.1\common\lib\saaj.jar Found JAX-RPC API (javax.xml.rpc.Service) at C:\apache_group\To

Re: newbie question : List vs. ArrayList vs. []

2003-10-21 Thread Leonardo Mena
At least until Generics comes to life in JDK 1.5... - Original Message - From: "Navneet Joneja" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 9:39 PM Subject: RE: newbie question : List vs. ArrayList vs. [] > Speaking as a webservices consumer and publisher,

RE: newbie question : List vs. ArrayList vs. [ ]

2003-10-21 Thread Navneet Joneja
Speaking as a webservices consumer and publisher, I prefer the the array method. Since there's no language-neutral binding for List, I would assume the WSDL would use the type as xsd:any or soapenc:Array, which would mean the list could contain anything. Your consumers will probably not find that e

Does the property SEND_TYPE_ATTR work on headers

2003-10-21 Thread Tommy Holm
Hi I continuesly keep on having problems with setting the SoapHeaders(see my earlier post) from today and yesterday. I was told that if you call the method  call.setProperty(org.apache.axis.client.Call.SEND_TYPE_ATTR, Boolean.FALSE); the XSI types will not be sent but they do. I need to cr

newbie question : List vs. ArrayList vs. []

2003-10-21 Thread Rumpa Giri
1) public RegInfo[] getList1(RegInfo[] regInfos) { return regInfos; } 2) public ArrayList getList2(ArrayList infos){ return infos; } 3) public List getList3(List infos){ return infos; } Trying

RE: newbie question : List vs. ArrayList vs. [ ]

2003-10-21 Thread Rumpa Giri
Reading the guide, suggested that use the Specific type array. So is this the preferred way? Java Collections Some of the Collection classes, such as Hashtable, do have serializers, but there is no formal interoperability with other SOAP implementations, and nothing in the SOAP specifications whic

Re: Operation name being changed to parameter in SOAP

2003-10-21 Thread
If this is the correct SOAP that should be sent, why does Axis report the error: No such operation name: "x_GetOutstandingOrders" There is no operation named that, it is named GetOutstandingOrders. wrote: Hello, After installing the now-final JBoss 3.2.2 with embedded Tomcat

Re: Operation name being changed to parameter in SOAP

2003-10-21 Thread Sanjay Krishnamurthi
Given that your services is DOC/Literal, the SOAP message being sent is correct. SOAP body does not carry an operation name in this case. Sanjay --- "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello, > > After installing the now-final JBoss 3.2.2 with > embedded Tomcat and > redeploy

Re: CPU usuage for webservices

2003-10-21 Thread Benjamin Tomasini
It can depend on your version of Axis, etc... This is a wide generalization, but as a rule of thumb XML text parsing in Java is CPU intensive. It can be optimized, but some of that is just the nature of what it is. Ben On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 12:09, Vikas Phonsa wrote: > Hi Guys, > > I am runnin

CPU usuage for webservices

2003-10-21 Thread Vikas Phonsa
Hi Guys, I am running a multithreaded Web services client to transfer data to a Server. I want to know if the web services and other SOAP based processes are known to consume high CPU in general. There could be many reasons why my process consumes high CPU but is that sort of an expected behavior

RE: WSDL2Java and Attachments

2003-10-21 Thread robert rowntree
the WSDD below is used with the standard "sample" for Attachments and for DataHandler Arrays... it was NOT generated with a utility like Java2Wsdl. Rather it is just an extension of the WSDD included with the original sample that used a single instance of DataHandler for the argument. http:/

Re: Hashtable and Vector Question

2003-10-21 Thread Leonardo Mena
Hi Joao, I suposse a better approach to expose a Hashtable than 2 Vectors one with keys and the other with values or using multidimensional Arrays is to export your Hashtable via a Vector or JavaBeans or an Arrays of JavaBeans. Each JavaBean will have 2 proporties: key and value. Whis way yo

RE: setting elementFormDefault="qualified" on schema generated by WSDL2Java

2003-10-21 Thread Mike Perham
This is already in bugzilla. I've found that wrapped/literal and rpc/encoded are best supported by Axis. Other forms are more likely to have problems. -Original Message- From: Michael Woinoski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 8:05 PM To: Axis User mailing list Su

Re: How do I avoid sending the XSI type

2003-10-21 Thread Stephen Gordon
I'm pretty sure the ns1: part is just a different way of specifying the namespace of the KrakSoapHeader. In an XML context, if you ignore the and elements the two versions are identical. Also, I'm wondering if it is possible to get Axis to send something without specifying the type... otherwi

Re: Hashtable and Vector Question

2003-10-21 Thread ian_d_stewart
If your hashtable has a pre-determined set of keys, the easiest way would be to create a JavaBean that represents the return data, and use the BeanSerializer/Deserializer via the element in your WSDD. Example: public class BeanExample { public BusinessBean business(String input) { ...

AW: How do I avoid sending the XSI type

2003-10-21 Thread Thomas Bayer
Hi Tommy, try call.setProperty(org.apache.axis.client.Call.SEND_TYPE_ATTR, Boolean.FALSE); at the client side and set in the globalConfiguration at the server side the parameter sendXsiTypes to false. I hope it works with headers too. Thomas > -Ursprungliche Nachricht- > Von: Tommy

Headers in Axis

2003-10-21 Thread Krithika-K Raju
Hi, I am developing a client side that interacts with a Web Service that maintains session using the ID passed in the header of the SOAP message. I used WSDL2Java to convert the WSDL files to classes for development but the header information have not been included. Even if I use the setHeader m

How do I avoid sending the XSI type

2003-10-21 Thread Tommy Holm - TELMORE
I looked at the examples and I didn't get any further by reading that. Whenever I set the header information AXIS creates an xml file that looks like this";> B8E941091D413058FE9D8C153C6B3E49BD5639706EA19D4CEB 0D772E9CD385998A0C518B3A4F033AF542AFC3947A613638C372

Hashtable and Vector Question

2003-10-21 Thread joao . lopes
Hi,   I am new to axis. I did search the mailing list but I was unable to find answers to 3 distinct problems that I have to solve. We have 3 diferent java classes. They are:   public class BooleanExample{  public boolean business(String input)  {      boolean output = false;        ... d