Re: attachment example

2004-10-01 Thread Hector Flores
Maciej Hadam wrote: Hi, i have problem with echo attachment example. Generated wsdl is incorrect. i've tried to generate client class from this wsdl using gSOAP generator, but there where errors and warnings. Does anybody know how to solve wsdl problem for services with attachment in

AW: attachment example

2004-10-01 Thread Dorner, Thomas
MAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: attachment example   Hi, i have problem with echo attachment example. Generated wsdl is incorrect. i've tried to generate client class from this wsdl using gSOAP generator, but there where errors and warnings. Does anybody know how to solve wsdl problem for serv

attachment example

2004-10-01 Thread Maciej Hadam
Hi, i have problem with echo attachment example.Generated wsdl is incorrect. i've tried to generate client class from this wsdl using gSOAP generator, but there where errors and warnings.Does anybody know how to solve wsdl problem for services with attachment in AXIS?Thanks for any help. Reg

xml attachment example

2004-03-10 Thread Sriram Nookala
I'm looking for example code which uses attachments. I used wsdl2java to generate java classes from the wsdl, but the generated java class did not have any support for attachments. I looked at the attachments sample that came with Axis but it didn't seem to be what I was looking for. The SOA

RE: Attachment Example

2002-03-26 Thread Gail Coates
h too? -Original Message- From: Gail Coates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 10:35 AM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: Attachment Example I have been trying to run the Attachment Example. First I was getting the Error reading data stream: Error in MIME dat

RE: Attachment Example

2002-03-26 Thread Ng, Charles
Do you have activation.jar in the classpath too? -Original Message- From: Gail Coates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 10:35 AM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: Attachment Example I have been trying to run the Attachment Example. First I was getting

Re: Attachment Example

2002-03-26 Thread M. en C. Jesús Sosa Iglesias
I´m trying to run the attachment example too but unsuccesfull The Client attach and send the File Succesfully to Axis but Axis Fails with IllegalArgumentException. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch on object "samples.attachments.EchoAttachmentsService", m

Attachment Example

2002-03-26 Thread Gail Coates
I have been trying to run the Attachment Example. First I was getting the Error reading data stream: Error in MIME data stream, start boundary not found, I added the mail.jar to my classpath on the server and that seemed to fix that. I have the mail.jar on my classpath on the client

Re: Attachment example

2002-02-20 Thread Stan Jordan
TECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 2:27 AM Subject: Attachment example > > Hi, > > I am trying to run the attachment example but without success. After > a couple of days I was able to deploy and undeploy the service but > the client fails. This is the error I ge

Attachment example

2002-02-20 Thread Ramon Turnes
Hi, I am trying to run the attachment example but without success. After a couple of days I was able to deploy and undeploy the service but the client fails. This is the error I get: W:\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\classes>java samples.attachments.EchoAtta chment t