[monochrom] Boing Boing features 'Wikileaks: The Ballet'

2010-07-23 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Johannes Grenzfurthner from Austrian mad arts collective Monochrom closed out this year's HOPE conference in NYC with a dramatic presentation about, um, Wikileaks. And unicorns. http://www.boingboing.net/2010/07/22/wikileaks-the-dramat.htmlLink (Boing Boing)

[monochrom] Caterpillars Crawl Like None Other: Unique Means of Animal Locomotion Has Implications for Robotics, Human Biomechanics

2010-07-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Biologists at Tufts University's School of Arts and Sciences studying crawling caterpillars have reported a unique two-body system of locomotion that has not previously been reported in any animal. In an article published online July 22 in the journal Current Biology, the Tufts-led team

[monochrom] #mRIF: Goddamn Government!

2010-07-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Corn

2010-07-21 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: John Carpenter...

2010-07-21 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] The Gesundheit Radio

2010-07-21 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
From the design duo Chambers Judd: Developed as a protection against dust which was particularly threatening to early microprocessors, the Gesundheit Radio sneezes every six months to expel potentially damaging material from it's interior. A bellows system extracts the dust from inside the

[monochrom] #mRIF: The End of Days...

2010-07-17 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] Laughing Squid features hackbus.info (Community Wiki For Mobile Hack Vehicles)

2010-07-17 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Yesterday at http://thenexthope.org/The Next Hope in NYC, http://twitter.com/johannes_monoJohannes Grenzfurthner of http://www.monochrom.at/english/monochrom announced http://hackbus.info/Hackbus, a community wiki for mobile hack vehicles around the world. Here's more on the

[monochrom] #mRIF: Augmented Reality Racoon...

2010-07-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] monochrom is launching HACKBUS community site at #thenexthope

2010-07-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
We at monochrom are launching a http://hackbus.infocommunity site for the evergrowing armada of hackbusses. We need a root movement of doing strange things with hardware which was not intended (aka hacking) because only when we use things in ways other than they were planned can something new

[monochrom] #mRIF: Funny, but...

2010-07-13 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] The Magic Pill Question: GLBT and the 'medical model'

2010-07-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Here's a link to a commentary by April Michelle Herndon. She is an assistant professor of English who also teaches in the Women's and Gender Studies department at Winona State University in Minnesota. Would you take a magic pill to make yourself straight? That question came from an audience

[monochrom] A desertifying world needs utilitarian camels

2010-07-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
In a desertifying world short of water, the utilitarian camel, and the ancient cultures that depend on it, offer a way to use land too poor to sustain anything else. The camel has long had a special place in the imagination of the West, from the Greek historian Herodotus telling a story

[monochrom] BP and Ryskin's methane extinction theory

2010-07-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling operation may have triggered an irreversible, cascading geological Apocalypse that will culminate with the first mass extinction of life on Earth in many millions of years. The oil giant drilled down miles into a geologically unstable region and may have set

[monochrom] The philosophical connection between medical ethics and hair loss

2010-07-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Raymond Tallis reveals the philosophical connection between medical ethics and hair loss. Photographic evidence shows that in 1980 I had a full head of hair, while in 1990 I was bald. It follows from this that some time in the 1980s I became bald. However, it seems impossible – or daft – to

[monochrom] #mRIF: Turkish Mafia

2010-07-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Eucledian vector

2010-07-11 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] A 1000 years of economic bubbles, panics, and collapses shows that investors always think 'this time is different'

2010-07-11 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Oh really? The advertisement warns of speculative financial bubbles. It mocks a group of gullible Frenchmen seduced into a silly, 18th-century investment scheme, noting that the modern shareholder, armed with superior information, can avoid the pitfalls of the past. How different the position

Re: [monochrom] mailinglisten.

2010-07-10 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Die Bagasch wird scho ned aufmucken. wer muckt, spuckt.

[monochrom] #mRIF: Godzilla...

2010-07-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] Google Maps and Geopolitical Disputes

2010-07-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
How Google's open-ended maps are embroiling the company in some of the world’s touchiest geopolitical disputes. One fateful day in early August, Google Maps turned Arunachal Pradesh Chinese. It happened without warning. One minute, the mountainous border state adjacent to Tibet was labeled

[monochrom] #mRIF: Allah is...

2010-07-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: The medium is...

2010-07-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Are these lines...

2010-07-07 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Google Campus...

2010-07-06 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] The term America

2010-07-06 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Languagehat on America: I presume we all know about the first appearance of the word America on the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldseem%C3%BCller_mapWaldseemüller map of 1507; what I, at any rate, didn't know was that the text of the map and accompanying

[monochrom] #mRIF: Telly...

2010-07-06 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Flying Rat

2010-07-05 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Cognitive dissonance...

2010-07-05 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] monochrom @ FAT LAB's SPEED SHOW Vol. 2 in Vienna

2010-07-05 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
FAT LAB's SPEED SHOW Vol. 2: Who the fuck do you think you are talking to? One night group show. Participating artists: Margarete Jahrmann Renate Christian, JODI, Greg Leuch, JK Keller, Michael Marcovici, Will Moffat Peter Burns, monochrom, Evan Roth, Sakrowski, Gordan Savicic, Michael

[monochrom] #mRIF: Land of the Free...

2010-07-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Vegan Satanists...

2010-07-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Foam out

2010-07-03 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] Jefferson changed 'subjects' to 'citizens' in Declaration of Independence

2010-07-03 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Subjects. That's what Thomas Jefferson first wrote in an early draft of the Declaration of Independence to describe the people of the 13 colonies. But in a moment when history took a sharp turn, Jefferson sought quite methodically to expunge the word, to wipe it out of existence and write

[monochrom] Neues edition monochrom Buch: ZukunftsWeb

2010-07-03 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Was genau ist das ZukunftsWeb? Welche Chancen und Risiken birgt das Web von morgen für Individuum, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft? Stichworte lauten etwa Digital Citizen, Web of Data, Web of Things, Open Government Data und mehr. Internationale Medien identifizierten vielerorts unabhängig

[monochrom] #mRIF: Patriarchy needs...

2010-07-03 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Say Yes to German...

2010-07-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Twitter is a....

2010-07-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Pinata laborers...

2010-07-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Peeing off a...

2010-06-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: White collar...

2010-06-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Political...

2010-06-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Dreams are...

2010-06-28 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Photoshop...

2010-06-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] How We Got To Sesame Street: Tim Madigan remembers Tim Cooney (1930-1999)

2010-06-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
My ideas evolved from long hours in local bars, talking, talking, talking, always about morality. People were always asking 'Who do you think you are, Socrates?' They said it with contempt, but I would smile and say, 'Thank you.' – Tim Cooney The television show Sesame Street recently

[monochrom] #mRIF: Google ads...

2010-06-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: So much for...

2010-06-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] bub! bussi! geburtstag!

2010-06-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
alles llliebe, gratzer! und jeden tag einen bagger von jesus!

[monochrom] The Tome Raider: Accomplished rare-book thief convicted again

2010-06-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
William Jacques, nicknamed 'Tome Raider' after stealing hundreds of rare books in the late 1990s, drew up a 'thief's shopping list', targeting the most expensive books that he could access. He used a false name to sign in to the Royal Horticultural Society's Lindley library in London before

[monochrom] #mRIF: Laminate contains no...

2010-06-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: It's like a fax

2010-06-25 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: How much can you live...

2010-06-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Let's make heteronormativity...

2010-06-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] The Second 'Second Sex': It's about translation!

2010-06-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Simone de Beauvoir’s translators and the many critics have turned their disputes into a play where each acts the role assigned by theatrical cliché... As translation contretemps go, the one surrounding French philosopher Simone de Beauvoir (1908-86) and her foundational work of modern

[monochrom] We are the only animals that likes Tabasco sauce

2010-06-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Can Science Capture the Complexity of Human Pleasures? I'm a practicing psychiatrist, not a research psychologist, but as someone who follows the literature on happiness, I'm convinced that

[monochrom] 'Quantum Computer' a stage closer with Silicon breakthrough

2010-06-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The remarkable ability of an electron to exist in two places at once has been controlled in the most common electronic material -- silicon -- for the first time. The research findings -- published in Nature by a UK-Dutch team from the University of Surrey, UCL (University College) London,

[monochrom] United States of Dysregulation

2010-06-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
In the late 1970s, the historian Christopher Lasch famously described America as a culture of narcissism. Today we might well be called a nation of dysregulation. The signs that something is amiss in our inner mechanisms of control and restraint are everywhere.

[monochrom] Gut bacteria in Japanese people borrowed sushi-digesting genes from ocean bacteria

2010-06-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
You gotta love evolution. Japanese people have special tools that let them get more out of eating sushi than Americans can. They are probably raised with these utensils from an early age and each person wields millions of them. By now, you've probably worked out that I'm not talking about

[monochrom] The world has been dominated by Europe and taught by Europe and exploited by Europe -- and maybe Europe has had enough

2010-06-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
In terms of the great implosion of the global economy which began on Wall Street in late 2008, the Greek financial collapse is a storm in a retsina glass. The sums concerned are trivial by the standards of modern multitrillion-dollar high finance, or indeed by the standards of the

[monochrom] A Question of Incomprehensibility: Call for Papers

2010-06-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Great CfP by Eleanor Saitta (Structure Light Design Research Collective). It is now evident that postmodernism is dead. It has not ceased to function, exactly. The tools it gave us for the analysis of culture still work to the same degree they did previously. It remains a functional

[monochrom] The Enlightened Economy: An Economic History of Britain, 1700-1850

2010-06-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The Industrial Revolution is the inflection point of economic history. During all the millennia before that revolution, incomes were static and humans were poor­often hungry, inadequately clothed, ill-housed. But somehow, in the two-and-a-half centuries since humanity learned to mass

[monochrom] sorry...

2010-06-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
...hab in den letzten tagen vergessen meine bagasch-beitraege abzuschicken... deswegen jetzt der ganze schwall auf einmal... wird sogar schon auf twitter bemerkt: ---cut--- http://twitter.com/moritzmoritz der @http://twitter.com/johannes_monojohannes_mono spammt mir gerade mit 13 (!)

[monochrom] #mRIF: Communication cannot...

2010-06-23 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Re: [monochrom] #mRIF

2010-06-23 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
monochrom's Raw Image Formats http://bit.ly/monochromRIF At 11:49 23.06.2010, you wrote: MRIF - What does MRIF stand for? q: http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/MRIF The objectives of the MRIF are to improve community infrastructure, the quality of the environment and citizens quality of

[monochrom] #mRIF: Signifier?

2010-06-23 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Zizek: Return to...

2010-06-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: BP is having a...

2010-06-21 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: iOS 4?

2010-06-21 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Communism isn't an...

2010-06-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] Workers' Control and the Contradictions of the Bolivarian Process: An Interview with Gustavo Martinez

2010-06-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
On June 10, 2010 we caught up with Gustavo Martinez, a union leader in the worker-controlled, nationalized coffee company, Fama de América, in Caracas, Venezuela. The company has 350 workers at the national level, with two separate plants – one in Caracas and one in Valencia. We sat down

[monochrom] Di 22.6./depot: Zelimir Zilnik: The Old School of Capitalism

2010-06-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Dienstag, 22. Juni, 20:00 ŽELIMIR ŽILNIK: THE OLD SCOOL OF CAPITALISM Serbien in der Zeit der postkommunistischen Transformation. Der durch die kriminellen Privatisierungen verwüstete Mikrokosmos des globalen Kapitalismus. Die Überreste des zerschlagenen Proletariats versuchen, ihre Rechte

[monochrom] Word Processors: Stupid and Inefficient

2010-06-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The word processor is a stupid and grossly inefficient tool for preparing text for communication with others. That is the claim I shall defend below. It will probably strike you as bizarre at first sight. If I am against word processors, what do I propose: that we write in longhand, or use a

[monochrom] #mRIF: I say we take off and nuke...

2010-06-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] Immaterial Value and Scarcity in Digital Capitalism

2010-06-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Essay by Michael Betancourt. The collapse of the United States' Housing Bubble in 2008 is the logical and inevitable result of the illusion of production without consumption; however, in spite of the financial collapse, and the bailouts of insolvent financial institutions and the on-going

[monochrom] The Internet As Civil Right?

2010-06-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
If you're one of the millions of Americans who use broadband Internet at home, you probably take for granted how deeply it's woven into your life. It has transformed the way we pay our bills, seek romance, procrastinate, and keep abreast of politics and the lives of friends. The pre-Google

[monochrom] All the Dead Are Vampires: A natural-historical look at our love-hate relationship with dead people

2010-06-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The vampire story as we know it was born in the early 19th century, as the wicked love child of rural folklore and urban decadence. But in writing these depraved tales, Byron and Polidori and company were refining the raw ore of peasant superstition. And the peasant brain had simply been

[monochrom] #mRIF: Portrait of Guy Debord...

2010-06-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Free Willy 2

2010-06-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] #mRIF: Good afternoon. Are you interested...

2010-06-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] Science, Media and Hype: God Particles Breeding Like Bosons

2010-06-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Not Even Wrong reports: Science news in the media today is full of stories about Fermilab finding no less than five Higgs particles: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/06/15/higgs_bosons/God Particles Breeding Like Bosons,

[monochrom] Masterful 70-minute video review on why Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace sucks

2010-06-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Hell yeah! Chances are you probably didn't like Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. You might be a Star Wars fan, or at least a fan of the original trilogy. After waiting in line for hours, days, weeks, you may have even written a mini 200-400 word review on an internet message board

[monochrom] Ask a philosopher: 'Which came first: The chicken or the egg?'

2010-06-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Which came first: The chicken or the egg? This is a factual, rather than a philosophical question. However, it is a legitimate task for philosophy to analyse the conditions under which it would be correct to say that the chicken came first, as well as the conditions under which it would be

[monochrom] Ein Augenblick Freiheit / DVD Release

2010-06-17 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Thursday, June 24, 2010 7:00pm - 9:00pm Location: Thalia Wien Mariahilferstr. 99 In Anwesenheit von Regisseur Arash T. Riahi, Schauspieler Navid Akhavan Filmmusiker Karuan. Moderation Dominik Kamalzadeh DVD bereits jetzt online bestellbar:

[monochrom] Matt Joyce fires the DHS

2010-06-17 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
This is Matt Joyce's notice to the DHS that they are fired. Dear Dept of Homeland Security (and associated agencies), As a citizen of the United States, I am entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And you as a federally funded arm of ... something... you are charged with the

[monochrom] My Life As A Quant: Emanuel Derman and the Quantitative Strategies Group at Goldman Sachs

2010-06-17 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Emanuel Derman, a former managing director and head of the Quantitative Strategies Group at Goldman Sachs Co, is a professor in Columbia University's Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department, as well as a partner at Prisma Capital Partners. He is the author of My Life As A

[monochrom] #mRIF: Privatize profits...

2010-06-17 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] IBM builds world's most advanced Jeopardy! machine

2010-06-17 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
For the last three years, I.B.M. scientists have been developing what they expect will be the world's most advanced question answering machine, able to understand a question posed in everyday human elocution ­natural language, as computer scientists call it - and respond with a precise,

[monochrom] Little House of Abuse: Confessions of a Prairie Bitch

2010-06-17 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Getting to play one of the nastiest little girls to ever make people want to hurl things at their televisions wasn't just fun, it was therapy for Alison Arngrim, who channeled the anger and hurt she felt at being physically and sexually abused into playing Nellie Oleson, the villainous rival

[monochrom] #mRIF: To frame

2010-06-17 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] Peter Tyack: The intriguing sound of marine mammals

2010-06-17 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Peter Tyack of Woods Hole talks about a hidden wonder of the sea: underwater sound. Onstage at Mission Blue, he explains the amazing ways whales use sound and song to communicate across hundreds of miles of ocean. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKe3QKcta-8Link

[monochrom] Bechdel Test for Women in Movies

2010-06-17 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
It's a simple test for the presence of women in movies, and it's really remarkable how many movies fail. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLF6sAAMb4sLink

[monochrom] #mRIF: Modernity has...

2010-06-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] Babies Grasp Number, Space and Time Concepts

2010-06-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Even before they learn to speak, babies are organizing information about numbers, space and time in more complex ways than previously realized, a study led by Emory University psychologist Stella Lourenco finds. We've shown that 9-month-olds are sensitive to 'more than' or 'less than'

[monochrom] Bad Economic Policy Still Biggest Threat to Global Economic Recovery

2010-06-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
By Mark Weisbrot The U.S. and European Union together make up about half of the global economy, and recovery is quite uncertain in both of these big economies. Contrary to a lot of folk wisdom and political posturing, the problem is not irresponsible government spending in either case, but a

[monochrom] The Latest on the Wikileaks Story and the HOPE Keynote

2010-06-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
das wird ein interessanter con im juli... ==cut== You may have already seen mention of this in our various forums. Please forgive any repetition but this is a really important story that needs to be known worldwide. If you have any questions, right now the quickest way to get an answer

[monochrom] monochrom's Raw Image Format

2010-06-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Ab sofort gibts eine neue monochrom Online-Rubrik... monochrom's Raw Image Format Hier der Link zur Blog-Kategorie: http://bit.ly/monochromRIF

[monochrom] Folks unite online to prevent a suicide

2010-06-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A postmodern morality play is unfolding online. We are still struggling to figure out what it means to be a human being on the internet. Anonymity makes communication easier, but it also makes it less meaningful. Can 30,000 strangers on the internet convince an anonymous person about which

[monochrom] A blue whales main arteries are big enough for a human to swim through

2010-06-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
http://a-z-animals.com/animals/squid/Bluehttp://a-z-animals.com/animals/squid/ whales feed mainly on krill but also small fish and squid, that swim inside their enormous mouths. The blue whale has thousands of extremely fine teeth that allow water to filter out of the whales mouth, without

[monochrom] weil immer wieder leute frage wo das monochrom zu kaufen ist

2010-06-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
also a) bei uns im buero und b) natuerlich online. hier sind die links: http://www.monochrom.at/mono/monochrom26-34/ der verkaufsleiter

[monochrom] BP spills coffee

2010-06-11 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

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