If I recall correctly, Stefan Lundgren's Lute Companion contains a
best wishes
Am Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011, 14.34:56 schrieb Martin Eastwell:
> Hi!
> Can anyone point me to a translation of the instructions to Reusner's
> "Erfeuliche Lauten-Lust"?
Prof. Friedemann Hellwig has just finished his new book on the Tielke
instruments. Have a look on:
Friedemann Hellwig, Barbara Hellwig
Joachim Tielke Kunstvolle Musikinstrumente des Barock
456 Seiten mit 512 meist farbigen Abbildungen
Can anyone point me to a translation of the instructions to Reusner's
"Erfeuliche Lauten-Lust"? I have the facsimile, but my tame language expert
is out of action!
Many thanks
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Dear Rob,
The (single) basses of theorbos (and archlutes) are generally much
closer than even 12mm - some extant are less than 10mm! - and one is
able to navigate these. I suspect habit lays down neural pathways in
the brain which enable us to change from one instrument to another