[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Anthony Bailes paper in "The Lute" - and my holiday work

2017-10-09 Thread Martyn Hodgson
Dear Andreas, Henry is a shadowy figure to me amongst guitarists active in Paris at the time - do you have any information about him?. His Methode must have been reasonably popular since it's the 3rd edition and up against a great deal of competition in Paris at the time (1826) - and

[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Anthony Bailes paper in "The Lute" - and my holiday work

2017-10-09 Thread Rob MacKillop
Excellent work, Andreas - and François-Pierre. I've played many pieces in accords nouveaux over the years, and it is helpful to have all the relevant data on one place. I can only encourage you to complete the English translation, with many thanks for what you have done so far. I'