[Ontbirds]Great Gray Owl in Algonquin Park

2007-12-03 Thread Ron Tozer
Kevin Clute and Lee Pauzé just phoned to report a Great Gray Owl on the utility wires at km 1.5 along Highway 60 in Algonquin Park at 8 am this morning. As with the Northern Hawk Owl at Port Weller on Saturday, the appearance here of this boreal forest owl is likely indicative of an expected

[Ontbirds]Great Gray Owl in Algonquin Park not seen later

2007-12-03 Thread Ron Tozer
The Great Gray Owl at km 1.5 on Highway 60 in Algonquin Park was not seen later this morning. These owls frequently do not linger in an area until they encounter a significant small mammal population, so subsequent observations of today's bird here may be unlikely. I will post if it is seen again.

[Ontbirds] Purple Sandpipers at Lakefront Promenade Park, Mississauga

2007-12-03 Thread Wayne Renaud
I found three Purple Sandpipers resting on a large flat algae-covered rock at the south tip of the Douglas Kennedy headland (aka. peninsula) of Lakefront Promenade Park, Mississauga at 3:30 pm this afternoon. There were also three American Pipits feeding in the outflow at easternmost end of the

[Ontbirds] Coots, Redheads and a Scaup -- Port Rowan harbour 10:00 AM

2007-12-03 Thread petgign
The windy conditions and higher water level (from heavy rain last night) brought some of the waterfowl close to shore near the harbour and allowed me to identify the hundreds of American Coots, and mixed in were: several Redhead Ducks, American Widgeons, Northern Shovelers, and Gadwalls. To

[Ontbirds]Franklin's or Laughing Gull - Port Dover Harbour

2007-12-03 Thread Doug Timpf
Hi Birders, This evening right before dusk I had either a Franklin's or Laughing Gull at the Port Dover Harbour. Unfortunately, a very heavy snow squall made viewing conditions too difficult to positively ID this bird before I ran out of daylight. The bird was actively flying and feeding

[Ontbirds]Sandhill Crane, Oshawa, ON

2007-12-03 Thread Jim Yaki
This morning at about 10:30 AM in south Oshawa I observed a single Sandhill Crane attempting to fly west against a strong wind. I watched for about five minutes and I don't think it made any headway in that time. I observed this bird at the corner of Stevensen Rd and Philip Murray in south

[Ontbirds]Ottawa: Gray Partridge, finches late lingers

2007-12-03 Thread Bruce Di Labio
Hi Everyone Finch numbers continue to increase in the Ottawa area. Today, despite the snow storm I was able to get out and had a few flock of Pine Grosbeaks and Common Redpolls along Old Carp Road near Huntmar Road. Also, I saw a few small flocks of Bohemian Waxwings along March Road near