[Ontbirds] Long-tailed Ducks in Ottawa

2009-10-16 Thread gillian_m
Good morning Ontbirders, This morning at about 9:45 am there were two female Long-tailed Ducks on the eastern-most pond at Andrew Haydon Park in Ottawa. They were diving together in the middle of the pond. There was also a single female Green-winged Teal near one of the footbridges along

[Ontbirds] Blackpoll Warbler, Long-tailed Duck - Ottawa

2009-11-08 Thread gillian_m
Hello Ontbirders, The Blackpoll Warbler discovered near the lighthouse at Dick Bell Park yesterday by Jeff Skevington was still there today - although it took me two attempts to find it! After missing it on my first walk out to the lighthouse, I found it unexpectedly between 10:30 and 11:0

[Ontbirds] Cattle Egrets in Ottawa - no

2010-10-27 Thread gillian_m
Hello Ontbirders, I stopped by the field on Richmond Road to look for the Cattle Egrets on my way to work this morning. I found the field, and a couple of cows, but no egrets. Hopefully they're roosting somewhere close by and will return later (the egrets, that is, not the cows!). On Rushmo

[Ontbirds] Northern Goshawk - Ottawa

2011-01-01 Thread gillian_m
Happy new year Ontbirders! While birding Jack Pine Trail this morning, I saw an adult Northern Goshawk in the middle loop between the OFNC feeder and the junction that leads to the first boardwalk. It must have been quite close to the trail, for it flew up right in front of me and landed on a

[Ontbirds] American Wigeon and N. Pintail - Manotick, ON

2011-02-20 Thread gillian_m
Hi Ontbirders, At lunch today Deb Stevenson and I went looking for the male Northern Pintail on the Rideau River in Manotick (just south of Ottawa). We found him resting on the ice on the north side of the bridge near the bend. While scanning the flock, we were surprised when we discovered a

Re: [Ontbirds]Cambridge - Common Moorhen

2007-10-16 Thread gillian_m
Hi Mom, I'm home sick for the second day in a row. Too bad because today's a nice sunny day for a change...if I was well enough to go in to work i probably would have gone out at lunch. There are still lots of Sandhill cranes around here, I hope they make it down your way. I'll send you an

[Ontbirds]Hermit Thrush - Ottawa

2007-12-09 Thread gillian_m
Hello fellow Ontbirders, After a morning of birding along the Ottawa River today I decided to stop by the Mud Lake/Britannia Conservation Area on my way home around 11:30. I was glad I did, for I found a hermit thrush with a flock of about 12-15 robins hanging out near the six spruce trees at

[Ontbirds]Snow Geese - Kanata south (Ottawa)

2008-11-16 Thread gillian_m
This afternoon at about 3:00 I found nine Snow Geese in a field along Eagleson Road near Brownlee Road. They were in two small groups fairly close together: one group of four white morph adults, and one group of five - two white adults and three grayish juveniles. Several hundred Canada Geese

[Ontbirds] Snow Geese, Pipits, Turkey Vulture - Ottawa

2009-03-15 Thread gillian_m
Hi Ontbirders, Earlier this afternoon I came across a large flock of thousands of Canada Geese in a field north of Barnsdale Road between Twin Elm and Moodie. At least three Snow Geese were visible among the flock, including one bright white adult and two juveniles still retaining a grayis

[Ontbirds] Redheads, Egret in Eastern Ontario

2009-04-10 Thread gillian_m
Hi Ontbirders, My usual birding partner and I drove to Cooper Marsh from Ottawa this morning via the Casselman Sewage Lagoons. At first it appeared that the Casselman lagoons were completely empty, but scanning the back cells through the scope produced one male Common Goldeneye, two Redhea

[Ontbirds] Kanata, Ontario: 200+ Snow Geese

2011-10-29 Thread gillian_m
Hi Ontbirders, There was a flock of about 200 or 300 Snow Geese near the Moodie Drive quarry pond this morning around 10:00. When I first saw them they were circling over the northwest field at the intersection of Barnsdale and Moodie. They then flew over the road and landed in the quarry p

[Ontbirds] Red-breasted Merganser - Ottawa

2012-04-01 Thread gillian_m
Hello Ontbirders, This morning at 9:30 a.m. I noticed a single male Red-breasted Merganser on the large quarry pond on Moodie Drive. It was swimming with a couple of Common Mergansers in front of the gate and then disappeared from view behind the spit. A couple of Buffleheads, Ring-necked Du