bug#31038: mv copies in ls -r order

2018-04-03 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
OK maybe I was just looking at the latter half of $ sh O /tmp created directory '/var/tmp/y' copied 'x/1' -> '/var/tmp/y/1' copied 'x/2' -> '/var/tmp/y/2' copied 'x/3' -> '/var/tmp/y/3' copied 'x/4' -> '/var/tmp/y/4' copied 'x/5' -> '/var/tmp/y/5' copied 'x/6' -> '/var/tmp/y/6' copied 'x/7' ->

bug#31038: mv copies in ls -r order

2018-04-03 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
$ mv -v dir1/* dir2 reveals that mv works backwards, copying in ls -r order. Well OK, but why is that order better than the order of the arguments it was given?

bug#29604: man cut should mention no way to do ls -l|cut ...

2017-12-07 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
> "EB" == Eric Blake writes: EB> Let's step back a bit. We recommend that you NEVER parse ls output, as No problem. Any example of what can't be parsed would be fine. Even e.g., EB> Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer EB> Red Hat, Inc. +1-919-301-3266 EB>

bug#29604: man cut should mention no way to do ls -l|cut ...

2017-12-07 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
On (info "(coreutils) cut invocation") ‘-d INPUT_DELIM_BYTE’ ‘--delimiter=INPUT_DELIM_BYTE’ With ‘-f’, use the first byte of INPUT_DELIM_BYTE as the input fields separator (default is TAB). please mention there is no way to indicate more than one character, thus no way to process $ ls

bug#29044: sort --debug results improvement

2017-10-29 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
< P.S., Yes indeed I had LC_COLLATE=C so maybe --debug should mention < where in the environment it made it choices from too. Ah, like you said $ LC_ALL=en_CA.UTF-8 sort --debug < /dev/null sort: using ‘en_CA.UTF-8’ sorting rules $ LC_ALL=C sort --debug < /dev/null sort: using simple

bug#29044: sort --debug results improvement

2017-10-29 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Your answer is absolutely pure gold for a new page linked from ‘--debug’ Highlight the portion of each line used for sorting. Also issue warnings about questionable usage to stderr. in the Info manual! Please don't let it go to waste sitting in the bug tracker. Perhaps call it

bug#29044: sort --debug results improvement

2017-10-28 Thread Dan Jacobson
$ sort -k 2n -k 3n --debug file.txt sort: using simple byte comparison sort: key 1 is numeric and spans multiple fields sort: key 2 is numeric and spans multiple fields 41 011 92.3 亞太 ___ 41 011 97.1 大漢 ___ OK but they look like they only span one

bug#28735: say "by the current user"

2017-10-07 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
On (info "(coreutils) Access permission tests") don't say ‘-r FILE’ True if FILE exists and read permission is granted. ‘-w FILE’ True if FILE exists and write permission is granted. ‘-x FILE’ True if FILE exists and execute permission is granted (or search permission, if it

bug#27786: tr: accept hex ranges as well as octal

2017-07-21 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
In (info "(coreutils) Character sets") ‘\OOO’ The 8-bit character with the value given by OOO, which is 1 to 3 octal digits. Note that ‘\400’ is interpreted as the two-byte sequence, ‘\040’ ‘0’. OK but do add hex too. Hmm, I probably reported this before but

bug#27785: tr: mention that leading zeros are a no-no in e.g., \0377

2017-07-21 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
In (info "(coreutils) Character sets") ‘\OOO’ The 8-bit character with the value given by OOO, which is 1 to 3 octal digits. Note that ‘\400’ is interpreted as the two-byte sequence, ‘\040’ ‘0’. It is very important to also add here: and \0377 is

bug#27482: date: minus and ago in same sentence

2017-06-25 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
I got an idea. Please parse "one", "two", "three" (lower and upper case folded too.) 1. Because it is proper English. "1 day ago" is cellphone English. 2. Because there can't be that many of them... (seventy-three, seventy-four... well they are made up of other components...) 3. Because it

bug#26971: mv -v output ordering looks impossible

2017-05-18 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
I don't think you guys should invent new eye-catching strings. Aren't there already standard ways to show what is going on under the hood? Let's see, sh -x uses + and ++... strace uses... maybe just use '# ' comments.

bug#26971: mv -v output ordering looks impossible

2017-05-18 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
I'm fine with whatever you guys come up with, just don't R> - Leave the output like it was initially. else I'll just be back here five years later after forgetting the whole episode.

bug#26971: mv -v output ordering looks impossible

2017-05-17 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
PB> So this is working across file systems Yes. >> '/home/jidanni/jidanni.org/location/grow/programs' -> '/tmp/programs' This says to me "I, the mv command, have just moved A to B. PB> create dir /tmp/programs If that (create B) is what it is doing in that step, then it should not mention the

bug#26971: mu -v output ordering looks impossible

2017-05-17 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
I do mv -v /home/jidanni/jidanni.org/location/grow/programs /tmp and see '/home/jidanni/jidanni.org/location/grow/programs' -> '/tmp/programs' '/home/jidanni/jidanni.org/location/grow/programs/grow.tgz' -> '/tmp/programs/grow.tgz' removed

bug#26902: good invalid dates vs. bad invalid dates

2017-05-12 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Can you please don't say "invalid date" for everything invalid. $ date -d @1494439601675485 date: invalid date ‘@1494439601675485’ $ date -d 1494439601675485sec date: invalid date ‘1494439601675485sec’ $ date -d 1494439601675485seconds date: invalid date ‘1494439601675485seconds’ $ date -d

bug#26631: tr: extra operand ‘\\\\’

2017-04-23 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
$ tr -s x -d '\\' tr: extra operand ‘’ Try 'tr --help' for more information. I only gave '\\'.

bug#25870: give an example to show what lines join -a and -v are talking about

2017-02-27 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
I can't really tell, but it seems at the beginning there still lacks the most basic "Hi kids, here is the 'join' command. It takes one file with contents ... and and another file with contents ... and outputs ..." before you get into any more niceties.

bug#25870: give an example to show what lines join -a and -v are talking about

2017-02-25 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
In (info "(coreutils) join invocation") ‘-a FILE-NUMBER’ Print a line for each unpairable line in file FILE-NUMBER (either ‘1’ or ‘2’), in addition to the normal output. OK but say if we can use both: -a 1 -a 2? (Answer: yes) And if so how to tell which lines are from which file

bug#25871: give plain join example first

2017-02-25 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
In (info "(coreutils) join invocation") If the input has no unpairable lines, a GNU extension is available; (shouldn't that ";" be ":"?) the sort order can be any order that considers two fields to be equal if and only if the sort comparison described above considers them to be equal. For

bug#25833: fold -s ... but for more than just spaces

2017-02-21 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
fold -s will break at spaces. But why not let the user also pick an arbitrary character, other than spaces, too?

bug#25745: make dd quiet except for warnings and errors

2017-02-15 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
That was Info dd. man dd says status=LEVEL The LEVEL of information to print to stderr; 'none' suppresses everything but error messages, 'noxfer' suppresses the final transfer statistics, 'progress' shows periodic transfer statis-

bug#25744: make dd quiet except for warnings and errors

2017-02-15 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
man dd ‘status=LEVEL’ Transfer information is normally output to stderr upon receipt of the ‘INFO’ signal or when ‘dd’ exits. Specifying LEVEL will adjust the amount of information printed, with the last LEVEL specified taking precedence. ‘none’ Do not print

bug#25261: ls -L: also allow seeing intermediate links

2016-12-27 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
OK. Perhaps on (info "(coreutils) Which files are listed") At ‘-L’ ‘--dereference’ When showing file information for a symbolic link, show information for the file the link references rather than the link itself. However, even with this option, ‘ls’ still prints the name of the

bug#25261: ls -L: also allow seeing intermediate links

2016-12-24 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
$ man ls -L, --dereference when showing file information for a symbolic link, show informa- tion for the file the link references rather than for the link itself Ah ah ah... so one can only see the first (no -L) or last (-L) of a e.g., long chain

bug#25199: fold -s --dont-fracture-non-whitespace

2016-12-13 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
(info "(coreutils) fold invocation") ‘-s’ ‘--spaces’ Break at word boundaries: the line is broken after the last blank before the maximum line length. If the line contains no such blanks, the line is broken at the maximum line length as usual. Add: unless

bug#24929: comm enhancement proposal: --print-summary --quiet

2016-11-18 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
The example is confusing, as it just happens to result in 1 2 3, $ printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 > file1 $ printf '%s\n' 2 3 4 5 6 > file2 $ comm --total -123 file1 file2 1 2 3 total So please use $ printf '%s\n' 0 2 3 5 6 > file1 $ printf '%s\n' 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 >

bug#24929: comm enhancement proposal: --print-summary --quiet

2016-11-14 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
> "BV" == Bernhard Voelker writes: BV> This sounds like a domain of diffstat(1), doesn't it? Even if it is, and even if one could understand http://invisible-island.net/diffstat/ , it turns out the totals are already easily made within comm(1), so it would be

bug#24924: pr has no concept of wide characters

2016-11-12 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
> "AG" == Assaf Gordon writes: AG> I would very much appreciate if you could help me test it as there AG> are many edge-cases with multibyte support and wide-characters. Sure but you need to send me a .deb or $ which pr|xargs file /usr/bin/pr: ELF 32-bit LSB

bug#24929: comm enhancement proposal: --print-summary --quiet

2016-11-12 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Please add a comm --print-summary and --quiet, so we wouldn't have to write $ comm FILE1 FILE2|perl -nwe ' /^\t+/; $h{ length $& || 0 }++; END { @L = ( "Lines in 1st ", "Lines in 2nd ", "Lines in both" ); printf "%s: %5d\n", $L[$_], $h{$_} for sort keys %h; } ' Lines in 1st : 601 Lines

bug#24924: pr has no concept of wide characters

2016-11-11 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
The pr documentation (man, info) doesn't mention how it has no concept of wide characters. $ pr -m --sep-string='^^^' file file 2016-11-12 00:06 Page 1 http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict^^^"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict ^^^

bug#24881: make blindingly clear cut -f 2,1 = cut -f 1,2

2016-11-05 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
$ info cut ‘-f FIELD-LIST’ ‘--fields=FIELD-LIST’ Select for printing only the fields listed in FIELD-LIST. Fields are separated by a TAB character by default. Also print any line that contains no delimiter character, unless the ‘--only-delimited’ (‘-s’) option is specified.

bug#23953: make first tsort example a little more special

2016-07-12 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
In (info "(coreutils) tsort invocation") tsort <

bug#23441: mention wc defaults more on man page

2016-05-03 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
On the man page mention if the default if no arguments are given is wc --bytes --words --lines

bug#23302: mention what are nonprinting characters

2016-04-16 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
In (info "(coreutils) Concept index") there are several items that talk about nonprinting characters. Well on each definition be sure to have a blue word link:: to a passage about which characters are nonprinting, lest the user think e.g., SPC (' ') is nonprinting.

bug#22584: cp could be more precise than "Not a directory"

2016-02-08 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
No I am talking about when there is a slash, but no such file or directory. > "LSS" == Leslie S Satenstein writes: LSS> Should that be cp .profile /tmp/My_DocVments #no trailing slash

bug#22584: cp could be more precise than "Not a directory"

2016-02-08 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Ah ha, they just should have returned what the system calls said in the first place, and not tinker with the output! Them tinkering with the output only makes things worse.

bug#22584: cp could be more precise than "Not a directory"

2016-02-07 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
$ cp .profile /tmp/My_DocVments/ cp: cannot create regular file '/tmp/My_DocVments/': Not a directory Well can't it be more precise: No such directory nor file.

bug#22495: sleep floating point docs

2016-01-30 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
(info "(coreutils) sleep invocation") Historical implementations of ‘sleep’ have required that NUMBER be an integer, and only accepted a single argument without a suffix. However, GNU ‘sleep’ accepts arbitrary floating point numbers. *Note Floating point::. Add: *GNU sleep will pass that

bug#22495: sleep floating point docs

2016-01-30 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
I can't tell if you are like the IRS: go ahead and add cents if you insist. We'll do the truncation work for you. Or if you are saying that you will be passing the cents along to the next layer... I mean you even add additional arguments for him, so who knows the motivation for all that

bug#22498: cmp man page too sophisticated

2016-01-30 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Man cmp: -i, --ignore-initial=SKIP skip first SKIP bytes of both inputs -i, --ignore-initial=SKIP1:SKIP2 skip first SKIP1 bytes of FILE1 and first SKIP2 bytes of FILE2 I would say: -i SKIP, --ignore-initial=SKIP skip first SKIP bytes

bug#22216: test, expr Operator Precedence and Associativity

2015-12-21 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
>>>>> "EB" == Eric Blake <ebl...@redhat.com> writes: EB> On 12/21/2015 05:00 PM, 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson wrote: >> OK. Also make sure (info "(coreutils) test invocation") makes it clear that >> one cannot use >> test -f $1 -a $1 !

bug#22216: test, expr Operator Precedence and Associativity

2015-12-21 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
OK. Also make sure (info "(coreutils) test invocation") makes it clear that one cannot use test -f $1 -a $1 ! -ot $2 #and must use test -f $1 -a ! $1 -ot $2 #.

bug#22216: test, expr Operator Precedence and Associativity

2015-12-21 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
> "PB" == Pádraig Brady writes: PB> +Also @samp{!} is a shell special character and needs to be quoted. Perhaps say instead: Also @samp{!} is often a shell special character and is best used quoted.

bug#22216: test, expr Operator Precedence and Associativity

2015-12-21 Thread Dan Jacobson
$ man perlop # has a 50 line section called Operator Precedence and Associativity Might (info "(coreutils) test invocation") not fully specify test's? Might (info "(coreutils) expr invocation") not fully specify expr's?

bug#22041: head and tail's man pages should mutually SEE ALSO

2015-11-28 Thread Dan Jacobson
Shouldn't head and tail's man pages mutually SEE ALSO?

bug#22042: don't say K bytes on both head and tail's man pages

2015-11-28 Thread Dan Jacobson
On both the head and tail man pages, can you kindly not use "K"? -c, --bytes=K output the last K bytes; or use -c +K to output bytes starting with the Kth of each file K bytes sounds like kilobytes. Yes if one reads carefully it doesn't. But instead if you

bug#21349: who shows no users nowadays on Debian

2015-08-27 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
All I know is I also filed http://bugs.debian.org/796942 w shows no users even though I must... http://bugs.debian.org/796943 wall can't write to anybody nowadays All I know is all this stuff should be updated to still work with the latest Unix/Linux. Otherwise after every few years one will need

bug#21349: who shows no users nowadays on Debian

2015-08-25 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
(info (coreutils) who invocation) says If given no non-option arguments, ‘who’ prints the following information for each user currently logged on: login name, terminal line, login time, and remote hostname or X display. Say if this means remote hostname or remote X display. or X display or

bug#21349: who shows no users nowadays on Debian

2015-08-25 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
All I know is nowadays everybody (me) uses just X windows so to achieve the who goals: NAME who - show who is logged on DESCRIPTION Print information about users who are currently logged in. some adjustments should be made. Else it looks like there are no users and maintenance can

bug#20767: seq invocation limitations documentation

2015-06-08 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Actually it would be great if one could just do seq -f %d=0x%x 14484 1 34484 where seq could just take the standard printf arguments, and % could be used more than once, as I don't think it could mean any second argument...

bug#20767: seq invocation limitations documentation

2015-06-07 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
On (info (coreutils) seq invocation) perhaps mention if one needs to use two % items, a for loop might be required, $ for i in `seq 14484 1 34484`; do printf %d=0x%x\\n $i $i; done 14484=0x3894 24484=0x5fa4 34484=0x86b4

bug#20203: add example to date man page

2015-03-25 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Please change -I[TIMESPEC], --iso-8601[=TIMESPEC] output date/time in ISO 8601 format. TIMESPEC='date' for date only (the default), 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', or 'ns' for date and time to the indicated precision. to -I[TIMESPEC],

bug#20172: make each ls sort option say what is first on the man page

2015-03-22 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Please make $ man ls|grep -e -[St].*sort -S sort by file size -t sort by modification time, newest first say $ man ls|grep -e -[St].*sort -S sort by file size, largest first -t sort by modification time, newest first even though yes, documented

bug#20094: cp --dry-run

2015-03-13 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
I am mainly talking about Where will it copy/move these things anyway? I'd like to be sure before I commit. From reading the man page I have a good idea, but I'd like to see what the path names will look like first without actually doing anything. And as a bonus: I'm pretty much sure I can

bug#20094: cp --dry-run

2015-03-11 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Proposal: add a new cp --dry-run Reason: we want to know what the verbose output of e.g., $ cp -i -av /mnt/usb/thumb/ tmp/androidBackup/SDCard will be without actually running the command first. We are about to commit to a megabyte copy and we want to be sure where all those files are exactly

bug#19922: mention LS_COLORS=

2015-02-22 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
ls man page says: Using color to distinguish file types is disabled both by default and with --color=never. With --color=auto, ls emits color codes only when standard output is connected to a terminal. The LS_COLORS environment variable can change the settings.

bug#19922: mention LS_COLORS=

2015-02-22 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
PB p.s. since v8.23, environment variables can be used to disable ls colors, PB but that's a big hammer since it's for ls to honor terminal capabilities. PB To disable colors for ls (but also have other side effects): PB LS_COLORS= TERM= COLORTERM= ls -l Yes be sure that is documented. For

bug#19605: cp -v vs LC_ALL vs. quote marks

2015-01-19 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
About the - stuff, maybe just output sh -x style output instead that could be better digested if copy pasted back to the shell. $ cp -v m n ‘m’ - ‘n’ $ set -x $ cp m p + cp m p (Hmmm... better I suppose, but sort of looks like I have some tty echoing enabled and am not so confident the command

bug#19605: cp -v vs LC_ALL vs. quote marks

2015-01-15 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
All I know is in xterm I click three times and all of '...' including the quotes gets copied, which is fine with me. Just keep it all 0x27.

bug#19605: cp -v vs LC_ALL vs. quote marks

2015-01-15 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
I'm saying please don't force me to need LC_ALL=C to make the quotes U+0027 APOSTROPHE always. Long ago there were no quotes. Then somebody thought quotes looked pretty, so they added U+0027 APOSTROPHE always. Then somebody else thought `' looks cooler than '' and made it that way.

bug#19605: cp -v vs LC_ALL vs. quote marks

2015-01-15 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
I am glad that these days plain ' is being used instead of goofy `' $ LC_ALL=C cp -v /dev/null /tmp/$RANDOM 21 '/dev/null' - '/tmp/29920' That way one can not worry about copy and pasting them with the mouse. The problem is, if I don't use LC_ALL=C then I get the goofy ones, even high bit too.

bug#19148: ls --inode --sort=inode

2014-11-21 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
$ man ls --sort=WORD sort by WORD instead of name: none (-U), size (-S), time (-t), version (-v), extension (-X) Perhaps add new functionality: inode (-i)

bug#19148: ls --inode --sort=inode

2014-11-21 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
EB == Eric Blake ebl...@redhat.com writes: EB I guess it would be okay to have a long option with no short-option EB counterpart; it would look a bit awkward in the help text, but we could EB figure something out. I thought that is why there was a separate --sort, just for those cases... Ah..

bug#19148: acknowledged by developer ()

2014-11-21 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
I still wish this $ ls -i --sort=inode ls: invalid argument ‘inode’ for ‘--sort’ Valid arguments are: - ‘none’ - ‘time’ - ‘size’ - ‘extension’ - ‘version’ Try 'ls --help' for more information. worked.

bug#18798: ls -Rd = ls -d so maybe warn

2014-10-23 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
All I'm saying is that if one has never used the program, one cannot really guess what will happen with the combination of -R and -d just by reading the documentation. Indeed there are a few other switches that nullify one another too. BP == Bob Proulx b...@proulx.com writes: BP What would you

bug#18798: ls -Rd = ls -d so maybe warn

2014-10-22 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
One finds that -d completely nullifies any -R flag of ls, so maybe print a warning etc. Or warn on the man page, etc.

bug#18798: ls -Rd = ls -d so maybe warn

2014-10-22 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
I was thinking maybe ls -Rd would be like ls -R, but only show directories, not also regular files too. I don't think any behavior should be changed. I just think some note about that combination should be added to the docs.

bug#18624: mention stat(1) default format

2014-10-03 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
It seems the stat(1) man and info pages mention often --format but don't say what the default --format is if no --format argument is given.

bug#18625: add stat(1) % operator to just give a link name

2014-10-03 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
It seems there is no stat(1) % operator to get just a link name. The best one can do is %N and dig it out of there from in front of the arrow. Or one must use -L. find(1) has %l Object of symbolic link (empty string if file is not a symbolic link).

bug#18479: date -d 'today - month'

2014-09-14 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
$ date -d 'today + month' Wed Oct 15 07:04:59 CST 2014 $ date -d 'today - month' Wed Oct 15 07:05:05 CST 2014

bug#18328: can't say date -d '8pm -0500' though other combos work

2014-08-25 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
$ date -d '8pm -0500' date: invalid date ‘8pm -0500’ --why can't this combo work? $ date -d '20:00 -0500' 二 8月 26 09:00:00 CST 2014 $ date -d 'sun 8pm' 日 8月 31 20:00:00 CST 2014 $ date -d '8pm' 一 8月 25 20:00:00 CST 2014

bug#18103: sleep infinity

2014-07-30 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
OK however on the sleep info page it says Historical implementations of `sleep' have required that NUMBER be an integer, and only accepted a single argument without a suffix. However, GNU `sleep' accepts arbitrary floating point numbers. *Note Floating point::. However for at least me, I

bug#18103: sleep infinity

2014-07-26 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
PE == Paul Eggert egg...@cs.ucla.edu writes: PE This stuff is documented in the coreutils manual. It's not clear that PE this particular detail is so important that it needs to be in the PE sleep --help output aka man page. No seeming mention in coreutils: Installed: 8.21-1.2 500

bug#18103: sleep infinity

2014-07-26 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Indeed it says However, GNU `sleep' accepts arbitrary floating point numbers. *Note Floating point::. Alas infinity doesn't sound like an arbitrary floating point number. So maybe it should say arbitrary floating point numbers and infinity, else some people will give up instead of following

bug#18103: sleep infinity

2014-07-24 Thread 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Perhaps add an infinity option: $ sleep infinity or mention a workaround in the documentation.

mv: overwrite `/etc/lilo.conf', overriding mode 0644?

2007-06-13 Thread Dan Jacobson
$ mv /etc/motd /etc/lilo.conf mv: overwrite `/etc/lilo.conf', overriding mode 0644? y mv: cannot move `/etc/motd' to `/etc/lilo.conf': Permission denied I would skip the first message, as isn't there no point in asking, as it is bound to fail. No? Yes, one could use mv -f. cp doesn't have the

sort --debug

2007-06-07 Thread Dan Jacobson
Perhaps add a --debug option, so users don't write mail like the below :-) Kindly add an example to the sort info pages of how to sort zip utils xdm x11 cron admin dpkg admin lilo admin menu admin on the second field. No, -k 2,2 2,2b or whatever doesn't work. Better yet, why don't you also add

comm separator document tab

2007-05-25 Thread Dan Jacobson
comm documents don't mention that columns are made via tabs, and it one is not happy with that what one can do about that (nothing, even if one's data has tabs in it and one wants to use a different separator.) ___ Bug-coreutils mailing list

Re: mv, cp ask anyway though bound to fail

2007-03-20 Thread Dan Jacobson
P But the only way to find out is to try. ACLs allow file systems to P change their minds, so you don't know for sure whether the lunch was P cancelled until you show up and try to eat. The same principle P applies here. Must be some ask permission before taking the candy vs. take the candy and

seq FORMAT can contain more than just % escapes

2007-03-15 Thread Dan Jacobson
The seq documentation doesn't mention it, but FORMAT can contain more than just % escapes. Perhaps add this to the examples. $ seq -f XXX.XX%03g 0 125 999 XXX.XX000 XXX.XX125 ... ___ Bug-coreutils mailing list Bug-coreutils@gnu.org

sort -n info page

2007-03-15 Thread Dan Jacobson
We see `--numeric-sort' Sort numerically: the number begins each line; specifically, it consists of optional blanks, an optional `-' sign, and zero or more digits possibly separated by thousands separators, optionally followed by a decimal-point character and zero or more

mv, cp ask anyway though bound to fail

2007-03-15 Thread Dan Jacobson
What is it about these commands that if they know they are going to fail, they still ask anyway. Same for emacs' dired-do-copy etc. $ whoami jidanni $ cp file /etc/passwd cp: overwrite `/etc/passwd', overriding mode 0644? y cp: cannot create regular file `/etc/passwd': Permission denied $ mv

reporting changes from stty sane

2007-03-11 Thread Dan Jacobson
Comments on the stty info page: `stty' prints or changes terminal characteristics, such as baud rate. Synopses: stty [OPTION] [SETTING]... (Might as well say [LINE SETTING]... to match how you talk below, or change the below.) stty [OPTION] If given no line

pr considers bytes not presentation width

2006-12-25 Thread Dan Jacobson
Double width characters don't line up with pr or pr|expand. LC_ALL doesn't change things. Perhaps it is counting Unicode as bytes, perhaps it is thinking every character is one column wide. $ set 001 台中-谷關 東勢-興中山莊-台中 $ pr -mT $@|head -n 6 *{{b|仁友東站}} *{{b|台中火車站}}

ed(1): add readline

2006-12-25 Thread Dan Jacobson
What ed(1) lacks is the readline facility! Please forward this to the ed team, whoever they may be. The man page is not forthcoming of a better address. ___ Bug-coreutils mailing list Bug-coreutils@gnu.org

tocuh: protect ones' self against ones' self

2006-12-20 Thread Dan Jacobson
touch Info page says: If changing both the access and modification times to the current time, `touch' can change the timestamps for files that the user running it does not own but has write permission for. Otherwise, the user must own the files. Please reword. Otherwise=not both

dd blocks/bytes at a time

2006-12-20 Thread Dan Jacobson
On both the dd man and Info pages, we see count=BLOCKS copy only BLOCKS input blocks OK, but one must use ones brain, heavens forbid, to figure out that e.g., these bs=BYTES force ibs=BYTES and obs=BYTES ibs=BYTES read BYTES bytes at

Re: [PATCH] Re: dd blocks/bytes at a time

2006-12-20 Thread Dan Jacobson
OD Here is a patch that may change this. Looks good. ___ Bug-coreutils mailing list Bug-coreutils@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-coreutils

date: Chinese: confusing on Sundays

2006-12-12 Thread Dan Jacobson
Please forward this to whoever. A funny thing happens on Sundays if you are Chinese. $ LC_CTYPE=zh_TW.utf8 date -d sunday 日 12月 10 00:00:00 CST 2006 The problem occurs because the word 日 means Sunday and also day in Chinese. Therefore 日 12月 10 00:00:00 CST 2006 looks like Day 12Month 10 00:00:00

wc: billion incomplete multibyte warnings

2006-11-27 Thread Dan Jacobson
Did anyone ever mention that a billion $ bla_bla|gzip|wc 21|head -n 1 wc: standard input:1: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character $ bla_bla|gzip|wc 21|wc 3083073 22634 (OK, not a billion, but just the same as far as one's terminal buffer is concerned) is more than enough to

no fair only at the end mentioning where the complete manual is

2006-11-16 Thread Dan Jacobson
The GNU man pages have a big flaw, e.g., DESCRIPTION This manual page documents the GNU version of df. df displays the But only when the reader gets to the bottom of the page does he discover: SEE ALSO The full documentation for df is maintained as a Texinfo manual.

sort -c --dont-poop-out-at-the-first-disorder

2006-11-16 Thread Dan Jacobson
Gentlemen, consider a file with oh, three points of disorder. Well, $ sort -c timez1 sort: timez1:418: disorder: 1162082133 is great at finding the first one, but to find the other two one has to use ones brains. No fair. So there should be some --dont-poop-out-at-the-first-disorder option, to

Bug#398926: df gives wrong sizes for CDROM

2006-11-16 Thread Dan Jacobson
Package: coreutils X-debbugs-cc: bug-coreutils@gnu.org Version: 5.97-5 Severity: normal File: /bin/df # mount /cdrom # df /cdrom Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/scd045684 45684 0 100% /cdrom # df /cdrom Filesystem

join(1) documentation

2006-11-05 Thread Dan Jacobson
Regarding Info page 8.3 `join': Join lines on a common field However, as a GNU extension, if the input has no unpairable lines the sort order can be any order that considers two fields to be equal if and only if the sort comparison described above considers them to be equal. For

uniq(1) documentation

2006-11-05 Thread Dan Jacobson
Info 7.2 `uniq': Uniquify files: By default, `uniq' prints its input lines, except that it discards all but the first of adjacent repeated lines, so that no output lines are repeated. Optionally, it can instead discard lines that are not repeated, or all repeated lines.

install --hardlink

2006-10-17 Thread Dan Jacobson
If `install' is similar to `cp', but allows you to control the attributes of destination files. It is typically used ... to copy programs into their destination directories. Then it is ripe for adding new functionality: --hardlink make hard links instead of copying (And maybe even

fold not UTF-8 ready

2006-09-28 Thread Dan Jacobson
Fold splits UTF-8 chars into their bytes and probably doesn't know about their display width either. ___ Bug-coreutils mailing list Bug-coreutils@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-coreutils

warn of obsolete tail usage on the man page too

2006-08-09 Thread Dan Jacobson
Perhaps also warn about obsolete thing on the man page too. $ info -w cor tail|xargs zgrep -ic obsolete 18 $ man tail|grep -ic obsolete 0 ___ Bug-coreutils mailing list Bug-coreutils@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-coreutils

the ptx documentation contains no examples

2006-07-30 Thread Dan Jacobson
The ptx documentation contains no examples. Show $ cat infile bla bla bla $ cat infile|ptx Else how can one get started? You added examples to the tsort docs but not ptx. ___ Bug-coreutils mailing list Bug-coreutils@gnu.org

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