- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug rep
rly for a
syntax war :-)
This said, Coq could be another source of syntactic inspiration: it
has several equivalent syntaxes for inductive type declarations (a
superset of GADTs), one Haskell-like, others more Caml-like.
- Xavier Leroy
> Does cryptokit support digesting Bigarrays?
Currently no, but your PR#5005 made me think that it could be a good
idea to add this functionality.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
ay it safe and
don't declare it "noalloc".
Hope this helps,
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
what you find objectionable here.
> optimization of floating compare etc.) Where to discuss that - just
> here or there is some entry in Mantis?
Why not start on this list? We'll move to private e-mail if the
discussion becomes too heated :-)
- Xavier Leroy
(based on what
will become 3.12.0) can account for small speed differences.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http
;ve observed speedups of about 8% on Core 2 processors
and somewhat higher on recent AMD processors. On bigger OCaml
applications that perform floating-point computations but not
exclusively, the performance difference was lost in the noise.
Looking forward to interesting experimental results,
n that includes an infix operator in prefix form,
not inlined. *)
let list = [1;2;3]
let f x = x * List.fold_left (+) 0 list
let g x = f x + f x
Because (+) is really fun x y -> x + y, therefore case 2 again.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list.
I'm doing something wrong, but can't figure out what?
Try setting the OCAMLRUNPARAMS environment variable to the value "v=256".
The run-time system will then print additional debug messages
concerning DLL searching and load
cator, so don't expect to
change this easily.
What you can do, however:
1- Use the 64-bit PowerPC port. Everything will be 8-aligned then.
2- Use a bigarray instead of a float array. Bigarray data is
allocated outside the heap, at naturally-alig
rea, start, end)
to inform the run-time system that the address range [start, end)
contains well-formed Caml data that polymorphic primitives can safely
work on. This should solve your problem.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription m
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://ca
lly observed speed differences of 20% just from
inserting or deleting dead code in a program...
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http:/
really want portability however (I want to use
these bindings at least on windows too).
It might be worth investigating the "libffi" library. If I guess
correctly, it lets you synthesize calls to native C functions when the
number and type of arguments are statically unknown.
- Xa
more elegantly.
> Is it worth the overhead of calling a C function to write optimized
> stubs for this?
The only way to know is to benchmark both approaches :-( My guess is
that for 16-bit accesses, you're better off with a pure Caml solution,
but for 64-bit accesses, a C function
instead of lists:
type 'a lazylist = 'a lazylist_content Lazy.t
and 'a lazylist_content = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a lazylist
Hope this helps,
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
the following
The old CVS repository on camlcvs.inria.fr is still accessible but no
longer updated. It will go away in a few weeks.
Subersively yours,
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list
ix linkers are quite fast, and the
additional link-time work that OCaml does is small. Let us know if
you manage to narrow the problem.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
ow-level and unsafe parallel
programming model that you'd need to tame by developing clever
libraries that mere mortals can use effectively (Apple's Grand Central
was mentioned on this thread; it's a good example)...
In summary, Philippe and his coauth
oduces the problem.
But, I thought that float ref's were automatically unboxed by the
compiler when they didn't escape the local context.
Yes, if all uses of the float ref are unboxed, which is the case in
your code.
- Xavier Leroy
0.7 reference
manual. For completeness, we also made it available:
Both texts are distributed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Sub
mediate results and double rounding
into account...
To finish: I'm still very interested in hearing from packagers. Does
Debian, for example, already have some packages that are SSE2-only?
Are these packages specially tagged so that the installer will refuse
to install them o
Computing intermediate results in extended precision has pros and
cons, but my understanding is that the cons slightly outweigh the pros.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
roots operations are OK.
As for not using the CAMLparam, etc macros in these functions: since
these functions must not allocate, the macros are certainly not
needed. I don't think that actually using them could cause a problem,
but that would be silly anyway, so don't use them in this
e command-line. (It looks like one of
those Microsoft SDK's that assume everyone is developing from the
vendor-supplied IDE...) Again, I welcome feedback and patches from
iPhone development experts.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. S
" does not currently take advantage of this
possibility, since floats are passed between functions in boxed state.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
.o ht.ml
ocamlopt -c ht_wrap.c
gcc -o htt ht_test.c ht_lib.o ht_wrap.o -L`ocamlopt -where` -lasmrun -lcurses
Hope this helps,
- Xavier Leroy
#include "ht.h"
struct hashtable {
value v;
static struct hashtable * ht_alloc (value v)
ated memory spaces would be more robust, if
- Xavier Leroy
(*) In 3.10 and earlier releases, OCaml sometimes used mmap() instead
of malloc() to obtain these blocks. Starting from 3.11, malloc() is
the only interface OCaml uses to obtain memory from the OS.
27;s worth the effort to resurrect this old
text, but if a group of motivated volunteers arise, let's discuss it
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
I saw Xavier Leroy teach caml at the CNAM in france, and he know how
to teach.
Just for the record: I never lectured at CNAM, but probably you're
thinking of Pierre Weis, who taught a great "programming in Caml"
course there for several year. That course was the main startin
time in writing good intro to Caml
programming books. Don't brush their efforts aside.
One last word to you, that Xah Lee troll, and anyone else on this
list: if you're not happy with the existing material, write something
better. Everyone will thank you and you'll get to better a
Just to complement Basile's excellent answers:
> Do you know if it is possible to compile caml code on a PowerPC 405
> from the Vertex 4 family ?
> We'd like to put this processor in a FPGA. On the Caml's website,
> it is written "PowerPC" but is it only for Macintosch ?
Not just Macintosh: Powe
d reversing the accumulator at the end.
For instance, List.map f l (not tail-rec) can be rewritten as
List.rev (List.rev_map f l) (tail-rec).
For more complex data structures than lists, Huet's zippers can often
be used for the same purpose.
Happy Googl
would have switched to that compiler a long time ago.
MLton can probably outperform Caml on some symbolic codes, but not by
a large factor and not because of data representation strategies (but
rather because of more aggressive inlining and the like).
- Xavier
d program that reads the Cmm code and transforms it.
"But shadow stacks are the only way to go for GC interface!"
No, it's probably the worst approach performance-wise; even a
conservative GC should work better.
Hope this helps,
- Xavier Leroy
(I know I should let this thread die, but I can't resist!)
Mike Lin wrote:
> But seriously, I'd suggest that your company could augment its
> excellent technical outreach efforts to the
> academic/engineering/free-software crowd with some education about
> why you are proud of your business.
t noting that they don't quite fit this exact purpose.)
What we now have is lawsuit material... I sincerely hope some kind of
agreement can still be found at this point.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
erations will take exactly the
same time in single or double precision. What single-precision
bigarrays buy you is halving the memory footprint of your matrices.
That could result in better cache behavior and therefore slightly
better speed, but it depends very much on the sizes and number of your
ns are generally small). Or do you want
speculative execution? (Both threads may evaluate the suspended
There is no unique answer to these questions: it all depends on what
you're trying to achieve...
- Xavier Leroy
> necessary resources.
That sounds like an interesting offer indeed. We'd have to discuss
actual contents of the site, but, yes, this is an area where outside
help would be welcome.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
ype string
This is Hindley-Milner polymorphism at work: only "let"-bound
variables can have polymorphic types, while function parameters are
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
gcc -I`ocamlc -where` -c add5wrapperlib.c
gcc -c main.c
gcc -o mainprog.opt main.o add5wrapperlib.o add5-prog.o \
-L`ocamlc -where` -lasmrun -ldl -lm
Add "-static" to the last line if you know you really need it.
Hope this puts you back on tracks.
- Xavier Leroy
> I have an issue with using the Num module in my Win64 OCaml compile.
> Whenever I try to operate on numbers that are too large it will lock up.
I'll try to look into this, but it would help if you'd submit a
problem report through the bug tracking system.
> I tried ocaml from yesterday's CVS, but it does not help.
The "release 3.11" branch of the CVS contains a tentative fix for
PR#4666. It isn't yet propagated to the CVS trunk. You can get this
branch using "cvs co -r release311".
Hope this helps,
- Xa
t week.
Binary distributions for Windows (MSVC and Mingw toolchains) are now
available from the usual place:
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
release; this is one of them. A patch is available at
The CVS release branch contains this fix.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Hello Yves,
> I have been trying to build a small example "hello world" program
> using native dynlink, but I don't manage to make it work. Could
> please send me some advice?
The issue here is that when Dynlink.loadfile is called, module Toto is
not yet completely evaluated, therefore it is not
can be browsed online at
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
etty sure that
if Microsoft's PSDK for x86-64 works well on Vista 64, so should
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
code emitters. The world doesn't
need yet another symtax for x86 assembly language.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria
e to support native dynlink on OS X 10.5,
but Apple is not helping in the least by crippling their linker
compared with the one in 10.4. If anyone from Apple is on this list,
feel free to contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more
information on this regression.
- Xavier Leroy
one at a time. It is probably too late for inclusion in 3.11, but as
long as these extensions are backward compatible, inclusion in bugfix
releases can be considered.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
someone with access to other Linux platforms is willing to
experiment and confirm that it works, let me know. This said, the
configure trick above might do the job just as well.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription manage
of getting 3.11 into Fedora 10, if the release
> happens real soon.
I'm afraid 3.11 will not be ready in time for Fedora 10.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
n waiting until its value is needed as in the case
of lazy evaluation.
Hope this might help,
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
report on the bug tracking system, so that others can have a
look at it.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's lis
the issue. Make sure to mention the OS
and the architecture (x86 or x86-64). I'll look into it.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria
se of amount of RAM, this can be an issue.
The correct solution to this issue isn't to artificially split your
program in multiple processes, but to move to 64-bit architectures.
You would be hard pressed to buy a desktop PC today that isn't
module F (M: Map.S) (MKeySet: Set.S with type elt = M.key) = struct
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
it of an
overkill, and I strongly suggest using the result of
Int64.bits_of_float as the exact, serializable representation of a
Caml float.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
"gcc -c -Wa,--noexecstack"
This could be one of the rare cases where addressing the issue at the
level of the packages is safer than by changing the source distribution.
- Xavier Leroy
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription managemen
> I'm sure the answer will be 'when it's ready', but is there a release
> date (month / year / ...) for 3.11 or release candidates of 3.11?
I'd like to release by late August, provided no show-stopping problems
show up by then.
- Xavier Leroy
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