Well I figured it all out in part using the rvm plugin for capistrano
in my deploy.rb file. If anyone is interested below is a link to my
deploy.rb. One of my next goals is to make the deploy.rb file project
agnostic by creating a capistrano gem. That's AFTER I get the first
iteration of my rail
Maybe this is the answer...
Manually set the PATH environment variable in the deploy file:
default_environment['PATH'] = "/your/path/to/git:/and/any/other/path/
On Mar 18, 7:51 pm, Chris Benes wrote:
> The reason I did
> default_run_options[:pty] = true
> was that I read somewhere
You also mentioned previously you "use monit to watch my deploy files,
and restart daemons if the configs (which are deployed with the app)
Are you running monit to watch the config files on the target
machine? Or development? Might seem like a silly question but I
wanted to be
The reason I did
default_run_options[:pty] = true
was that I read somewhere that it "Must be set for the password prompt
from git to work".
I removed it and I'll see what happens.
Additionally, after defaulting to the base 'sh', I'm getting an error
indicating "bundle" can't be found on the tar
default_run_options[:pty] = true
Will (probably) run login scripts (under some shells.) which usually
pollutes the environment, and causes problems, it's often a bad idea.
Forcing the shell to bash makes it more likely that login scripts will be
picked up, further polluting the environment, see p
Oh and the target machine is OS X Server 10.6.6. My local machine is
OS X 10.6.6.
On Mar 18, 3:34 am, Lee Hambley wrote:
> Strange, .bashrc isn't supposed to be run, unless you set ssh_options[:pty]
> (usually a bad idea) or reset the shell command to be `/bin/bash` (it
> defaults to sh, to rule
In my deploy.rb file I have:
default_run_options[:pty] = true
Is that the bad idea to which you refer?
I may also have set the default shell to /bin/bash for the user I'm
using on the server to execute the cap commands. Is it best practice
to leave the default as "sh" and to set it manu
Strange, .bashrc isn't supposed to be run, unless you set ssh_options[:pty]
(usually a bad idea) or reset the shell command to be `/bin/bash` (it
defaults to sh, to rule out individual differences)
What OS is the target server? (and your local machine?)
- Lee
* You received this message beca
The issue is resolved!
It was that I had some fancy coloring options in my .bashrc in the
account on the production server that was being used to deploy.
export CLICOLOR=1
# use yellow for directories
export LSCOLORS=dxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad
Commenting out the above two lines resolved the
Hi Chris,
Could you put your shell(/bin/sh) configurations? It's to try to see why
escape terminal codes
Good night
2011/3/18 Chris Benes
> Lee...
> Why would it be bundle? Isn't capistrano just passing the command
> string to the remote server and bundle is a parameter of that string?
Why would it be bundle? Isn't capistrano just passing the command
string to the remote server and bundle is a parameter of that string?
Prior non-bundle commands work fine though.
On Mar 17, 5:42 pm, Lee Hambley wrote:
> \e[33m
> is the terminal escape code for `brown` text… I
I do - 1.0.10. Made some progress. I confirmed I could run a "rvm
info" cap task on the server. I added:
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
and it then got as far as this:
* executing "bundle install --gemfile /Library/WebServer/sites/
Have you got bundler installed as gem in the server?
I say it because I read:
** [out ::] sh: bundle: command not found
2011/3/17 Lee Hambley
> \e[33m
> is the terminal escape code for `brown` text… I have no idea where that's
> coming from - first thought it so
is the terminal escape code for `brown` text… I have no idea where that's
coming from - first thought it something in your shell profile contaminating
the return of your shell commands. It could also just be bundler… in which
case, check with them on their mailing list!
- Lee
* You re
Well, the error is still there even after I installed Passenger and it
seems to be working fine.
This is generated after I enter "cap deploy"
* executing "bundle install --gemfile /Library/WebServer/sites/
vusion/releases/\e[33m20110317223132\e[39;49m\e[0m/Gemfile --path /
Thanks - good to know!
I'm going to march forward and install Passenger and see what happens.
On Mar 17, 11:50 am, Lee Hambley wrote:
> You're missing your application server, whatever you prefer to use, the
> script/spin you're seeing was bundled with old versions of Rails, a way to
> us
You're missing your application server, whatever you prefer to use, the
script/spin you're seeing was bundled with old versions of Rails, a way to
use mongrel clusters to run your application, it's the Capistrano default…
but *nobody* uses deploy:cold or mongrel clusters anymore!
Your application
I'm using Apache.
So after I've done my deploy:check, what is the recommended sequence
of commands to deploy the app to the main server?
And you mention Phusion Passenger. Do I need this?
I was under the impression that to get rails deployed and running on a
production server running Apache and
It depends entirely on your stack, if you're using passenger and apache (or
nginx) there is no `start`, so there's no `cold`, and there's often no
explicit restart (I use monit to watch my deploy files, and restart daemons
if the configs (which are deployed with the app) change.
- Lee
* You r
BTW - what sequence of commands do you use to deploy a new project?
On Mar 17, 3:14 am, Lee Hambley wrote:
> Can you do an `ls` on the server (and rule out odd escape characters
> server-side)… I'll check the Gem, but I've had no problems (admittedly, I
> don't `deploy:cold`)
> - Lee
* You
script/spin is *massively* out of date, (think… Early, Early Rails 2.x) - if
you need it (a lot still do) you need the scripts linked from the wiki, else
you need to override `deploy:start` with whatever makes sense for your
(and I meant run an `ls` in the releases directory of one of
Thanks Lee.
What do you mean by "ls?" List a directory? Which one?
It was suggested to me to do a deploy:cold on an IRC rails channel
because deploy:start failed with the following error:
failed: "env PATH=/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH sh -c 'cd /Library/
WebServer/sites/vusion/current && nohup sc
22 matches
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