[cas-user] Re: CAS 6.1-RC3 AD LDAP issue

2019-03-11 Thread Matthieu Belge
Hi, I have exactly the same issue on both 6.1.0-RC2 and 6.1.0-RC3, it works fine with 6.1.0-RC1 so I stick to it but I wanted to have the new OAuth access token as JWT feature. Any idea ? I looked at code change history on CAS ldap and other modules, maybe I missed something ? Maybe should

[cas-user] CAS SSO with OpenID Connect and CAS protocol

2019-03-11 Thread Yan Zhou
Hello, CAS5, one client uses OpenID connect and the other client uses CAS protocol. Can they achieve SSO? With CAS protocol, the TGT is in a cookie on the browser side, that is how SSO is achieved. With OpenID Connect, is there a cookie being generated, having the same TGT? Thx! -- -

[cas-user] interfacing CAS with angular 7 applications

2019-03-11 Thread Maxwell, Gary
Has anyone been successful at setting up “angular-oauth2-oidc” library to interface with CAS? We are currently using version CAS 5.2.2 and would like to authenticate Angular 7 applications using Oauth and OpenId connect. Would the “angular-oauth2-oidc” component be compatible or is there

Re: [cas-user] Problem in SAML delegation: TICKET_GRANTING_TICKET_DESTROYED

2019-03-11 Thread Riccardo Saponi
Hi Ray and thank you for your answer. Yes, what you say is correct. This situation happens when the session expires on my client application and the client application redirects to the cas server. During this redirect the Cas Client always sends the complete service url. Sometime the user

Re: [cas-user] Problem in SAML delegation: TICKET_GRANTING_TICKET_DESTROYED

2019-03-11 Thread Ray Bon
Riccardo, The ticket granting ticket destroyed is the result of the stale session. Your browser has a TGC from the old session and sends it to CAS. CAS finds the expired TGT and discards it from the ticket store. CAS then initiates an new log in flow. Check that your client application is

[cas-user] Nginx App Protected with CAS SSO

2019-03-11 Thread Fernando Gomez
Hello, I currently have an APP with apache mod_auth_cas, that protects it, but the application in production I have in Nginx, is there any way to do something similar to what I already have in Nginx? Thanks in advance LoadModule auth_cas_module /etc/apache2/mods-available/mod_auth_cas.so

Re: [cas-user] Re: CAS Forget password & Change Password Options

2019-03-11 Thread Eduardo Rdez
Hello, Not sure because we were working at the same time in change password link and opt tokens sent by email. The change password link is working but still working on otp tokens. Try to answer, please do some tests in yout environment. Think we added these sections for change password link.

Re: [cas-user] Re: CAS Forget password & Change Password Options

2019-03-11 Thread 'Arnauld Peyrou' via CAS Community
Hello, Do you have to use all the configuration you've discribed in your email from the 01/31? or juste use this link alone? Regards, Arnauld PEYROU Responsable Technique et Support Direction des Systèmes d'Information. Inrap - 121 rue d'Alésia - 75014 Paris Tél : 01 40 08 80 48. www.inrap.fr