Upgrading to latest CAS 6.x is definitely on the road map but is probably 6
months out for us. We have an immediate need to enable ForceAuth for a new
client app that needs to go live in a few weeks. This is the first client
app we have had that has required ForceAuth and the login/renew flow
Upgrading very likely will solve this problem (as well as provide a great deal
more benefit). Customizing old code adds technical debt.
On Tue, 2023-11-21 at 11:41 -0800, Justin Isenhour wrote:
Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria email
system. Plea
I'm hoping someone may have a suggestion of where I can look for the root
of this problem.
We are running CAS 5.3.16 and have a mix of authentication handlers setup
including several LDAP auth handlers, delegated auth to AzureAD via OIDC,
and SAML delegated auth to various other IDPs.