I'm trying to run some sample code using mysql as my database and I'm
getting the following error.
org.exolab.castor.jdo.PersistenceException: Nested error:
I'm using the following driver: mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar,
Does anyone know of this problem? Is mysq
I'm trying to map a Java class into two database tables and was wondering if
that is supported using Castor.
For example I have a Car class in Java that looks like
public class Car{
private int id;
private String color;
private String make;
private String year;
I have recently downloaded and started to use Castor for a project. We had
in place a set of code to simulate a piece of our system, and measure the
inserts per second into the database. Using straight JDBC we usually
measure about 175 ins/s into the database. With Castor doing the