Re: [ccp4bb] Normal mode refinement

2014-10-20 Thread Arpita Goswami
Hello, You can also contact elNemo or NOMAD-Ref server developers about getting covariance/correlation matrices from normal mode analysis outputs to know the correctly coordinated mobile atoms. In this way you can compare with biological data also. In Shekhar's said paper K. Suhre (one of the deve

Re: [ccp4bb] Normal mode refinement

2014-10-20 Thread Shekhar Mande
I agree with Ethan. In philosophy, NMA is a useful analysis to study low frequency collective motions. That is true by taking a stand-alone structure and explore such motions of biological interest. Domain motions in the crystallographic environment need not necessarily correspond to those of

Re: [ccp4bb] Normal mode refinement

2014-10-20 Thread Ethan A Merritt
On Monday, 20 October, 2014 18:10:03 Appu kumar wrote: > Dear CCP4 Users, > I seek your valuable advice and suggestion in carrying out the normal mode > structure refinement which manifest the dynamics of protein as linear > combination of harmonic modes, used to describe the motion of protein > st

[ccp4bb] Normal mode refinement

2014-10-20 Thread Appu kumar
Dear CCP4 Users, I seek your valuable advice and suggestion in carrying out the normal mode structure refinement which manifest the dynamics of protein as linear combination of harmonic modes, used to describe the motion of protein structure in collective fashion. Studies suggest that it is highly

Re: [ccp4bb] R free flag missing after ARP/wARP?

2014-10-20 Thread Victor Lamzin
Dear Lu, The MTZ file produced at the end of the ARP/wARP protein model building is created by Refmac and contains the following: 1. New columns created for the built model: (FC, PHIC, FC_ALL, PHIC_ALL, FWT, PHWT, DELFWT, PHDELWT, FOM, FC_ALL_

Re: [ccp4bb] mapsig errors

2014-10-20 Thread Ian Tickle
Hi Scott Our mails crossed: you worked it out yourself a microsecond before I did! Cheers -- Ian On 20 October 2014 14:54, Scott Horowitz wrote: > Please ignore my incredibly dumb last email… autocomplete had me putting > in .pdb files, which obviously won't work. > > Scott > > On Mon, Oct 20

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: mapsig errors

2014-10-20 Thread Ian Tickle
Hi Scott, it's complaining that the input files are not in the standard CCP4 map format. Since they have the extension 'pdb' and not 'map' could they by any chance be PDB format files? If so then this won't work! Cheers -- Ian On 20 October 2014 14:47, Scott Horowitz wrote: > Hi all, > > I t

[ccp4bb] a more intelligent mapsig question

2014-10-20 Thread Scott Horowitz
Hi all, Now that I have mapsig running, I am getting an error message that I am confused by. The maps I am using are anomalous maps generated by FFT. Originally, I had them covering just the asymmetric unit, but based on the error message below, I then redid it where I covered a user defined exten

Re: [ccp4bb] R free flag missing after ARP/wARP?

2014-10-20 Thread Folmer Fredslund
Dear Lu Zuokun, The option you mention "do not use the Free R flag", tells ARP/wARP to do refinement without using the R-free flags, so it does not seem strange to me that it would output a file without those labels. I don't know why this would be a good idea, though, if you want to continue buil

Re: [ccp4bb] mapsig errors

2014-10-20 Thread Scott Horowitz
Please ignore my incredibly dumb last email… autocomplete had me putting in .pdb files, which obviously won't work. Scott On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 9:47 AM, Scott Horowitz wrote: > Hi all, > > I tried using mapsig for the first time, and I got multiple errors (text > pasted at bottom). This is on

Re: [ccp4bb] R free flag missing after ARP/wARP?

2014-10-20 Thread Randy Read
When you chose the option “Do not use the Free R flag”, then you were telling Refmac not to use cross-validation and therefore to use all reflections as the working set. My experience (doubtless very limited compared to the ARP/wARP developers) is that it’s significantly better to use the Rfree

[ccp4bb] Fwd: mapsig errors

2014-10-20 Thread Scott Horowitz
Hi all, I tried using mapsig for the first time, and I got multiple errors (text pasted at bottom). This is on mac os x 10.8.5, and the CCP4 install is 6.4.0. I followed these instructions to be able to use CCP4 programs at the command line:

Re: [ccp4bb] R free flag missing after ARP/wARP?

2014-10-20 Thread luzuok
Dear Colin and Tim, But ARPwARP uses REFMAC5 for refinement, does this means that REFMAC5 uses all reflections as working set? How to validate that the refinement is not over fit? Best wishes! Lu Zuokun -- 卢作焜 南开大学新生物站A202 At 2014-10-20 17:38:58, "Tim Gruene" wrote: >Dear L

Re: [ccp4bb] protein forming dimers

2014-10-20 Thread David Briggs
Well, If it is an SDS-PAGE gel, then the act of boiling the protein in detergent generally denatures the protein and breaks apart non-covalent interactions. To assess dimerisation, a non-denaturing technique might be more helpful. Native-PAGE, Size Exlusion Chromatography, Analytical Ultracentrif

[ccp4bb] protein forming dimers

2014-10-20 Thread arun kumar
Hello everyone, I would like to take a advice from you all. I have protein like 200 KDa when i lode in a gel it shows band on 200KDa, Is that this protein gets dimer or anything else is happening. I would appreciate for some open discussion. -- * Regards,** Arun *

Re: [ccp4bb] R free flag missing after ARP/wARP?

2014-10-20 Thread Tim Gruene
Dear Lu Zuokun, since you can use the output mtz-file from ArpWarp for model building, but not for refinement, there is no need to include the Rfree flag in its output file. Maybe the omission is a deliberate caveat to the users to pay attention to this. Best regards, Tim On 10/20/2014 04:41 AM,

[ccp4bb] Research Associate at Imperial College London

2014-10-20 Thread Zhang, Xiaodong
We wish to recruit a Research Associate to work in the research group of Professor Xiaodong Zhang (, in the Section of Structural Biology, Department of Medicine, at Imperial College London’s South Kensington Campus. The successful candidate will jo