Dear Xingliang,
This is vaguely reminiscent to a pattern that was observed by Zora
Markovic-Housley on precession picture of crystals of ornithine
aminotransferase: the even layer (l=2n) had a nice pattern diffracting
to high resolution while the odd layer (l=2n+1) had a honeycomb stuctur
These are Kikuchi lines that usually are observed in the electron diffraction
from thick
specimen. For X-ray they are called Kossel lines. Well, if you are so called
high throughput structural biologist, you
can forget about that, It is hard core diffraction physics. But if you t
Interesting! it appears to be some kind of "secondary order"...I hope
someone wise/experienced can shed more light on this.
the diffraction spots appear to fall consistently in the middle of the
hexagonal(ish) grid lines, so it must be some partial order effect
related to the unit cell.
do yo