>>But there is no rule without exception,
Well, occasionally there is.
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Dear all,
I post this again to CCP4BB because some people informed me that they
received an empty email from me. This time I use my email client;
previously I used the Jiscmail web interface - does anybody know what
went wrong? Hopefully it works this time. Sorry if you get this twice.
Dear Sabine,
indeed, the differences between the last XDS versions are in the area of
indexing, with BUILT=20180409 being the most robust (and recommended) one.
This gives the desired results in all my tests, and GlobalPhasing has
successfully tested it with ~60 difficult cases. But there is n
Dear Sabine,
I would first take a look at the respective log-files for differences in
parameter settings, in particular SPOT_RANGE / DATA_RANGE,
Start with IDXREF.LP, then proceed to COLSPOT.LP.
The relevant parameters are always listed in the header of the log-files.
Dear all,
We are encountering a differences in indexing using different XDS
versions, which results in either 2 or 4 mols/asu (SG P1; structure
determination via MR (30% seq ID model)) and either successful
refinement or stuck R/Rfree
- the data were collected at ESRF ID30A3 (Aiger detector)