So you'er saying that if i eat less fiber, my body might absorb more fat??
That is my goal by the way.
i need more fat!
- Original Message -
From: Doug White
To: CF-Community
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: Digestion Question
According to what little
the underpaid guest worker is not entitled to either food stamps or health care.
>This looks to me like the unemployed US worker, will be liable for the taxes to
>support the "entitlements" such as health care, food stamps, etc. that are
>furnished to the underpaid "guest worker."
all the employess or just the permanent employees?
>The point is that the people at MS make good money on average. That number
>did include all employees as well
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My point is that schools, taken as a group, do not do their jobs very well. You as, ahem, a shining example of their success to the contrary. JJ called me from Ireland tonight and I told him that an email list I was on was dissolving into an argument over the proposition that American schools were
sorry to bristle at you :) Had been burning candle at both ends getting a proposal in.
>You in the generic.
>At 02:35 PM 1/7/2004, you wrote:
>>You've apparently forgotten that prunebelly is a non-profit organization...
>>if you are talking to me.
>> >
>> >-Original Message---
What I am looking for is the median, or average, of recent employees. I hear that Microsoft all but quit hiring permanent employees somewhere after 1995, not sure of the exact year. People hired before that date would have seniority and yeah, probably make quite a bit of money. People hired after t
Hi all,
I just wanted to let everyone know that I posted some information
about cfqueryparam that some of you may find useful on my blog today.
s. isaac dealey 214-823-9345
team macromedia volunteer http
I mean my political outlook. Yes I bring more to the table than many of the
other developers around me due to my military history. This allows me to
have a unique slant on security and intelligence information that we might
be working with. However I think on a personal moral level is where I fe
He almost got a lot of us from the 2/505th PIR killed a while back in
He Wanted to seize an airfield that was being held by the Russians. He had
a Brit under him that was thankfully sane and refused. Poof, suddenly he is
no longer in that Nato position.
I don't like Clark for a lot of
The partial translation of the Chinese characters on the first painting is "Heavenly horse". His posture etc, etc. is open to imagination, I really don't have any right to spoil it.
I'll post more "worthless" translations later.
>Thanks, Don - I like them. Very bold. I've wondered what the let
You're welcome. I'm pleased you like it.
>They are gorgeous!
>And I would love to have the originals or even all the prints from this
>Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.
>So nice and simple and full of feeling.
>Thanks for sharing!
According to what little I remember from my Anatomy & Physiology classes, the
muscles of the small intestine continually churn the food, in order to both
liquefy and expose all the contents to the villi. Addition of bile from the
liver breaks down the large molecules of fats and most proteins in o
did don paint these??
- Original Message -
From: Erika L Walker-Arnold
To: CF-Community
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 4:47 PM
Subject: RE: Beyond words
They are gorgeous!
And I would love to have the originals or even all the prints fro
They are gorgeous!
And I would love to have the originals or even all the prints from this
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.
So nice and simple and full of feeling.
Thanks for sharing!
-Original Message-
Hey guys, i remember being tuaght in school that the body absorbs nutriets from the food through the "villis" that are inside one of the intestines. What i wonder is, does it absorb all the nutrients?? since it's only brushing against the surface of the "food", how can it get everything?
Ok, after listening to Anarchy in the UK from them I actually want to go destroy
something. Ug! It was that bad.
> LOL! You all have to check this out!
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Glad, you like it, Jim. In a nutshell, the expressions of the horse reflects the feelings of the Chinese painter/artist. At the time of the art work, China was extremely "dark", the artist was so angry, he may very possibly ask the question through his art work, "why the hell things have to be li
>Why has every experience you've had with public schools been bad?
Not the case. I have made a point of saying so in this thread, for your benefit, actually, since we have been here before. But hey, since you ask Mt Tabor Elementary, Portland Oregon - outstanding school. St Mary's Elementary,
Thanks, Don - I like them. Very bold. I've wondered what the lettering
I see on other Chinese/Japanese paintings means - is it generally just
an artists' name/painting title? And the red mark... an artists'
- Jim
Chunshen (Don) Li wrote:
I had a chance to play with a NeXT machine back... geez, was it 20 years
ago? 18 years ago? Anyway, they were new then, and I'd picked up a
book at the library talking about them... some amazing stuff - 21 inch
monitor - a printer capable of printing 300 dpi. An optical drive
capable of hold
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k... what's the median for contract employeed hired since 1998 or so? By the way I turned that offer down...
>In the state of Washington the average MS salary is :
>Microsoft employees earn an average of $102,980 per year (without stock
>options, with stock options it is over 200k)
God Bill I love it when you explain parenting to me :) Private school yeah right. At the time I was a full-time student making seven bucks an hour part time so I could pay the rent in the war zone I lived in :) Private school. You funny man you.
You forgot the other option, which is transfer to a
XGrid for the Xserver.
The i/E series is for consumers, G is for the professional and X is the
server line.
At 04:59 PM 1/7/2004, you wrote:
>Well, that's going to be confusing. How are people supposed to know
>it's an Apple thing? iGrid would have been so much better.
The problem I had with CH was the promo stuff wasn't anything I wanted
(this was with audio cd's a few years ago).
What's the saving if you can't use it?
By the time you add postage, it's not such a bargain.
But if you can get a pile for almost free,
with a minimal follow-on requirement,
then no m
I was going to ask what benefits the minimum wage provides besides a baseline quality of life, but you totally answered that. Well spoken, Mike. Thank you.
-Original Message-
From: Haggerty, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 9:22 AM
To: CF-Com
(sorry, this is a huge thread and I'm wading through it here and there, so apologies if this has been asked and answered)
>Just so you know, I have my own ethical questions about where I work and
>what I do. I am a sellout, and I know it.
Just curios, Tim, but why do you feel that way?
40-60? They offered *me* 27... in Silicon Valley. Danag. Just when you think you aren't a statistic someone give me a hand with this here glass ceiling.
>40-60K a year is not considered a low wage in comparison to minimum wage.
>That is the average. Though I have read the book and it is go
News flash: public schools discriminate, they just cover it up with little homilies about how they are saving the children from the evil influence of their parents. Don't you know we are incapable of teaching our children about tolerance or sex and that is why they do it for us? Government as Nanny
It's funny that this is basically a new name for something that they brought
over from NeXT. About 12 years ago a friend showed me their NeXT Cube
grabbing CPU time from systems all over the world in order to do some
genetic modelling.
- Original Message -
From: "Larry C. Lyons" <
Is that the candidate they officially support? One point in their
twelve-step program is right on - Once a nominee is chosen, coalesce,
volunteer and support that nominee. I wonder if the owners of this site
would do just that if Clark gets the nomination?
- Jim
Haggerty, Mike wrote:
iAll iUs iMac iZealots iAren't iThat iStupid, iBen.
- Jim
Ben Doom wrote:
>Well, that's going to be confusing. How are people supposed to know
>it's an Apple thing? iGrid would have been so much better.
>Larry C. Lyons wrote:
>>Apple Puts a Name to Its Clu
Well, that's going to be confusing. How are people supposed to know
it's an Apple thing? iGrid would have been so much better.
Larry C. Lyons wrote:
> Apple Puts a Name to Its Cluster Technology: Xgrid
Heee heee heee
/evil jabba the hut laugh while rubbing hands together and sporting a wicked grin
-Original Message-
From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 3:46 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: email being spoofed
> Erika, does BMG have a DVD program? All I could find was a CD program.
I think they only do CDs, not 100% sure on that though
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'Nuff said.
-Original Message-
From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 4:21 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Don't Drink the Kool Aid
Ok... so whom would they have instead? I'm not saying Dean's the best
nominee, but saying "Stop Dean..
99% of the really incredible flash sites I have seen on the like of and the like are on php-driven pages. I think the coder/designer base from flash is heavy on independents/artists/youngens so they would be silly not to address that user base.
-Original Message-
true- the constitution does not have legislation overning moral rights, but
it has laws that ban acts that in the majority of people's opinions, are
immoral. So, it could be said that a citizen is justified in expecting
their subjective moral rights to be protected or garanteed. Of course, this
Erika, does BMG have a DVD program? All I could find was a CD program.
> -Original Message-
> From: Erika L Walker-Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 3:02 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: columbia house dvd question
> Do BMG. They don't requir
Be sure to apply PPF-30 for good protection.
- Original Message -
From: "Smith, Matthew P -CONT(CSC)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 3:39 PM
Subject: RE: email being spoofed
> Yes, I caught that typo, but it is just to
Just as an FYI, I went to the web site and they clearly state there if the
format is WS/FS or both. I'll check BMG as well. I'll also do the "google"
thing for better promotion codes. :)
> -Original Message-
> From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, Januar
Smith, Matthew P -CONT(CSC) wrote:
>Yes, I caught that typo, but it is just too good to not share. :-)
>/preemptive pun/burn block
>-Original Message-
>From: Smith, Matthew P -CONT(CSC)
>Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 3:35 PM
I agree. Paul needs some clothes.
- Jim
Smith, Matthew P -CONT(CSC) wrote:
>Hope you snag it, Paul.
>Best of luck, if they're smart they'll garb you.
>-Original Message-
>From: Paul Ihrig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 11:41 AM
>To: CF-Co
Yes, I caught that typo, but it is just too good to not share. :-)
/preemptive pun/burn block
-Original Message-
From: Smith, Matthew P -CONT(CSC)
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: email being spoofed
Hope you snag it, Paul.
Hope you snag it, Paul.
Best of luck, if they're smart they'll garb you.
-Original Message-
From: Paul Ihrig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 11:41 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: email being spoofed
not sure how it went
i was to exci
I haven't done Columbia House in ages...but I seem to recall hearing that they've made some changes (specifically you do NOT automatically receive (and therefore, if you're lazy like me, get stuck with) the 'Selection of the Month'.
That was my only gripe with Columbia House. Other than that, I t
I agree with pretty much all of that. I just am more accepting of welfare
than you. And it's not for bleeding heart reasons.
- Original Message -
From: "Heald, Tim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 2:54 PM
Subject: RE: Fu
Apple Puts a Name to Its Cluster Technology: Xgrid,4149,1427160,00.asp?kc=EWNWS010704DTX1K599
By David Morgenstern
January 6, 2004
SAN FRANCISCOOne new technology somewhat underplayed during CEO Steve
Jobs' Macworld Expo keynote address on Tuesday was
Thanks guys, just wanted to make sure.
Looked about the same as the first, nothing too exciting. I never really into the first one though...
-Original Message-
From: Bill Wheatley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 12:48 PM
To: CF-Community
: I have a slightly different take on this.
: I think we should raise minimum wage to be a livable wage (BARELY), and get
: american people training and give them jobs. They will repay the money the
: program cost by paying taxes and by not sucking the social services system.
: Employers hirin
Ok... so whom would they have instead? I'm not saying Dean's the best
nominee, but saying "Stop Dean... and, uh, well, we don't have anything
else to say... (shuffling feet)" isn't that effective of a battle cry.
- Jim
Haggerty, Mike wrote:
CH allows me to say No via the web, which isn't as good as what you describe
below. However, my main concern is the format. How can I pick a movie if I
don't know if it is WS or FS?
> -Original Message-
> From: Erika L Walker-Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January
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Simon -
I think the argument you were pursuing was that there is a moral right
to expect certain conditions to exist, and that this was backed up by
our Constitution.
The point I was making is that no absolute moral rights exist in law,
and that our own Constitution provides for a framework for a
You in the generic.
At 02:35 PM 1/7/2004, you wrote:
>You've apparently forgotten that prunebelly is a non-profit organization...
>if you are talking to me.
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Larry C. Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 1:39 PM
> >To
Do BMG. They don't require you to say yay or neigh to any of the offers
every month. And you can reply via the web if you do want something.
Easy Peasy.
-Original Message-
From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think Craig Mundie made 1.03M but pulled in 17.32 M with Stock options
this year
I'll dig deeper.
The point is that the people at MS make good money on average. That number
did include all employees as well
Stephen E. Schuster
PeopleSoft Administrator
2000 Ashland Drive
Ashland, KY 41101
Yes I know, just can't find anything on the median. Checking their
statements online though I doubt they post them.
I do know the high was Billy G at some 753,000.00 or something.
Stephen E. Schuster
PeopleSoft Administrator
2000 Ashland Drive
Ashland, KY 41101
Office Phone 606.920.7447
Well I think the most noticeable thing is that the congress no longer
bothers to declare war, hell the executive branch doesn't really even check
with congress anymore, and that is a power that is supposed to reside with
the congress.
I think in many cases (ATF, gun law in general) some of these
you left out "the pursuit of happiness". I'm not trying to give you a hard
time, and for the record I am very familiar with the difference between
ethics and morals (and mores, etc.).
I believe that the government has an obligation to give the people what they
need and what they want (or to strive
Yes, and the median is the most revealing figure when discussing
corporate salaries. At least, it is the most meaningful figure when
discussing corporate salaries in organizations with significant
-Original Message-
From: Schuster, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wedne
Yeah, but if I couldn't send her there...
-Original Message-
From: Heald, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 3:32 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: More Breaking News
I will remind you that I know where your kid goes to school :)
It's not any crapy D.C. pu
The mode is the frequently occurring value in a set. The median is the
middle value of the set when they are ordered by rank.
Stephen E. Schuster
PeopleSoft Administrator
2000 Ashland Drive
Ashland, KY 41101
Office Phone 606.920.7447
Cell Phone 606.831.4590
From: Haggerty, Mike [mail
I wouldn't call it bad schools so much as people unwilling to learn. I
went to school in Rehoboth beach Delaware too the schools there were
fine. I went to school in Salisbury for a couple years, and also in
Baltimore. And then as well in Kent island.
There were the classes I liked and then there
Average is the total salaries paid divided by the total number of
What is the median salaray - the one where 50% make more and 50% make
-Original Message-
From: Schuster, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 3:26 PM
To: CF-Community
I think I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue...
At 10:12 AM 1/7/2004, you wrote:
>Jiveman1: Sht, man, that honkey mus' be messin' my old lady
> got to be runnin' col' upsihd down his head!
I will remind you that I know where your kid goes to school :)
It's not any crapy D.C. public p.s. 105 either.
Timothy Heald
Web Portfolio Manager
Overseas Security Advisory Council
U.S. Department of State
The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of t
With BMG/COlumbia house when i was a kid if you say you wanted to cancel
they would say ok we'll let you stay on without mailing you a cd
unless you pick.
That was nice
Bill Wheatley
Senior Database Developer, Inc.
3801 W. Hillsboro Blvd.
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
You've apparently forgotten that prunebelly is a non-profit organization...
if you are talking to me.
>-Original Message-
>From: Larry C. Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 1:39 PM
>To: CF-Community
>Subject: Re:More Breaking News
>Maybe in your neck of
Ignore previous post just follow this link:
So it looks like the average is 102,980 w/o stock options
Stephen E. Schuster
PeopleSoft Administrator
2000 Ashland Drive
Ashland, KY 41101
Office Phone 606.920.7447
Cell Phone 606.8
We've had this discussion before I believe, and you may recall that I homeschool. It is what works best for my ironic intelligent children who read Wired magazine for fun and know more about US politics than many of the people on this list. This does not mean that your girlfriend the schoolteacher
If it's Bermuda grass, then you have to ship it to the Caribbean
>Can I ship my lawn to India to be cut?
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Simon Horwith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 8:54 AM
>> To: CF-Community
>> Subject: RE: More Breaking News
key term ="fortunate"
They do exist. I do not think they are the rule. What *is* the rule are kids who don't read, can't find Africa on a map, and have no idea who Mozart is. Ask me again why I homeschool?
>Nah badly run schools suck whether gov't run or not.
>I was fortune to goto a pub
Why has every experience you've had with public schools been bad? Goto
Stephen Decatur in Berlin Maryland and tell me why the schools are bad
there. There are no schools that I have ever seen that are perfect,
including private. Though a good school is able to educate thousands and
thousands of stu
I'm curious, how do you feel about Article I, section 8 of the
Constitution itself? It outlines a number of powers possessed by the
legislature that the executive branch is compelled to enforce at
Congress' legislative convenience.
How do Federal institituions depart from these powers, and where d
In the state of Washington the average MS salary is :
Microsoft employees earn an average of $102,980 per year (without stock
options, with stock options it is over 200k)
There are 26,000 Microsoft employees in Washington State ALONE
That was for 2002. I am not sure what the '03 numbers are b
I'd say don't touch Columbia House with a 10 foot pole. I got sucked
into that for CD's when I was younger, and it was a huge mess. I did my
"10 free CD" request thing, but they sent two wrong ones. When I tried
to send them back, they wouldn't take them. That, and after satisfying
my membe
The median per capita income (50% make more, 50% make less) in the U.S.
right now is $22k a year. The poverty line is $18k a year.
And people complain about making $40k a year. Go figure.
-Original Message-
From: Schuster, Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07,
Was there another public school in the area? When I was in MD and in FL
it was this way. You goto the school in the district you live. If you
don't like it you move. I know tons of people who had their parents
drive them to work and use fake addresses to goto other schools but I
can't stand that. I
40-60K a year is not considered a low wage in comparison to minimum wage.
That is the average. Though I have read the book and it is good.
Stephen E. Schuster
PeopleSoft Administrator
2000 Ashland Drive
Ashland, KY 41101
Office Phone 606.920.7447
Cell Phone 606.831.4590
From: dana t
Well, what concerns me is your use of the word 'free' here.
I mean, do you mean free as in without cost or do you mean free as in
absent of restriction on liberties. We have the latter with big
government but not the former, and I see nothing wrong with promoting a
greater good by paying taxes (wi
So, I got an offer to join the columbia house dvd club. The deals looks good
enough. But one thing bugs me. They gave me this giant collection of stamps
with DVD movies, and maybe 3 or 4 are marked "Widescreen" or "Fullscreen."
How in the hell are you supposed to tell what format the movies are in?
it's known as the social contract
>I'm not sure where you are either (I'm half-following the thread and
>half-writing a ton of code) but we are talking about where the government
>does and does not have a responsibility to it's citizens - and that is
>entirely a question of morality and ethics, ye
Actually, M$ is notorious for employing low-wage contract workers. Check out Microserfs.
>But then again look at the monopoly that is MS. Granted they are a beast but
>they employ 10's of thousands of people. The majority of those people
>probably make a decent wage.
[Todays Threads]
The solution to all of our problems are People Turbines. A People Turbine is a big wheel that people push in a circle to generate electricity - kind of like the Conan the Barbarian movie where they would spin the wheel for years only to make it a booby trap that would spin around and kill somebody.
the key word in that statement is quality, which is incompatible with a government-run school in my opinion. I do agree with the part about freely available. I would like to see a proliferation of charter schools, personally.
>I don't care who runs it - I just said it should be FREELY availa
Timothy Heald
Web Portfolio Manager
Overseas Security Advisory Council
U.S. Department of State
The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S.
Department of State or any affiliated organization(s). Nor have these
opinions been approved or
Education was the subject at hand. Would you like me to rant about the DoD
and it's "projects" or acquisitions processes? I can. Do you want to hear
me rail against corporate subsidy, expansion of federal powers beyond it's
authorized regulatory powers? I don't believe that most of our governme
It matters who runs education - there are free private schools all over
the place in the Middle East where children are taught to hate Americans
and that the greatest thing they can aspire to is becoming a martyr.
-Original Message-
From: Simon Horwith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: W
I'm talking about the schools not the teachers. Many teachers are in fact selfless and inspiring individuals (tho others are petty tyrants who are passive-aggressively working out their frustrations on people who are in their power). I am talking about a system that says it's ok to fail a kid becau
god I love the big brain on this kid :)
Timothy Heald
Web Portfolio Manager
Overseas Security Advisory Council
U.S. Department of State
The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S.
Department of State or any affiliated organization(s). Nor have t
Do you mind explaining this to me? Perhaps I am not getting it, but it
seems we do well to pay to have services in some cases regardless of
whether or not we use them.
Certainly you are not arguing the welfare system is corrupt, it
represents only a fraction of the federal budget every year and is
Article 10: The powers not delegated to the United States by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States
respectively, or to the people.
My read on it is this:
The federal government can only take legislative control over those items
specifically mentioned
Socrates said something similar over 2,500 years ago.
For all our notions of progress and modernity, we should remember man's
essential nature is to be a man.
-Original Message-
From: Heald, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 2:48 PM
To: CF-Community
LOL! You all have to check this out!
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It is not now FREELY available!!! Do you own property? Then you pay for
it. Do you pay income tax, even now in England? If you do you pay for it.
That's my point, none of this is free. Those with ability are paying for
those without. At the barrel of a gun no less. Robbery on a federal le
Article [X.] The powers not delegated to the United States by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the
States respectively, or to the people.
You and I definitely differ on our interpretations of this matter. Where
I come from, if the Federal Government establishes
oh yeah riiight. Discrimination has certainly done wonders for the economy of northern ireland. White people surely rose up to stop the opporession of blacks in the antebellum south.
Dream on.
>I think that discrimination should be allowed in private industry. If you
>are dumb enough to be
It all comes back to what Alexis d'Tocqueville said:
"The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe
the people with their own money."
That's where we are today. Funny thing that he called it several hundred
years in advance.
Timothy Heald
Web Portfolio Manager
I am sitting here wondering why government regulation is such a bad thing except when it comes to immigration. Hey, in the old days when they didn't have minimum wage they didn't have border guards either. A lot of people voted with their feet.
>I'm referring to legal workers here in our cou
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