Re: new gmail... Fugly or Ugly

2011-12-02 Thread K-Sea -
On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 7:03 PM, morchella wrote: > i just wish it was fast like it used to be when she was young. Or as tight ;-) ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Boars, Gore, and Swords: A Game of Thrones Podcast

2011-12-02 Thread morchella
If you like the tv show or books. you have to give these guys a listen they make me chuckle. -m ~| Order the

Re: new gmail... Fugly or Ugly

2011-12-02 Thread morchella
i just wish it was fast like it used to be when she was young. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

Virtual pathing issue

2011-12-02 Thread Nick Simone
I'm having some issues with a shared host and fw/1 that I was wondering if anyone has ever seen/heard of. Basically everything works great until I try to redirect to a shared SSL url. It seems that the shared SSL is a virtual folder that is pointed at the root of my 'user' folder on the shared