Here's a little video clip on NDAA.
Most of it is about a law suit against the Obama regime based on NDAA. One
of the plaintiffs is Cornel West, who was an Obama supporter at one time.
What sucks though
"Some right wing conservative christian (hah!) is advocating kidnapping the
children of same sex couples. Do these idiots even have a molecule of the
charity and love that Christ advocated?"
There's a big difference in calling yourself a Christian or a conservative
and actually being a Christian
If you do watch the tail, that is worse than having their hands and
arms free (as an undergrad had an internship in a neuroscience lab).
You're more likely to get covered than me.
On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Eric Roberts
> Aiming monkey at Larry
Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!
Hey! I'm still listening! :)
Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!
Some right wing conservative christian (hah!) is advocating kidnapping
the children of same sex couples. Do these idiots even have a molecule
of the charity and love that Christ advocated?
Its strange but I've never had those problems with CFBuilder. But
having used dreamweaver since that horrid original intro where they
had to play that evil song, its become much more bloated than Eclipse.
On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 12:04 AM, Casey Dougall - Uber Website
Solutions wrote:
> On Fri,