Re: Spam that you all may have received

2005-01-19 Thread Patrick Harkins
>I just got some spam that came to the address I use for this list, >Anybody else see this? No, but I'd say it's an operational hazard of being on a list that is archived to the web like this. ~| Purchase RoboHelp from House of

help with reporting of junk

2005-01-19 Thread Patrick Harkins
Hi, I would really like to see this spammer shut down. I derived this information by doing a whois on the domain in the link in their message. I also have the header info. If you would like to help, please email me offlist. -Patrick

Re: girl scout cookies for the troops?

2005-01-12 Thread Patrick Harkins
I know this joke is in terrible taste, but why not just skip the cookies and send the girl scouts? ducks! -Patrick >Is anyone here interested in buying Girl Scout cookies for some >soldiers in Iraq? A homeschooler I know from when I was in Ohio is >putting together a big old care package. D

Re: [didyaknow] #3 To Tip or Not to Tip: That is the Question.

2005-01-12 Thread Patrick Harkins
If you can find it, listen to Loudon Wainwright's "Tip that Waitress". Funny, I was just looking for that to download last night all his songs are memorable... -Patrick ~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk

Re: microsoft word guru's?

2004-12-22 Thread Patrick Harkins
guru's... is that like breast's? #>;-> >THANK YE JIM! > >perfect, exactly what i was lookin for! > >now, offf to the office, stumblin; crustini in the eye >sockets, up till 2:00 am coding, and now back to the >grind @ 8:something ;) > >DAMN I CANNOT WAIT FOR XMAS BREAK! > >tw > ~~

SSL Certs

2004-09-29 Thread Patrick Harkins
? Does anyone know what the differences is? regards, Patrick Harkins [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings] [Donations and Support]

Patty Larkin

2004-09-03 Thread Patrick Harkins
She has a new album out and I picked it up. There is one song in particular that is very catchy - Inside Your Painting but the others all grow on you if you give them time. There is a lot of melodic and textural interest there, as well as interesting themes. For those who haven't heard her, I hear

Re: Microsoft Security Chief uses Firefox..

2004-09-02 Thread Patrick Harkins
Yes there is a way to uninstall IE, but only if you are running older OS's like 98 or 2000 sr1 - >Is there a way to uninstall ie? > >only thing i dont like about firefox, is if you are on a site like >packetnews & click a link that should put a bit of code in

Re: Microsoft Security Chief uses Firefox..

2004-09-02 Thread Patrick Harkins
Hehe, I ran across this reply in a tech support forum. I submit as basically a troll for your amusement and comments: Well, the EASY answer to this is that ONLY Internet Explorer version 6 has the Print Preview option. You will have to download and install the latest version, but I would like to s

Re: Room at Max

2004-08-31 Thread Patrick Harkins
could try this: >OK, this is going to sound strange, but hear me out. We're running the >community suite this year at MAX. The suite will not be in the conference >center due to MM not having room. This means that it's either in the Hilton >(wh

nasa messenger

2004-08-05 Thread Patrick Harkins
From How Stuff Works... NASA has launched the spacecraft Messenger, which will study the planet Mercury. It will take Messenger six and a half years to reach Mercury, which is the closest planet to the sun and is 5 billion miles away. If security problems are discovered, patches will automaticall

Re: toilet problem

2004-08-05 Thread Patrick Harkins
>Plunger or Plumber's Gel or  snake is what will work - all the rest of that stuff will not help at all. >As for your malady, increase your liquid intake, preferably not sugar laden or alcohol based. Doug is right on about that IMO. Also about the malady, but you could also take Metamucil - don't

Re: Laid-Off / CF in Montreal

2004-08-05 Thread Patrick Harkins
>I got laid-off a couple of weeks ago.  The timiing really sucks as the >summer is a bad time to look for a job. > >The other thing is that there are very few companies in Montreal that >use CF. I am learning .NET but it'll be a couple of months before I am >proficient at it. > >Anyone from Montrea

Re: evolution of viruses

2004-08-03 Thread Patrick Harkins
But the ISP would have to actually care about incidents... As I understand the suggestion, it is to make ISPs responsible for outgoing "bad traffic", in order to stem the flow and keep networks alive...acknowledging that education of the end-user is a slow and painful process. > > > I don't see t

Re: Woo hoo

2004-08-03 Thread Patrick Harkins
yikes, I'm Ned Flanders! :-( [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings] [Donations and Support]

evolution of viruses

2004-08-03 Thread Patrick Harkins
There is an interesting article and discussion on this topic at this address: I was wondering what you guys thought of the comment one of the guys made about the need to force ISPs block outgoing spam/virus traffic... Anyone have any thoughts? -P

Re: Canadian Content

2004-07-30 Thread Patrick Harkins
>You mean the Globe can get even more boring that it was about 8 years >ago? That is a feat that worthy of the gods almost. > >larry > Yep it can and has. Not that it doesn't have a few treasures I mostly read the local paper and listen to the radio. or an occasional magazine... Pat [Todays T

Re: Anyone wana work in the Adult Industry?

2004-07-30 Thread Patrick Harkins
>bah don't pick on erika shes got the junk in the trunk hehe *PAT PAT* > > > >William Wheatley >Coldfusion Guru> >  ...puts a whole new slant on "back end capabilities", doesn't it? :D >  -Patrick that wasn't targeted at Erika... I was thinking more of Mikey D's term "backdoor babe" or something l

Re: Interesting Quote

2004-07-30 Thread Patrick Harkins
>"It is only the intellectually lost who ever argue" how about these? The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts. -- Bertrand Russell Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convin

Re: Anyone wana work in the Adult Industry?

2004-07-30 Thread Patrick Harkins
>If we weren't so busy I'd hop right on this. No pun intended ... > >Cheers, >Erika ...puts a whole new slant on "back end capabilities", doesn't it? :D -Patrick [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings] [Donations and Support]

Re: Canadian Content

2004-07-30 Thread Patrick Harkins
>yes, thank you. Am I reading this correctly that they are talking >about censoring al-Jazeera in Canada?? > >Dana > > >amusing section about the CRTC. Thought the ex-pats on the list might enjoy... >Patrick Hi Dana, Sorry for the slow reply, it's been a little bus

Re: Springfield to legalize gay marriage

2004-07-28 Thread Patrick Harkins
...speaking of which: Michael Moore, Bill O'Reilly to Wed [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings] [Donations and Support]

Canadian Content

2004-07-28 Thread Patrick Harkins Good article about Michael Moore and US politics at the above link to the Toronto Star column by Antonia Zerbisias. Also if you look at near the end of the column under Hack Attack, there is an amusing section about the CRTC. Thought the ex-pats on the list

Re: version control

2004-07-20 Thread Patrick Harkins
The problem is, many versions have no self-control and do not practice abstinence [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings] [Donations and Support]

Erika or Phil

2004-07-20 Thread Patrick Harkins
Could either of you please email me off-list? thanks, Patrick [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings] [Donations and Support]

job - toronto - dotNet

2004-07-16 Thread Patrick Harkins
FYI... CodeProject is hiring. We are looking for developers who have experience in high-load web applications, Database design and optimisation, and network infrastructure. We are seeking experienced developers who can hit the ground running and who love the balmy climate of Toronto. Or who are a

Fusebox for .NET

2004-07-16 Thread Patrick Harkins
I think this question came up before, so here is a little fyi... -Patrick    VCMBox, an MVC - FuseBox Hybrid Framework    - Simon Segal (9 Jul 2004) [Moved]    An MVC meets FuseBox Hybrid pattern for .NET, implmented in C#    with the the Northwind database.

Fusebox for .NET

2004-07-16 Thread Patrick Harkins
I think this question came up before, so here is a little fyi... -Patrick    VCMBox, an MVC - FuseBox Hybrid Framework    - Simon Segal (9 Jul 2004) [Moved]    An MVC meets FuseBox Hybrid pattern for .NET, implmented in C#    with the the Northwind database.

Re: waving

2004-07-14 Thread Patrick Harkins
Yes it was a good time. If you camp out you have to be prepared for drumming circles that go till four in the morning or so though...! >Sounds like a good time. Wish I could have been there. > >larry > >On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 14:28:57 -0400, Patrick Harkins wrote: >> [To

Re: waving

2004-07-14 Thread Patrick Harkins
Hi, I made it back in one piece. I'm staying in archive mode for a personal reason - my addictive personality. I miss the fun here but need to regroup my energies. I do want to share a few things though. Firstly, Vusi Malasehla was at Winnipeg and he is as good as hoped for. Apparently Dave Matthew

Re: Strange program popping into my startup menu

2004-03-29 Thread Patrick Harkins
>I'm _really_ glad my firewall is working! > >:-) re random exe names see this article on a bagle variant:,1759,1554954,00.asp [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: List back up yet.

2004-03-26 Thread Patrick Harkins
list, she go boom! >subject says it all. > >larry [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: UPDATE- Processing Requests errors?

2004-03-23 Thread Patrick Harkins
Hey, Bushy! What are you trying to do that requires the long timeouts? [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Integrity Alert

2003-12-16 Thread Patrick Harkins Good for you, folks at Lavasoft! -Patrick [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re:FW: Winning notification

2003-11-27 Thread Patrick Harkins
Hey I won that lottery too! Only it seems Tessy Bullock has been replaced and Vicki Hans has taken over her job! ;) hehe Egovin Lottery Promotions wilheim Straat  5, 1033 KT, Rotterdam. The Netherlands. GOVERNMENT ACCREDITED LICENSED LOTTERY PROMOTERS. Ref Number: 356/45832/671. Batch Number: 613


2003-10-21 Thread Patrick Harkins
Sorry to hear that Tim. Well, you're a smart guy so I'm sure you'll do it smart. Still painful though and always messy. Good luck with it all - will be thinking of you. -Patrick >Ouch. Its never a nice process. If you can try and keep things on a civil >basis, otherwise it may come back to haunt

Re:Fw: Hello

2003-10-21 Thread Patrick Harkins
Hehe yes they are coming out with new flavours these days. I ask them all to write me at my new email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I think it gets the point across... :) patrick >Hey look, it's a new version of the nigerian scam (at least I haven't seen >this one before). > >-d > >- Original Message

IE cache management and size

2003-10-20 Thread Patrick Harkins
ot;overload" the browser by setting the "amount of disk space to use" too high. -thanks in advance for your thoughts and time- Patrick Harkins [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re:telefeeding (Was re: great news)

2003-10-02 Thread Patrick Harkins
We have a pesky young male cat now living with us and I was imagining having a webcam pointed at my plants and a microphone set up with netmeeting or something so I could say NO when he goes in the Or conversely it would be very soothing to be able to talk to your pets when you are aw

telefeeding (Was re: great news)

2003-09-30 Thread Patrick Harkins
Hey Larry, was diggin thru the archives and heard your great news - congrats! btw i was thinking, what with your webcams and such, would it not be the logical next step to set up some kind of remote feeding system so you ensure they are fed during the day? Of course I know nothing about ferrets an


2003-09-30 Thread Patrick Harkins
Thanks Dana, Btw nice to see you - I am on unpaid leave from the list as I can't really keep up with it. Yes, I agree - "move it" is a better translation of "bougez-vous". Though maybe it is too polite... I think the intention of the author is more emotion-laden... "tiens a" literally "hold to"?


2003-09-29 Thread Patrick Harkins
Here you go Tim. Consider it my contribution! -Patrick woot? and an intrusion into the PEO system et as usual I seek to push people to act on behalf of the Palestinian cause and for Iraq, if you still have a seed of humanity in your hearts, i can't believe that you daily see innocent people die in

Re:web access to audio files

2003-09-12 Thread Patrick Harkins
Hi Dana, here is what I would recommend. Go into Windows Media Player to Tools, Options, File Types and check mp3. Then click on View, Explorer Bar, Media in Internet Explorer. Under Media options at the bottom of the Media Explorer pane, click on Settings, Reset Preferred Types, Yes. They sho

Nigerians - Part 2

2003-09-12 Thread Patrick Harkins
Here is my reply followed by the second-level email I received from these characters. This is a fun game! vbeg There is no doubt that the spirits are abundant, especially when receiving mail from confidence men. Indeed, who is not familiar with the Johnson/Taylor alliance. Be assured that your

Free online disk storage

2003-09-11 Thread Patrick Harkins
heh, yea that free stuff went the way of the dinosaur faster than an Olympic runner on steroids! vbeg Patrick >something called xdrive comes to mind > > >for $10/mth he can have 500megs. > >I did not realize they started charging but that is the only >one I know off the top of my h

Keep the bad people off the plane

2003-09-10 Thread Patrick Harkins
Here is the text of a recent spam i received and my reply above it, for your amusement: Dear Abacha family, How good it is to hear from you. It has been too long since we last spoke. It is a great tragedy that General Abacha was Cardiac Arrested. I know these Nigerian prisons are not really pic

New CF Site live

2003-09-10 Thread Patrick Harkins
Love the part about the national orgies! When do they start? :) Patrick >Bootiful. > >Don't like the italics ^_^. > >-Gel > >-Original Message- >From: Nick McClure [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > >Just made a new CF site live, wanted to get some feedback. > > > >TIA

Re: Canadian Zipcodes

2002-03-06 Thread Patrick Harkins
Michael I don't think it's cut and dried like that. In rural areas, the first three digits can cover a pretty wide area. In cities here they may get more than one of the first three i believe. Can't be more definitive than thatsorry. Maybe if you check the gov sites here? BTW, we don't cal

Re: Zombo

2002-02-05 Thread Patrick Harkins
from the source of P. At 02:34 PM 05/02/2002 -0500, you wrote: > > > > >interesting > >Todd > >- Original Message - >From: "Erika L. Walker-Arnold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Sent: Tuesday, Fe

RE: *cough*

2002-02-05 Thread Patrick Harkins
>Trucks, Legos, Furbies, and other assorted Toy-R-Us type stuff!!! Did you >ever ride a bike around that store??!! Much fun, employees kinda frown upon >it. :) > >Erika as a matter of fact i have tried it. it is a cool store! i also had to herd my kids while my one was on a bicycle and the othe

Re: Church and State and Dogs and list

2002-02-03 Thread Patrick Harkins
so true..! :-) BTW, is the list really this slow this morning? At 08:51 PM 02/02/2002 -0900, you wrote: >hey my dogs talk to me every day >its because you are a parent. the ability to suspend disbelief is a >requirement. >- Original Message ----- >From: "Patrick Harkin

Re: Bachelor Chow, now with flavor!

2002-02-02 Thread Patrick Harkins
not to be confused with ? Patrick . . . At 02:42 AM 03/02/2002 +, you wrote: >And now for some Saturday night surfing pleasure ... > > > >a cookbook for geeks by geeks? > > >Erika > > ___

Re: Church and State and Dogs

2002-02-02 Thread Patrick Harkins
kids liked it! >- Original Message - >From: "Patrick Harkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > > Beth: Saw Snow Dogs tonight with my kids. Loved it! What did you think, if > > you did? Just curious, since you are an Ala

Muffin recipe, as promised

2002-02-02 Thread Patrick Harkins
Almond Beyond Muffins (Carbohydrate-Free) Ingredients: 2.5 cups ground almonds 1/2 cup honey 1/4 melted butter 1 teaspoon baking soda pinch of salt if butter is unsalted 3 (or 4) eggs grated peel(zest) of one lemon 1 teaspoon almond extract (or vanilla) (optional, but nice) 1/4 cup currants or d

Re: Church and State and Dogs

2002-02-02 Thread Patrick Harkins
Beth: Saw Snow Dogs tonight with my kids. Loved it! What did you think, if you did? Just curious, since you are an Alaskan and a dog lover. regards, Patrick At 02:42 PM 02/02/2002 -0900, you wrote: >I bet the discussion between the students and the school was very similar to >the discussion y


2002-02-02 Thread Patrick Harkins
there has to be a metaphor for this. i send messages into the list i never see them again but i see them quoted in replies so i know they arrived the ripples flow back to me but the stone sinks into the water and once i saw a message of mine with someone else's name on it the worm has turned i

RE: List repeating?

2002-02-01 Thread Patrick Harkins
OK this is TOO weird! now I am Neil Clark! geez - lol! Patrick Patrick Patrick . . . . . At 12:19 PM 01/02/2002 +, you wrote: >Randy I have the same problem I know (some of) posts arrived cause i >got a reply, but i can't see them - now you know yours did! :) > >cheers,

Re: New One: Death of Macromedia

2002-02-01 Thread Patrick Harkins
well said, Benjamin! me too! ;) lol P.S. Tom if you think Erika is so immature then you surely are not thinking at all! g! At 06:28 PM 01/02/2002 +1100, you wrote: > > > Now that I have positioned myself in the proper hall (CF-Community) I >shall > > lay out a scenar

Re: List repeating?

2002-02-01 Thread Patrick Harkins
Randy I have the same problem I know (some of) posts arrived cause i got a reply, but i can't see them - now you know yours did! :) cheers, Patrick At 09:22 PM 31/01/2002 -0500, you wrote: >Can I post to this list? I submitted a message but not seen it return. > > >- Original Message

RE: Bats in Belfry

2002-01-31 Thread Patrick Harkins
I was in the Norfolk Virginia Airport on Sunday and there were two starlings flying around way up high... poor things may starve to death before they find their way out... At 10:11 AM 31/01/2002 -0500, you wrote: >Poor little bat. He just wanted a safe place to nap during the day > >I had

RE: Mailing list humor

2002-01-31 Thread Patrick Harkins
no need to hide... Good one, Phil! PS. - Hope you are holding up all right with those long hours and Erika being so far my sweetie is far too and it ain't no picnic! regards, Patrick At 12:21 PM 31/01/2002 +, you wrote: >I don't know why this just popped into my head... > >How man

RE: UDF parameters and Scope and muffins!

2002-01-31 Thread Patrick Harkins
milton >Macromedia Certified ColdFusion Professional > > > >-Original Message- >From: Patrick Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] >Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 10:30 PM >To: CF-Community >Subject: RE: UDF parameters and Scope and muffins! > > >believe it or

RE: UDF parameters and Scope and muffins!

2002-01-30 Thread Patrick Harkins
believe it or not Raymond I have a complex-carb-free muffin recipe that is the only one i ever use and it is very good! I will post it to the list if you want. Be warned though, they contain plenty of calories.! Patrick At 09:14 AM 30/01/2002 -0500, you wrote: >And, um, of course, if you w

RE: Superman vs Spiderman

2002-01-28 Thread Patrick Harkins
maybe they could implant some kryptonite DNA along with spider silk DNA into those milking goat's genetic material and come up with a dual-purpose fiber... and anti-ballistic too! my apologies, this assumes you saw the recent news article. p.s. i know kryptonite doesn't have DNA - but

Flash popups

2002-01-13 Thread Patrick Harkins
>Was visiting this page that someone recommended and got a Flash popup! yuck,12840,284479_405329,00.html __ Get the mailserver that powers this list at

Re: Countries - Who Cares!!

2002-01-08 Thread Patrick Harkins
I like big butts too, within reason... :) Pictures Beth, pictures! ... forget the puppies! :-) Patrick At 03:03 PM 08/01/2002 -0900, you wrote: >Must be something about men whose names start with M? > >--Beth, Pseudo usenet cop >Merlin MTB, BikeE AT, RANS gliss, Trek R200, Kickbike >Owned by K

Re: Content protection?

2002-01-08 Thread Patrick Harkins
On that note, you should be aware that in IE 6 Beta, there is a feature that allows you to save images that are right-click protected with javascript. Oops! Patrick BTW hi there fellow Canandian! :) At 04:09 PM 08/01/2002 -0500, you wrote: >Hello All, > >We have a need to display some t

RE: Well, today it happened...

2001-12-31 Thread Patrick Harkins
>Congratulations, you two! All the best from here in icy Canada! Patrick __ Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more resources for the community.

Re: Disable Back Button in Browser.

2001-12-22 Thread Patrick Harkins
i believe you can get around this using WDDX and passing the forms and their values in a structure, while storing the page urls in a comma-delimited list which gets passed through a hidden form field. There was article a while back on wizards in the CFDJ...haven't done it myself though, so

Re: Scientists discover world's funniest joke

2001-12-20 Thread Patrick Harkins
I liked the subheading: Few laugh in Canada! :-) lol.. funny enough i was one of those At 01:49 PM 20/12/2001 -0500, you wrote: > >The winner goes like this: Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson go camping and >pitc

Re: The Case of The Lost Cow

2001-12-14 Thread Patrick Harkins
I got one of those for my sister last year - they are funny! :) patrick At 03:58 PM 13/12/2001 -0400, you wrote: >Funny Anecdote: > >Well, after looking for a christmas present for one N. S., I finally >found the perfect gift. A Mad, Dancing Cow toy. > >That night, on the way home, I suddenly re

RE: The Utterly Surreal Test

2001-12-07 Thread Patrick Harkins
lol! here's mine: I am Matched Phrenology Busts I enlighten Norwegian glass bacteria with richly sponged hardwood thought processes. Four ripe metronomes ridicule my lucky castle of relief. My auspicious mercury rides level coral. At 10:26 PM 06/12/2001 -0500, you wrote: >That was the most da

RE: Fun at Wal-Mart

2001-12-06 Thread Patrick Harkins
lol - ok I want to know, and maybe someone with a scientific background can answer this one Does burping the container really make a difference? I mean there is still air in there, so i can't see how burping helps! Patrick At 11:22 AM 06/12/2001 -0900, you wrote: > > What about Tupperware

RE: Massive blasts rock Central Jerusalem :(

2001-12-06 Thread Patrick Harkins
thank you Beth! At 09:08 AM 06/12/2001 -0900, you wrote: >I liked this post Patrick. Well Said! >You dont' post often, but when you do it appears to pack a whallop. > ~~ Get the mailserver that powers this list at Archive

RE: Outlook blocked attachments

2001-12-06 Thread Patrick Harkins
I guess that says something about the nature of Windows Scripting Host, doesn't it! Pat At 08:41 AM 06/12/2001 -0500, you wrote: >What's annoying is that it will block HTML attachments. > >-Original Message- >From: Todd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] >Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 18:5


2001-12-06 Thread Patrick Harkins
Nathan: I don't enjoy the mud-slinging fests here either, but good God man - not this discussion! please! Patrick :-) At 07:23 AM 06/12/2001 -0600, you wrote: >ASP VBSCRIPT, ASP JSCRIPT, JSP, CFM, PHP, PERL, .NET, OR OTHER > >Which one is better and why? > >Why would you use more then one? >

RE: Massive blasts rock Central Jerusalem :(

2001-12-06 Thread Patrick Harkins
Mo: I am among those who are tired of the political discussions here as well, but being mostly a lurker, I don't have the right to say much... However, I wanted to thank you for speaking up here. I appreciate hearing from a Palestinian voice. Patrick At 10:14 AM 05/12/2001 -0800, you wrote:

RE: Massive blasts rock Central Jerusalem :(

2001-12-06 Thread Patrick Harkins
*** Well, leaving aside the question of armed intervention, it is time the men of the world started listening more to the women. my self included.. As some commentator said in a musing sort of way, if people in positions of power had taken the plight of Afghan women more seriously, this con

RE: What Kind of Robot Are You?

2001-12-01 Thread Patrick Harkins
is the HOF server down? At 12:45 AM 01/12/2001 +, you wrote: >Number 5 is cool!! > > > -Original Message- > > From: Russel Madere [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > > Sent: 30 November 2001 15:08 > > To: CF-Community > > Subject: RE: What Kind of Robot Are You? > > > > > > Oh no! I ended

Re: What Kind of Robot Are You?

2001-11-29 Thread Patrick Harkins
I am Data thanks for the link! :) At 10:57 AM 29/11/2001 -0500, you wrote: >A friend sent me this, I was Maximillian. (Probably not a good thing) > > >Erin > > >If you would like to find out what kind of robot (Data, Roy Batty, I

Re: @Home

2001-11-29 Thread Patrick Harkins
Where I am it is Rogers@Home who are the cable provider, and they are taking over the service from Excite. Thus my email is now [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Had to go through a conversion process, reconfiguring software with new password and server names, and anyone with web

RE: Mixed Drinks WAS RE: Wahhhh

2001-11-28 Thread Patrick Harkins
Adam, my brain is telling me that Caipirinha is also the name of a cheese, but it may be totally wrong! Now this is going to drive me crazy until i figure out why i think that! cheers, Patrick At 10:49 AM 28/11/2001 -0500, you wrote: >Have any of you tried a Caipirinha? It's kind of a Brazi

RE: Grawwl..rarrkk..*shriek*

2001-11-25 Thread Patrick Harkins
rom all over the world. > >Gotta love technology! > >Erika >(with a *K*) > >Talent is nurtured in solitude; character is formed in the stormy billows >of the world. - Goethe >---------- > > >>|From: Patrick Harkins [m

Re: Grawwl..rarrkk..*shriek*

2001-11-25 Thread Patrick Harkins
well i made muffins myself this morning lord it's quiet here! At 11:06 AM 25/11/2001 -0400, you wrote: >*scampers across roof,tail swishing left to right for balance* >*drops and flips to ground* > >*leaps over sundry obstacles* > >*holds up a blueberry muffin in a black,reptillian claw* > >

RE: Old list of useless trivia

2001-11-22 Thread Patrick Harkins
..the original experiment about the female praying mantis ripping it's mate's head off has never been reproduced, and since the behaviour has never been observed in the wild, it is theorized that it was stress-induced. I'll leave the extrapolations to you! :) Patrick At 02:24 PM 22/11/2001 -

RE: Happy Thanksgiving to All

2001-11-22 Thread Patrick Harkins
Goose is very nice, especially in the hands of a good cook - as I recall it is more fatty, so you have to drain some fat while it is cooking...also you don't end up with tons of leftovers that you must find uses for :) I think I prefer it to turkey not turkey day here in Canada either! :) pat

RE: RE: Boogying to techno

2001-11-21 Thread Patrick Harkins
have you tried audiogalaxy? .. not that i use it or anything...! pat At 04:19 PM 21/11/2001 +, you wrote: >Does anyone know where you can get live Sven Vath sets, apart from Napster. > >Groovetech just does not cater for this craving of mine. > >.. > >-Original Message- >From: M

Fwd: RE: Boogying to techno

2001-11-20 Thread Patrick Harkins
GoldWave to record some live house DJ sets back in in Boston so >they could make CD's etc. Worked like a charm.) > > >-Original Message- >From: Patrick Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] >Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 10:41 >To: CF-Community >Subject: RE: B

RE: FW: Boogying to techno

2001-11-20 Thread Patrick Harkins
can >play wma streams within winamp - outputting them in exactly the same way >as described below... > >HTH > >Dan > >-----Original Message- >From: Patrick Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] >Sent: 20 November 2001 14:01 >To: CF-Community >Subject: Re: FW: Bo

RE: Boogying to techno

2001-11-20 Thread Patrick Harkins
eed to mess about with recording levels to record the sound faithfully. > > >-Original Message- >From: Patrick Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] >Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 09:38 >To: CF-Community >Subject: RE: Boogying to techno > > >Being totally ignora

RE: Boogying to techno

2001-11-20 Thread Patrick Harkins
Being totally ignorant here :) how do you record wav direct from sound card, please? thx pat At 09:21 AM 20/11/2001 -0500, you wrote: >Damn I need coffee. That message was awful > >-Original Message- >From: Kevin Gilchrist >Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 09:17 >To: CF-Communi

Re: FW: Boogying to techno

2001-11-20 Thread Patrick Harkins
Daniel: Do you know of a means to capture streaming Windows Media Audio? My favourite station - cbc has disabled their main RealAudio channel (i am sure because of not wanting people to capture it - but they aren't saying) and I am dying to be able to record things from them, so I can share th

recent notes on Human Logical Capabilities

2001-11-18 Thread Patrick Harkins
.. or something like that - some of these are pathetic, some are clever, i think :) Recent notes on Human Logical Capabilities: Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards. Isn't making a smoking section in a rest

a little humour to brighten your day

2001-11-16 Thread Patrick Harkins
Five Cannibals get appointed as engineers in a Defense Department Organization. During the welcoming ceremony the boss says: "You're all part of our team now. You can earn good money here, and you can go to the cafeteria for something to eat. So don't trouble the other employees". The cannibals

Re: Barbie Turns Wild, Gets a Tattoo

2001-11-16 Thread Patrick Harkins
yes, and the Canadian has lost his dog, now there's a story to bring a tear to your eye! :) never knew about that offbeat stories area - great diversion - thanks! patrick At 08:36 AM 16/11/2001 -0500, you wrote: >No joke, the plastic diva gets a dragon tattoo. > >larry > > >

RE: Taliban abandons city of Jalalabad

2001-11-16 Thread Patrick Harkins
Vitamin C crystals (ascorbic acid) in water - 1/2 - 1 tsp at first then 1/4 tsp every hour until better. You can buy more cheaply at pharmacy usually. Patrick >Been working too hard. And its finally caught up to me. >I am nursing a fever and a damned runny nose, and still have to meet a >Mond

RE: got a new boss today

2001-11-15 Thread Patrick Harkins
yea, i guess "diving" is the operative word, huh Larry? :) Patrick At 09:49 AM 15/11/2001 -0500, you wrote: >That would be probably the best thing for the beltway. A few weeks ago I saw >a classic - this woman was drinking coffee, and talking on the cellphone, >while she was applying makeup. She

Re: Canadians (was What just HAPPENED!!)

2001-11-14 Thread Patrick Harkins
Cool Nick... It IS a small world! I hereby declare you an honorary Guelphite! Guelph news flash: it was recently decided to officially call Guelph "City Of Music" instead of "The Royal City" which it was for many years... .which client btw? - is it a company that has an office here? P eating h

software circles :)

2001-11-14 Thread Patrick Harkins
Hi All: Well while I procrastinate about scraping my machine and reinstalling Win 2000, I am really enjoying the stability of Netscape 6.2! I also downloaded and am using the adware version of Eudora and I'm liking it - no feature bloat.. ..started to have this funny deja vu feeling, i gues

Re: Canadians (was What just HAPPENED!!)

2001-11-14 Thread Patrick Harkins
cial" muffins without wheat in them. My family did the opposite of what Larry did - came up from the States in the early 60's, and I became a Canadian in 1980. Working on getting dual citizenship now... Greetings from lone fellow Canuck, and btw thanks for asking, I was wondering the

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