Re: new lily pics

2007-02-09 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Looks like a taller Cairn Terrier. Shoulda gotten her a Great Pyrenees :) sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Bruce Sorge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/09/2007 03:55 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ

Re: new lily pics

2007-02-09 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
What a beautiful puppy... Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/09/2007 03:48 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:new lily pics

Contracting and "side work"

2007-02-09 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Hey all, Once we get settled in Raleigh, I'll probably be trying to get some side work, contracting stuff... How do you go about picking up that kind of work (I know it sounds stupid, but I'm not exactly a marketing major :) Thanks sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875

RE: We're moving..

2007-02-08 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
We're in Springfield, VA. About five minute from 395, Metro and Springfield Mall Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Mike Tangorre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/08/2007 02:17 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ

RE: We're moving..

2007-02-08 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Yup, I start monday, I'm going down to Raleigh for four days on monday, then I telecommute until we sell the place up here Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Mike Tangorre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/08/2007 12:26 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community

Re: We're moving..

2007-02-08 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Job...check Curent place on the market we go down to look at houses next weekend... Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/08/2007 11:45 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD)

We're moving..

2007-02-08 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Look out Raleigh, here we come. Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs http:;56

Re: Need Cold Fusion help

2007-02-07 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
I posted a serious answer yesterday, and got no response... there's nothing "little" about what you want to do. If you want to compete with these sites (myspace, amazon etc.) It's going to take alot of time and money to do it the right way. Why don't you put up a set of requirements, stating w

Re: Another Rant

2007-02-07 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
I drive a 2006 Corolla, I was driving 30 miles plus (in traffic) to work. My 2003 Wrangler wasn't cutting it mileage wise. Then I wound up at HUD which reduced my commute to five minutes to the subway NOW we're moving to Raleigh, my commute's gonna depend on where we end up house wise.

Re: Need Cold Fusion help

2007-02-06 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
You can do it Cold Fusion, but Access definatly isn't the way to go database wise, it's not robust enough to handle the number of records or.. the amount of potential traffic. MySpace isn't perfect, it never was. There's alot of bugs and changes that could be made. You're talking about a tremed

Re: speaking of the superbowl...commercials

2007-02-06 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Yeah, that was a good one... Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/06/2007 10:28 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: speaking of the

Re: So, the huge bomb scare in Boston ...

2007-01-31 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
link? sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Jerry Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/31/2007 05:08 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: So, the huge bomb scare in Boston ...

Re: So, the huge bomb scare in Boston ...

2007-01-31 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
can you say "didn't think this one through very carefully" Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Jerry Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/31/2007 04:44 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:

Re: WOW gas station explodes

2007-01-31 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
and you left a present for 'em... it femented in the bend for two years and..BOMM Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/30/2007 06:11 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/H

Re: I know this is old but...

2007-01-29 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
anyone running the Express Version, which is the freeware portable version. Here's a question... is Vista a kernel upgrade or just features? sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Bruce Sorge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/29/2007 03:43 PM Please respond to cf-community To

Re: Scariest weekend yet...

2007-01-29 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Yikes, man. it comes in threes It'll get better promise... my thoughts are with Kennedy's pop Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/29/2007 10:15 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. S

Re: Source Code Documentation

2007-01-26 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
nor do I have time to check my posts for spelling and typos yeesh Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Yves Arsenault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/26/2007 02:51 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD)

Re: Source Code Documentation

2007-01-26 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
i try to at least get the this does this and this does this. i usually don't have tim eto really document thhings like they should be. Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Mike Tangorre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/26/2007 12:46 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Comm

Re: Why?

2007-01-26 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
They all work for AOL tech support Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Bruce Sorge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/26/2007 12:37 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: Why? I want t

RE: metallica lullabyes

2007-01-26 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Metallica sold out the audience that originally made them famous. the album "Master of Puppets" went gold with no radio play, on the strength of word of mouth, vicious live shows and quality song writing. they swore they'd never do a video ''..and Justice For All" goes multi platinum, they headl

Re: metallica lullabyes

2007-01-26 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
i wonder what kind of psychosis would be induced by a child being lulled to sleep by "War Ensemble" ? Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Yves Arsenault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/26/2007 08:06 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Sco

Re: metallica lullabyes

2007-01-26 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
How 'bout... Metallica = sellouts Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Charlie Griefer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/25/2007 07:32 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:metallica lulla

Re: Big interview this morning

2007-01-25 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
oh wow... My father taught Assembler back in the 60's Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Jerry Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/25/2007 12:34 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:

somewhat cruel, yet somehow funny

2007-01-25 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs http:http://ad.

Re: what a bummer

2007-01-25 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
I had something like that happen a couple of years ago. One of the lead CF guys where I was working just died one day. Joe was pretty heavy and he rolled over in his sleep and his heart failed. He was a great guy, and about a month away from a decision on gastric bypass surgery. f*ing shame.

Re: An interesting map of the US

2007-01-24 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Antarctica Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Jerry Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/24/2007 04:20 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: An interesting map of the US What

Re: An interesting map of the US

2007-01-24 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
I'd like to see this map with Northern Virginia divided from the rest of the state :) Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/24/2007 02:51 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/H

Re: Big interview this morning

2007-01-22 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
good luck, brother!! Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs http:;56760587;14748456

Photo pages

2007-01-22 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
I put up a flckr page with photos of some recent excursions Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create

It's underway

2007-01-22 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
The great Raleigh migration I've got some bites from recruiters and companies in Raleigh, nothing solid yet... My major worry is selling my condo.. I can't hold two mortgages at one time... If anyone's look for a three bedroom, townhouse style condo, that's close to DC metro and highways, l


2007-01-22 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Unfortunatly it is... more people care about American Idol, than who runs the government... and the snow... just enough to make people stupid.. six cars on the side of the road in the three miles I drive to the subway yeesh sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL

Re: What a piece of SH*T this company is

2007-01-19 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Yeah, some people just plain suck Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Bruce Sorge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/19/2007 02:44 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:What a piece of SH*T

Re: introducing jezebel

2007-01-19 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
and jezebel throws a top rope 301 and pins herbie 1...2...3... Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Gruss Gott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/19/2007 10:21 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) S

RE: introducing jezebel

2007-01-19 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
how's the little guy doin? sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Mike Tangorre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/19/2007 10:07 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:RE: introducing jeze

Re: introducing jezebel

2007-01-19 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
So you have a pit, two chihuahuas, and an italian greyhound? You're catching up to me :) sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/19/2007 09:36 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/H

Re: So if you believe in omens...

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
hell no, i could give two shits about college sports (except for West Virginia, only because I have a nephew that's a junior there) I'm all about pro sports Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "G Money" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 03:11 PM Please respond to cf-community


2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Amen brother. Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Jerry Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 03:09 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: IM DIVORCED Oh, so like marr


2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Novocaine? yer gonna be hatin' life in a few hours... Novocaine is very temporary... Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 03:02 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD)

Re: Google Hosted

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
ladies and gentlemen... this just got weird.. Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Loathe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 02:43 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: Google Ho

So if you believe in omens...

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
My wife and I have been bouncing around the idea of moving to Raleigh not only is the housing market less than half of the expense of DC's but she's got friends down there, I've got friends down there. It all really hinges on me finding work in the Raleigh area. To make things interesting,


2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
meating. freuidian slip? :) I'm running away now.. Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Paul Ihrig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 11:53 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:


2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
It's kinda liberating ain't it but it sounds like you've found yer soulmates (Kennedy and Lilly) Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 11:49 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart

RE: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Poor puppy... (for those that are about to throw up, I'm a big sap when it comes to dogs and cats) but yeah dogs with shoes are pretty damn funny.. Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Ray Champagne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 11:49 AM Please respond to cf-community

Re: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
aw shit... not again.. Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 11:46 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: this sucks :( poor libby loo... gi


2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
that sucks have fun on the gas tea bags (tannic acid) will take care of the bleeding. Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 11:41 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/

RE: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Yikes. no stitches were needed? sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Ray Champagne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 11:42 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:RE: this su

Re: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
MacGregor loves it, Finn... not so much, but both heads whip around when someone mentions going to the park :) Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 11:39 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Sc

Re: 12% Support More Troops

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
They offer a boatload to anyone going over to do civ work. I used to pull data cabling, I got an offer of well into six figures to go over and yank fiber optics for an infrastructure rebuild. I couldn't stand watching my mom almost cry when i told her I was thinking about it... so that shot th

Re: Hey Critt was: Re: Google Hosted

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Critt... use [EMAIL PROTECTED] probably be a bad idea to job search using my account. may being seeing you in the Raleigh area in the not too distant future... thanks sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "George Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 11:34 AM Please re

Re: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
I actualy have to walk my two knuckleheads... MacGregor loves the cold weather. He stands up really straight and points his nose into the wind. It's really cool to see.. I loves mah boyz. sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "G Money" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 11:28 A

Re: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
That's way cool.. anybody that thinks that pits are dangerous shold meet lilly. We need to work on some fear issues with Finn, he's deathly afraid of trash trucks, fire engines, anything with a big diesel in it. we live by a heavily used main road, so the poor little guy is scared shitl

Re: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
yeah... my wife likes to have a fan on, for the background noise. I woke up to take the dogs out this am and about froze to death how's miss lilly? sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 11:14 AM Please respond to cf-community

Re: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
ok, that's funny. sadly familiar yet funny... Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Rastafari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 11:08 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:

Hey Critt was: Re: Google Hosted

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
did you get my email about joining the tacfug list? I sent it from my verizon account. thx sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "George Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 10:57 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. S

Re: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Excuse me sir... please watch where you step, as my balls have frozen and disengaged themselves from my body and retreated to a warmer area... Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 09:52 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-

Re: Google Hosted

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Will they not allow you to change Outlook's settings and point to their mail servers? sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Erika L. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 10:36 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stew

Re: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
So long and thanks for all the fish So sad that it should come to this We tried to warn you all but oh dear? You may not share our intellect Which might explain your disrespect For all the natural wonders that grow around you So long, so long and thanks for all the fish The world's about to be d

Re: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
It's was because of the Vogons sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Jerry Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 10:20 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: this sucks

Re: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Ok, that's f*ing cold Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Jerry Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 10:04 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: this sucks 8°F Frig

Re: 12% Support More Troops

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Just my $.02 I think it's part fof the problem. Loathe can address training issues better than I could. The major issue I feel is poor planning at the top we tried to crack an egg with a 20 lb sledge hammer. We have the best soldiers in the world (thank you by the way). But when their not

Re: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
g.. :) and it'll rain for what...about 15 minutes and then the sun will come back out right? Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Vivec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 09:41 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. S

Re: this sucks

2007-01-17 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
shut up :) It's 23 degrees, my ass is cold... Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Vivec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/17/2007 08:34 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: this sucks

Re: Little Tango

2007-01-16 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Thanks T, but the wife is dead set on Raleigh. sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/16/2007 02:26 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: Lit

RE: Little Tango

2007-01-16 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Still in the planning stages, I've got a recruiter strring up the weeds in Raleigh for me. I'm fixing some stuff in the condo tha tI've needed to do to get it ready to sell... sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Mike Tangorre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/16/2007 12:41 PM Please re

Re: Little Tango

2007-01-16 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Belated congrats Mike... :) Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 ~| Create robust enterprise, web RIAs. Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2;56760587;14748456;a?http://www.a

Re: 12% Support More Troops

2007-01-16 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
uhmm... larry, that was Sam's repsonse to one of my posts... Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/16/2007 10:07 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:

Re: TnT drawn into bacchanal- Apple filed trademarks here.

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
gel... I'm curious about something... a guy I used to work with is from TnT (his folks are indian) he's a network engineer.I've run into a couple of other folks ffrom TnT that are in IT, is the market that hot for IT folks in Trinidad? Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Vivec <

Re: Anybody Heart Huckabee?

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
"Hey, I'm not talking about what kind of governor he was, that has nothing whatsoever to do with this discussion... the point is we did not see wild race riots, lawsuits, smear campaigns based on his race, etc. that you describe. Whether he won or not has nothing to do with it. >I don't belive

Re: Anybody Heart Huckabee?

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
It seems that they're trying to pull the best from both sides. Fiscal Conservatism and small government from the Republicans (sorry.. the old school republicans) Social Responsibilty and compassion from the Democrats Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/12

Re: Anybody Heart Huckabee?

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
He wanted to be president and said so.. however he failed miserably Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/12/2007 02:49 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subj

Re: Anybody Heart Huckabee?

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
If enough people would stop thinking this way.. The Libertarian party is number three and growing.. Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/12/2007 03:53 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/R

Re: Snow in Southern Cali

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
in Manassas, probably a federal prisoner being brought in through Manassas airport yikes Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/12/2007 02:43 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC

Re: Anybody Heart Huckabee?

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Something about Hilary bothers me, to be honest I can't put a finger on it... I don't think she's the one to crate a smaller, leaner budget balanced, leave me the hell alone goverrnment Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/12/2007 03:40 PM Please respo

Re: Anybody Heart Huckabee?

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Flip it and I'd vote for it... Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/12/2007 03:29 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: Anybody Heart Huckabee? a

Re: Anybody Heart Huckabee?

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Yeah I live in Virginia, I saw what little Wilder did for the state on his politcal climb. Northern Virginia put him in office just like we bounced Allen, not the rest of the state He's cut out of the same mold as Gilmore was. Screw the populace, as long as my political star shines a little brig

Re: Anybody Heart Huckabee?

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
This'll show ya what little faith I have in the American people. If Obama gets the democratic nomination and runs, it'll galvanize every white supremicist and neo-nazi nutjob into one cohesive unit, that will fight tooth and nail to keep him out of office. You'll see blatant voter intimidation

RE: Snow in Southern Cali

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
I think either Baltimore or Chicago beat DC for that title... But it's starting to migrate into the 'burbs Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Bruce Sorge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/12/2007 12:26 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Sc

RE: Snow in Southern Cali

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Yeah, and I'm seriously considering leaving the DC area because of Ridiculous housing costs High Real estate taxes insane traffic idiot drivers gangs Stuck up government types (one of the other contractors on my team was threatened by a federal employee) Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8

Re: Anybody Heart Huckabee?

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Though it's my own fault, I don't know enough about Obama to make an informed decision. I'm looking for the guy who'll take our government back to the days of "out of the boardroom and out of the bedroom" Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "William Bowen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/12/

RE: Snow in Southern Cali

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
10 day forecast says no snow, more rain highs 47 - 60 Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Sandra Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/12/2007 10:13 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:

Re: could some one check my resume?

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Make your objective illustrate what you're looking for in a position, not what you're capable of... Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Paul Ihrig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/12/2007 09:33 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A.

Re: Anybody Heart Huckabee?

2007-01-12 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
"(although Obama is our next President)" not a chance, this country won't elect an African American President in our lifetime Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Gruss Gott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/11/2007 07:46 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community

Re: 12% Support More Troops

2007-01-11 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
This makes me long for the days when we had a function CIA. When we would slip in, assassinate a leader, install a new government and slip out. We used to be good at it. Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/11/2007 03:21 PM Please respond to cf-community

Re: 12% Support More Troops

2007-01-11 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
These things worry me: 1) We're already stretched very thin militarily, I don't know that we have the resources to escalate this to a regional conflict 2) Iran hasn't come clean about their nuclear ambitions, I'm concerned about what the already have and haven't told anyone 3) You can't bitch sl

Re: 12% Support More Troops

2007-01-11 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Does anyone else read this as "We're going to start bombing Tehran and Damascus" Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/11/2007 12:46 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD)

Re: 12% Support More Troops

2007-01-11 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
21,500 from the post this morning Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Loathe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/11/2007 12:23 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: 12% Support More Troo

Mikey D, got a question for ya..

2007-01-11 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Is it possible to subscribe to different HoF groups with different email address under the same account? example: I have my work and home email address registered with HoF. I'd like commiunity and talk to come to my work address and jobs and jobs-talk to go to my home address. Thanks sas Sco

So we're still thinking about the big move

2007-01-11 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
To Raleigh. I've never done a multi state move, what's the best process. 1) Sell house and move then worry about job or.. 2) Find job, then worry about selling and buying houses Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 ~~

Re: so...there's no such thing as global warming?

2007-01-11 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
Hard freeze in DC, mid 60's by Saturday... Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/11/2007 10:55 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: so...there's no

Re: 12% Support More Troops

2007-01-10 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
>From today's Washington Post With Iraq Speech, Bush to Pull Away From His Generals Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/10/2007 03:58 PM Please respond to cf-community

Re: 12% Support More Troops

2007-01-10 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
"Let's not trust the experts in the military" Isn't Bush going against his military experts on this one/ sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Robert Munn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/10/2007 03:46 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc

Marijuana legalization Was Re: Is this a political oxymororn?

2007-01-10 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
The easy way to legalize: Legalize pot with these caveats 1) it must be in a packaged form (ie: pre rolled cigarettes) 2) it must be sold in the same way that alchohol is, with special state required licensing or in state owned stores 3) a measure of "proof" like alchohol must be established (T

Re: Suh wheat

2007-01-10 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
That's awesome!!! Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "George Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/10/2007 12:27 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Suh wheat Doctor's just told us w

Re: laid off yet again!

2007-01-08 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
damn, what part of the country are you in? sas Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Paul Ihrig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/08/2007 01:48 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:Re: lai

Re: so...there's no such thing as global warming?

2007-01-08 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
And that's the Catch 22, the people that could really benefit from a hybrid can't afford them.. Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 Mary Jo Sminkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/08/2007 11:33 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. S

RE: so...there's no such thing as global warming?

2007-01-08 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
this is as close as it gets right now Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Nick McClure" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/08/2007 12:13 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/

RE: so...there's no such thing as global warming?

2007-01-05 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
If there's no trees left, where's my dog gonna pee? Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Ray Champagne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/05/2007 12:15 PM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD) Subject:

Re: so...there's no such thing as global warming?

2007-01-05 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
As far as global warming goes, we know that were polluting the planet.. so why not err on the side of caution, and attempt to undo the damage we've done? I believe that the planet, like any living thing will attempt to defend itself, quite possibly at the human race's extreme detrement Scott A.

RE: so...there's no such thing as global warming?

2007-01-05 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
I believe they can get temperature ranges by taking polar ice core samples Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Nick McClure" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/05/2007 11:25 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/REAC/HHQ/HUD)

Re: This sucks

2007-01-05 Thread Scott_A . _Stewart
what they don't tell you is that the troops are probably under orders not to return fire Scott A. Stewart REAC/PASS-IT (202)-475-8875 "Bruce Sorge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/05/2007 11:22 AM Please respond to cf-community To: CF-Community cc: (bcc: Scott A. Stewart/RE

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