On the CNN site, the gray expands to fill the entire page, leaving the
colors on white background to draw your attention.
On the Good Day Sacramento site, the gray is only behind the content,
leaving a huge white border on each side which causes your eye to
travel out away from the content. It g
At first glance it looks nice!! :)
As I take a longer look, the individual 'boxes' seem to be a bit overdone.
There seems to be too many of them.
And those on the right column don't line up with the left, so it seems
as though the site is jumbled up.
Strangely enough, CNN.com does the same thing
>One of my first projects was rebuilding a site for a very small local
>publishing place that some old lady had built on her free copy of FrontPage.
Yup, someone someday will have to come along and redo these sites he's made,
and I'm sure they'll be thinking "FrontPage?? What were they thinking??
> Subject: Re: Care to critique a site
> >My prediction for FrontPage 2010: Just a button that says
> "Click here
> >to make website."
> LOL, he'd like that, for sure. Although to my knowledge, it's
> a dead-ended product and has be
> Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 7:45 PM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: Care to critique a site
> >I have no vested interest in this site. I just post it here
> for others
> >to enjoy discussing just how unintuitive this 'profession
>My prediction for FrontPage 2010: Just a button that says "Click here to
>make website."
LOL, he'd like that, for sure. Although to my knowledge, it's a dead-ended
product and has been for awhile. I cannot begin to list all the problems that
program has caused me, I have truly learned to hate i
My prediction for FrontPage 2010: Just a button that says "Click here to
make website."
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>I have no vested interest in this site. I just post it here for others
>to enjoy discussing just how unintuitive this 'profession', 'media' site is.
It's hard for me to critique other sites when I simply *cannot* seem to get my
Dad to step making sites for people in FrontPage. Sigh.
How to search http://gooddaysacramento.com/
1. Open your favourite document editor and create a new document.
2. Go to gooddaysacremento.com
3. Right click on page and select "view source/view page source."
4. Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C.
5. Return to new document in document editor and Ctrl + V
6. Follow