Re: social class determines results of medical tests

2012-04-04 Thread Larry C. Lyons
and that's what we are. On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 3:10 PM, PT wrote: > > It makes sense for social/pack animals. > > On 4/4/2012 3:07 PM, Larry C. Lyons wrote: >> >> To explain, class and wealth or rather perceived class and wealth has >> a significant impact on how we react and interact with other

Re: social class determines results of medical tests

2012-04-04 Thread PT
It makes sense for social/pack animals. On 4/4/2012 3:07 PM, Larry C. Lyons wrote: > > To explain, class and wealth or rather perceived class and wealth has > a significant impact on how we react and interact with others. These > differences have been seen in kids as young as 3 years old. ~

Re: social class determines results of medical tests

2012-04-04 Thread Larry C. Lyons
To explain, class and wealth or rather perceived class and wealth has a significant impact on how we react and interact with others. These differences have been seen in kids as young as 3 years old. On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Larry C. Lyons wrote: > I don't think so. I think that that sort

Re: social class determines results of medical tests

2012-04-04 Thread Maureen
That is pretty standard ER treatment for women of any race or class. If it is not a readily diagnosable aliment, the assumption is we are either drug seeking or neurotic. I could write a book about the times that I or a family member have received less than stellar ER treatment. My step-sister

Re: social class determines results of medical tests

2012-04-04 Thread Dana
o: cf-community > Subject: Re: social class determines results of medical tests > > > Please stop saying "fascist". It's too easy and it makes it too easy to > dismiss you. This woman could have received adequate medical care in any > political system. But she d

Re: social class determines results of medical tests

2012-04-04 Thread Larry C. Lyons
I don't think so. I think that that sort of reaction is more hardwired into our system rather than anything that's necessarily corporate. On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Eric Roberts wrote: > > I think it is all symptomatic of the same problem Dana.  The rich and > corporatist America get taken

RE: social class determines results of medical tests

2012-04-04 Thread Eric Roberts
Wednesday, April 04, 2012 10:58 AM To: cf-community Subject: Re: social class determines results of medical tests Please stop saying "fascist". It's too easy and it makes it too easy to dismiss you. This woman could have received adequate medical care in any political system. But

RE: social class determines results of medical tests

2012-04-04 Thread Eric Roberts
It's also a violation of the Hippocratic oath, if that means anything these days. -Original Message- From: Dana [] Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 11:26 AM To: cf-community Subject: Re: social class determines results of medical tests that's pret

Re: social class determines results of medical tests

2012-04-04 Thread Dana
that's pretty much my point. And it's pretty gifted drug-seeking if she gets her leg to swell on demand. But even if she was, omg, they dragged her into the police station, and left her on the floor. How hard would it have been to get an office chair with wheels, assuming they didn't have a whee

Re: social class determines results of medical tests

2012-04-04 Thread PT
WTF? I don't care if someone is a drug seeker. If a patient is complaining about something, the docs need to keep at it, especially if it is potentially life threatening. I know docs are tech support for people and they don't always get it right, but if they can't be arsed to do their job,

Re: social class determines results of medical tests

2012-04-04 Thread Dana
Please stop saying "fascist". It's too easy and it makes it too easy to dismiss you. This woman could have received adequate medical care in any political system. But she didn't. They freaking arrested her. When you wave your hands and say yeah welcome to fascism you aren't addressing the problem

RE: social class determines results of medical tests

2012-04-04 Thread Eric Roberts
I think it is all symptomatic of the same problem Dana. The rich and corporatist America get taken care of. The rest of us get screwed. Welcome to the fascist police state...if you are not rich or you are not a "das untermenschen" -Original Message- From: Dana [mailto