Re: Question on scopes

2011-09-18 Thread Claude Schnéegans
What is the best way to store the value? I mean in which scope? Definitely in the session scope. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Question on scopes

2011-09-18 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I will need the values to be available for multiple browsers. I mean, the user might want to open a new browser using 'CTRL + N', This is actually not a new browser, but a new window in the same browser. Session variables are available in any window of the same browser. There is no need to

Re: onclick to open cfwindow fails in IE8

2011-09-17 Thread Claude Schnéegans
In IE8 I think the function itself needs to return false Sure, and I'm even surprise it does not need it in IE9. I would use: script function makeWin(x,y,z,num,title) { ColdFusion.Window.create('ImageWindow'+num,title,'Image.cfm?ID='+z,{x:150,y:y+80,height:640,width:840}); return false; }

Re: Exact pixel hex color

2011-09-10 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I need a function that is passed an image and gets the precise color of a specified pixel. I have a custom tag that returns the RGB color precise to the pixel and which works for GIF, JPEG or PNG formats. CFX_MapClick IMAGEFILE= full path name of the image file [X]

Re: google map suddenly not showing

2011-08-29 Thread Claude Schnéegans
if I remember correctly CF9 has a Maps API key setting in the admin. have you tried putting your key there? Personnaly, I'm still looking for the use of this setting, since a CF server is aimed to manage several domain names and Google requires a different key for each domain.

Re: CF Mail Queue

2011-08-28 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I agree that would help, but it just leave the message sitting in the spool and the spool crashes. Ooops, never seen that.May be the problem is not with the message but with CF itself. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology

Re: google map suddenly not showing

2011-08-28 Thread Claude Schnéegans
The domain name hasn't changed so I guess the API key is still valid. Not so sure. For unknown reason, I had to get a new API key from Google for a couple of domains these past months. But you should get a message in this case.

Re: CF Mail Queue

2011-08-27 Thread Claude Schnéegans
a corrupted email that cf cannot process. Really CF should delete it. Better, it moves it into the Undelivered directory so you can see what's wrong in the message. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CFImage tag error on GIF file but not JPEG

2011-08-09 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Does anyone have an idea about why this is happening. May be a stupid question, but are you sure your gif file is valid? - Are you able to open the file with any image reader? - Are you having the problem with any gif file? ~|

Re: Query of Queries Empty String Issue

2011-08-02 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Any ideas why the original where clause stopped working? I thought CF treated all NULL value fields in a record set as an empty string. probably the CF9 code is more consistent with SQL. Right, if a field is returned NULL in a query, CF treats it as an empty string, but apparently, the NULL

Re: Method Opinion

2011-08-01 Thread Claude Schnéegans
A cross table is definitely THE standard way to do it. Although it is not considered good practice by database ayatollah, a delimited list may be an option when a reasonable number of possible values is involved. there are several advantages: 1º it is simpler to update in the database in case

Re: Method Opinion

2011-08-01 Thread Claude Schnéegans
a delimited list is a great idea Did I say that? I said may be an option I just hate ayatollahs and never do and always do Good practice is a harmonious combination of common sense and intelligence, both being the fruit of experience, not just a set of black or white rules.

Re: Capitalize

2011-07-02 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I'm looking for a udf to capitalize uppercase text. What do you actually mean by Capitalize? - Having only the first character upper case in a word; - Having the whole word in small capitals; ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion

Re: Stupid Question

2011-06-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
It may depend on the code between the two lines cfparam name=capability_detail.capability_id default=0 cfset cur_cap=#capability_detail.capability_id# For instance, this works: cfparam name=capability_detail.capability_id default=0 cfset cur_cap=#capability_detail.capability_id#

Re: Stupid Question

2011-06-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
It is assigned to a function that returns a query. Oh, I think you cannot assign a value to a column name in a query, neither with CFSET, neither with CFPARAM. You must use querySetCell () ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-28 Thread Claude Schnéegans
That’s what cfthrow and cfrethrow are for. No. This is to trigger an execution error in the system. This kind of errors are not to be reported to the user. If all you want is to warn the user he has done something wrong, you just need to display some message in the returned page and that's

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-28 Thread Claude Schnéegans
your HTML will not get rendered correctly if you simply abort a page, which may result in your friendly error message not being displayed properly, if at all. Yet another grtuitous statement... Your HTML will not get rendered correctly if you do not write it correctly, period. ;-) Ex: do not

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-28 Thread Claude Schnéegans
incorrect blanket statements I think this is exactly what I was looking for when I wrote gratuitous statement, I hope this is correct too ;-) ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-27 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Or you may simply not want to waste time processing code that's unnecessary for a specific request. ... and you might even use no onRequestEnd at all ;-) ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-27 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Actually cfabort was introduced as a debugging tag. Really? Note that I use CFABORT because I was not sure CFCONTENT will cause processing to stop. It is not specified in the docs, but it does, so I could remove the CFABORT tag after CFCONTENT There is still a good reason for CFABORT: stop

Convesion from MSWord to pdf

2011-06-27 Thread Claude Schnéegans
CFDOCUMENT allows for conversion from MSword to a pdf. Any one having experience with this? Any problem or restriction? Does it supports 2007 format (docx)? Thanks. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Yes you did but I also asked for the PDF in question so that I could run some tests as well, maybe you missed that:-) I didn't miss it. The content of the pdf has absolutely no interest. I told you it hapened to contain somewhere a string cf, the rest making an invalid CF tag. This is enough

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
The alternative, though, would be for the executing process to run your first program before compiling the second, which sounds like it would be generally an inefficient thing to do - the more times control has to be passed from one process to another, the longer things generally take. And

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I strongly believe that if you are using cfcontent to deliver a file with the extension of PDF then it *SHOULD* not compile that file, only the template it is being called from. What you don't understand is that the file somefile.pdf.cfm IS the actual somefile.pdf file simply renamed

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
just weird seeing cfabort rather than cfexit method=exittemplate / which is better as you know that the application will eventually fall down to onRequestEnd.cfm were as cfabort will not. When you use CFCONTENT to deliver content, there is nothing else needed to be done, except terminate the

Re: Double Quote issue

2011-06-25 Thread Claude Schnéegans
try reversing the quotes, using double quotes in a query shouldn't actually work anyway. Exact. But then the problem may arise with single quotes in the parameter. Allowing single or double quotes in an id field in a database is looking for trouble. If quotes are not supposed to be used, may

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-25 Thread Claude Schnéegans
CF will attempt to compile it. My assumption was it was not compiled if not executed, but from my very first post I know it is not the case. My question was is it possible to get around this. I got about 50 answers to explain what I already knew, but none to my question. So I conclude that

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-25 Thread Claude Schnéegans
because you don't share the code I did sent all the code, you probably missed it. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

Re: Problem with pound signs

2011-06-24 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I would write first some mini syntax analyser to find all text in between CFOUTPUT... and /CFOUTPUT, keeping in mind that they may be stacked in several levels. Then for each string found, use regexp to find single # followed by any character illegal in a variable name before a next # or end of

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
In Claude's original question, it doesn't appear he's using CFCONTENT: Yes I am. Here is a summary of the code in application.cfm: You can see that the requested file is never executed nor intended to. The only purpose of the .cfm extension is to force the execution of the application.cfm

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
You keep talking about templates being compiled, if there is an error as you have mentioned this will stop the compile of the template and it will look like it is being complied before the other. This is what happens indeed. There a compile error because the pdf file happens to contain some

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I will ask another question, is this application.cfm in the directory of the template in question, Yes, of course, and it include higher lever application.cfm But you really need to work out why it is trying to compile the PDF as a CFML template, Again, since application.cfm is to be

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Now if you are 100% confident that your PDF is being delivered by the cfcontent tag, then it sounds like you may have come across a bug. No, the pdf is not delivered in case of an error, since it is a compile error, no code is executed. For years I've been using this trick, and no file even

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I think you don't understand, I think you don't understand that I perfectly understand what's hapening: Although I assumed the template (pdf file) should not be compiled since never executed, it IS compiled. This causes the syntax error and stops execution. You are not taking into

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
My guess is that the compiler takes lots of extra time and resources, so it does all its work before getting into the execution process. May be, however it will also compile some files for nothing, ie: included files actually not included at execution... which represents an extra overhead.


2011-06-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, I've noticed that application.cfm is indeed run before the template called in the url, but the template itself is compiled BEFORE application.cfm is called. I need to have the ability in application.cfm to run some code and NOT compile the template. Is it possible ? CF 9

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
The CFML must be compiled in order for Java to execute it Sure, but actually I don't want to execute the file, nor compile it. Yhe file is actually a pdf file under .cfm extension. This is to force execution of an application.cfm first in which I check if the user is authorized to open the

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I can't think of a logical case for this, and would love to hear it if you have one. Please see my othe reply. When an administrator uploads some document ie: myDoc.pdf, it is stored as myDoc.pdf.cfm When a user tries to open directly myDoc.pdf.cfm in the url, the document is protected by

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
But I am at a loss to explain how a PDF is going to throw a CF Exception error, when using cfcontent to deliver the file it should not be trying to compile that content. The error is not thrown using cfcontent, but simply when CF compiles the file when the HTTP request is received, before even

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
A better way to achieve what you want is to password protect certain folders on your site I never use authentication on the server. Only through CF, since the administrators of my CMS can add/edit their own users, sometime 1000s of members.

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
The admin can still edit users, even 1000's Which admin? Window's or CF? ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I agree to both Steven and Azadi's solution. Of course I know this solution. I thought I had a simpler one. Someone can rename a CFM file to a PDF file and upload it. Now that CFM code can be executed on the server. No way. Even if the pseudo pdf file actually contains CFML code, it cannot

Re: application.cfm

2011-06-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
the admin of your CMS Of course, this is the way it works, but you were talking about password protect certain folders. I don't see how this can be done by CF code when files other than .cfm or .cfc are requested by HTTP and the CF server is not even invoked.

Re: Using LIKE in CF8

2011-06-01 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I think MSAccess only uses *, not % In pure Access SQL yes, but % is correctly translated by the ODBC driver. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Using LIKE in CF8

2011-06-01 Thread Claude Schnéegans
have you got a cfoutput around that ? No CFOUTPUT is need inside CFQUERY and CFMAIL tags. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

Re: Using LIKE in CF8

2011-06-01 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Too few parameters. Expected 1. This error means than 1 column name is unknown in the table. Here it must be lastname ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Image quality: CFX_imageCR vs CFIMAGE?

2011-06-01 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Please post what you find out because most of my applications are dependent on the CFX_ImageCR3 I finally decided to install the CF 32 bit version on my W 7 development PC. I could get around many of the uncompatibilities, but since my production server is 32-bit I found not reasonable to have

Re: Cannot install CF 9

2011-05-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I would suggest to avoid using Access anyway, it can be the cause stability issues on CF I know I know, This is true for multi user Access applications, programmed inside the Acces database. The problem must be in the way locks are managed in VBscript. As far as CF is concerned, this is pure

Re: Cannot install CF 9

2011-05-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
It still becomes a problem because it is not designed to handle large amounts of a data. Well, it depends on what is meant by large amount and if you do need large amount of data. Of course, there are more powerfull databases systems. But for my kind of applications (CMS and members managing

Re: Cannot install CF 9

2011-05-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
The bigger problem, though, is that Jet isn't really designed for a high-volume multiple user environment. OK, but it still does the job perfectly for applications that does not need a high-volume multiple user environment. ;-)

Re: Cannot install CF 9

2011-05-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
problems with Access are pure urban legend Exactly: the way it is exagerated, with no nuance: Access is evil, this is urban legend. The truth is that Access is intended for small database applications, and for small database applications, it is just perfect. Now if you use it for very large

Re: Cannot install CF 9

2011-05-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Access isn't an option with a 64-bit CF install. I've read somewhere than is is possible to have 64 bit ASP applications to use 32 bit ODBC drivers. Too bad this is not available in CF. Actually, there is a solution, and it works: See

Image quality: CFX_imageCR vs CFIMAGE?

2011-05-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, Now that I have CF9 running WITH ACCESS databases ;-) under 64 bit Window 7, I'm facing the problem of replacing 32 bits CFXs. One of them I've been using far before CFIMAGE was implemented in CF is imageCR3. There is a 64bit version of imageCR3, but it is not free, and before I buy it,

Cannot install CF 9

2011-05-29 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, After 8 years of good and faithful service, my development PC under XP passed away. So I'm now struggling with reinstallation of everything under a new Windows 7 system. The good new, I was able to install CF Studio, in XP compatibility mode. But I know have a problem trying to install CF

Re: Cannot install CF 9

2011-05-29 Thread Claude Schnéegans
OK, I finally got it working by changing the compatibility of the file from Windows 7 to XP. Very brillant from Adobe to provide an install for a 64bit product that won't run on Windows 7 :-( But now I have another problem : Every time I open a CF file, I get this error: Either the Macromedia

Re: Cannot install CF 9

2011-05-29 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Did you open the administrator to finish the install? The administrator won't even open since the CF server is not operational. However, after at least a dozen of tries, I finally managed to have an operational system, don't ask me how I did it, I don't even remember. Now I'm having another

Re: Cannot install CF 9

2011-05-29 Thread Claude Schnéegans
it's Windows making sure that no processes run with administrator rights without your explicit permission. I've been working for 8 years under XP, nobody ever asked me for permission, though I never got something installed I did'nt want. I guess I could go on another 8 years without this kind

Re: Cannot install CF 9

2011-05-29 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Access isn't an option with a 64-bit CF install. Well, you may be right that it is not an option in the sense it is not possible, but the Access driver does appear in the options. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Cannot install CF 9

2011-05-29 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Access isn't an option with a 64-bit CF install. I've read somewhere than is is possible to have 64 bit ASP applications to use 32 bit ODBC drivers. Too bad this is not available in CF. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology

Re: scoping

2011-05-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Non-scoped version ALWAYS runs 5-15 times FASTER than the scoped version! This is on CF8, 32-bit, 4 CPU Dell Server, Windows 2003. Could somebody run this on CF9 32/64 bit? Exactly the same here under CF9. I inverted the two loops ie: scope first and non-scope second, just in case, and

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-20 Thread Claude Schnéegans
So you agree with an incorrect assesment of the size of jQuery? It's 31KB minimized, not 300k. 230k to be more accurate, and about 9000 lines of code in only one file. The minimized version is 90k and still equivalent to 9000 lines of code to be compiled. Again, if one just needs some Ajax

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-20 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Perhaps, you could build something like this, but in reality it is much better to have 3 or 4 DIFFERENT cars for different purposes. Or even only ONE if you have only one purpose! ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-20 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Why reinvent the wheel over and over Please explain why writing code BEFORE the equivalent exists in some open source library is REinventing the wheel. Example: When I first looked for a good online editor I could find no one able to clean up MS Word crap. So I designed my own, about 10

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-20 Thread Claude Schnéegans
That's an interesting anecdote, however I don't see how it relates to the topic at hand. It does in the sense If you are capable of developing your own tools, it could be a better and more efficient solution. If you're not, then use some other's.

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-20 Thread Claude Schnéegans
But he's no longer on CF5 He was on CF4.5! ;-) ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-20 Thread Claude Schnéegans
The Production jQuery core is 31KB, minified and gzipped, This is for the packed version, but it must be unpacked before it is used on client side, which requires non-trivial client-side processing time according to the same official jQuery site. The minimized uncompressed version is exactly

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-20 Thread Claude Schnéegans
90k and 9000 lines of code is *nothing* It may be nothing, but if all you need is access to Ajax facilities, it is still 900 times bigger than necessary. And since I started developing applications, I obey this fundamental principle: NEVER USE CODE 900 TIMES BIGGER THAN NECESSARY.

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-19 Thread Claude Schnéegans
2) Those 10 lines will inevitably be 1 line of jQuery What's the difference between 1 line to call a jQuery function inside a 90k JS code and 1 line to call a 10 lines function in your own JS code ? Those 10 lines will work in your favourite browser; then you find that IE x has some quirk

Re: scoping

2011-05-19 Thread Claude Schnéegans
because there could be a 'myVariable' in another scope I think CFSET always set a variable in the variables scope when no scope is specified and do not look in other scopes. Ie: CFSET form.test = form.test CFSET test = test CFOUTPUT form.test = #form.test#BR test = #test# /CFOUTPUT This

Re: scoping

2011-05-19 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Yes, the real benefit is that you always know which scope is being referenced, with no ambiguity. Actually, there is only ambiguity for those who do not know the language they are using and its rules by default. There could be an ambiguity if you are using the same variables names for

Re: Recordcount not working????

2011-05-19 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Are you under CFMX? Try to remove dbtype=ODBC This is not valid anymore: Deprecated the connectString, dbName, dbServer, provider, providerDSN, and sql attributes, and all values of the dbtype attribute except query. They do not work, and might cause an error, in releases later than ColdFusion

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-19 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Carrying 300K of JS code (min) just to do something that takes 10 lines (or less) of JS code is nonsense. I agree 100%. I do all my Ajax stuff with only two functions: ajaxGET (url) and ajaxPOST (url, sendText), exactly 10 lines each.

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-19 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Do those 10 lines of code enable you to write different handlers depending on the status code and success of the http call without any fuss? Better than that : they open a new window to display the CF error dump in case the called template caused an error. Do they translate common response

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-19 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Eh? How does jQuery make it easier for folks to get a CF error dump? Can you explain that? I was talking about my own code, not jQuery. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-19 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Have you used jQuery Claude? I use a couple of libraries in my system, but most of the time, there is something I need they won't do, or 90% they do I don't need. I've been developing my own functions far before jQuery existed and even the term AJAX was invented. They do exactly what I want

Re: ColdFusion and AJAX choices

2011-05-19 Thread Claude Schnéegans
He shows up nameless for Gmail users because of a character encoding mismatch between Google's mail servers and his mail server. Actually no, My name is correctly set up in Thunderbird and all messages replied to me show my name correctly. Only those forwarded by CF_talk are messed up. The

Re: CF form puzzler

2011-05-09 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I keep seeing html charcters in the field and the latest entry has 300-400 lines of MS Word html code and, at the very end, the true entry Pierce amp; Madison Co.s Is it possible that you are having two fields using the same name in the form ?

Re: Help us Please - CF 5 Server Licenses

2011-05-04 Thread Claude Schnéegans
new IT manager, and unless we can find the purchasing documents, he will wipe the servers. Talk to his boss and consider wiping the IT manager. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Robot hitting cached version of application scope?

2011-05-04 Thread Claude Schnéegans
It might simply be that the robot is using today information it has on a page it got on April 12. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Bless cfqueryparam - helped defend against a persistent hack attempt

2011-05-02 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Right. However about CFQUERYPARAM, keep in mind that: - this will prevent SQL injection, not all form of attacks; - CFQUERYPARAM makes all values look like parameter 1... in the error messages, instead of the real values, not really handful when debugging; - CFQUERYPARAM makes all queries more

Re: Bless cfqueryparam - helped defend against a persistent hack attempt

2011-05-02 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Are you implying that cfqueryparam _shouldn't_ be used for these reasons?? No, I'm just saying that there are better and more efficient ways of fighting attacks. I use cfqueryparam on some occasions, but not everywhere blindly.

Re: Bless cfqueryparam - helped defend against a persistent hack attempt

2011-05-02 Thread Claude Schnéegans
cfqueryparam creates bound sql parameters, which improve query performance. This is purely theoretical, in practice, the gain in performance is neglectible. I prefer have a query to take 11 ms and see the values submitted in case of error, than having the same query take 10 ms, but no

Re: Strange Hack... WHY?

2011-04-15 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Probably steal your customers, or prevent you from getting new customers. I think you could ask Google not to index this domain (better do it before they do it for yours ;-) ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: display dynamic algorithm

2011-04-14 Thread Claude Schnéegans
What am I forgetting to do? You need to evaluate () the formula since it is define at execution instead of compilation. NumberFormat () is a form of evaluation. Try this : cfset result2=evaluate (get_result1.fld_test_result fld_formula1 get_result2.fld_test_result fld_formula2)

Re: The vagaries of QueryNew

2011-03-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Are you sure you are updating the rows and not adding new ones? I am sure he is not sure ;-) ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Check boxes

2011-03-04 Thread Claude Schnéegans
SET ColumnA = '#form.var1#' WHERE ColumnB IN (#form.var2#) How ever, make sure you check for form.var2 not being empty, because ColumnB IN () causes an error. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Delete all records works, but can't import data

2011-03-02 Thread Claude Schnéegans
However, the next set of lines which is supposed to import the data runs but no data is imported. You say import, so I suppose you INSERT records from another SELECT. I also suppose that you have checked if this SELECT actually returns records? Also, do you have an auto-increment field in this

Re: Delete all records works, but can't import data

2011-03-02 Thread Claude Schnéegans
It's reading an excel file then doing a SQL insert. I'm affraid you will have to show us some more code. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: cfheader and foreign characters

2011-02-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I'm trying to save a text file that has foreign characters. You simply cannot specify a charset in a plain .txt file. A text file is simply a string of characters in ASCII. Unlike an HTML page, it does not contain any header to specify a character set. If it contains special characters above

Re: cfheader and foreign characters [spamtrap bayes][spamtrap heur]

2011-02-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
no, these are not equivalent. windows 1252 is a superset of iso-8859-1. I meant equivalent in the general meaning not quite identical. if a text editor/cf is told or can guess the encoding it will read it successfully. This is the point. The text editor can be told by the file in which

Re: cfheader and foreign characters [spamtrap bayes][spamtrap heur]

2011-02-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
in which format it is the file is in some proprietary format ... oops, I mean in which format the file is if it is in some proprietary format... ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: cfheader and foreign characters

2011-02-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
in the presence of a BOM it can guess fairly accurately. for editors which recognize BOMs, probably, but this suppose a Unicode aware editor. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: cf-talk replies

2011-02-17 Thread Claude Schnéegans
My email is not showing up in my email box. Check your anti-spam system. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

Re: decimals and variables

2011-02-10 Thread Claude Schnéegans
This is a tax rate, so I need to get the tax on the subtotal. cfset tax = #subtot# * .#tx# Have you tried CFSET tax = subtot * tx /100 ? ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: 2r hour time format

2011-02-07 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Is there a way to format 24 hour time? Sure: use HH instead of hh in the mask with the timeFormat() function. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CFImage at 300dpi

2011-02-03 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Is it possible using CFIMAGE to create images in 300dpi format for print quality reasons? If it is for print quality reason, you need only be concerned with the total number of pixels. 1. you may very well have an image defined at 300 dpi, but if it is only 300 px wide, you will only get a

Re: CFImage at 300dpi

2011-02-03 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Dpi effectively changes the size an image will print at, relative to its pixel density. More accurately : dpi is a suggested default setting for the printer that would eventually print the image so that the image will be printed at the size specified in the file. But first, ANY printer will

Re: CFImage at 300dpi

2011-02-03 Thread Claude Schnéegans
But all that still leaves us with the question of how to create a downloadable image file with CF You're right. If CFimage does not do it, I have no solution. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Custom Tags, cf_location

2011-01-25 Thread Claude Schnéegans
It's much easier to just simply use a custom tag that defaults to no than to Find and Replace every single tag with addToken=no. It's not more difficult to replace all occurrences of 'CFLOCATION' by 'CFLOCATION addToken=no' than by 'CF_LOCATION'

Re: Is Coldfusion losing it biggest asset?

2011-01-12 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Washington, DC (231) Baltimore, MD (59) Charlotte, NC (50) Omaha, NE (46) Chicago, IL (41) Arlington, VA (41) Los Angeles, CA (39) Boston, MA (39) New York, NY (38) Columbia, MD (35) Cleveland, OH (34) Huntsville, AL (29) Reston, VA (28) Atlanta, GA (28) Minneapolis, MN (26) ...

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