Locking Issue - Read value from APPLICATION scope write it to SESSION scope

2009-06-01 Thread Jay Greer
Having a brain cramp on this one guys... How would one approach locking when reading a value from the APPLICATION scope and subsequently writing it to the SESSION scope..? EXAMPLE -- cfset session.foo = application.bar

Re: Locking Issue - Read value from APPLICATION scope write it to SESSION scope

2009-06-01 Thread Jay Greer
@Dave What version of CF is this? CF-8.1 Is there any likelihood of a race condition with Application.bar? It's possible, yes. If there is the likelihood of a race condition with that variable, do I care? That is, could the race condition cause an improper value of any significance?

Re: Locking Issue - Read value from APPLICATION scope write it to SESSION scope

2009-06-01 Thread Jay Greer
@Jason Assuming you're on CFMX 7 or 8, you no longer need to LOCK on READ... Well that's debatable for sure... http://www.horwith.com/index.cfm/2008/4/28/cflock-explained http://www.horwith.com/index.cfm/2008/7/17/CFLOCK-further-explained

Re: Locking Issue - Read value from APPLICATION scope write it to SESSION scope

2009-06-01 Thread Jay Greer
Then lock the application scope with a read-only lock, copy the value into a local variable, then lock the session scope with an exclusive lock, then copy the local variable into the session. Roger that... Thanks, Dave all.

Re: Locking Issue - Read value from APPLICATION scope write it to SESSION scope

2009-06-01 Thread Jay Greer
@ Jason Are there Ajax or iframe calls or something that could be making updates to that session var for that user at the same time in a situation where the order of execution could cause an unexpected value to be read back out by the server? Yup... To me, it just seems that you almost

Do not set blank cookies with cfcookie

2007-06-06 Thread Jay Greer
Anyone know if this technote applies to ColdFusion 7 and later..? http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_17009 ~| ColdFusion MX7 by AdobeĀ® Dyncamically transform webcontent into Adobe PDF with new ColdFusion

CFCHART Percentage Values

2005-11-04 Thread Jay Greer
Anybody know how to get CFCHART to display percentage values without ROUNDING up? From what I can tell, the current behavior ALWAYS rounds up. So, a value of 19.1% gets displayed as 20%. cfchart show3d=yes chartheight=350 chartwidth=400 font=Times labelformat=percent scalefrom=0 scaleto=1

Re: CFCHART Percentage Values

2005-11-04 Thread Jay Greer
CORRECTION: OOPS! The tag rounds UP or DOWN. Anyhow, I still need to know how to defeat the rounding and have 19.3% displayed as 19.3% . cfchart show3d=yes chartheight=350 chartwidth=400 font=Times labelformat=percent scalefrom=0 scaleto=1 title=Summary of Portfolio at September 30, 2005:

Re: WAY OT: Configuring FCKEditor

2005-10-30 Thread Jay Greer
Hi Jenny: Sorry for the delayed reply. Yeah, I was having a devil of a time, too. This entry on Brian Rinaldi's Blog got me started. http://tinyurl.com/cw7m8 After that it was trial error ( error error...). Best of Luck!!!

Re: WAY OT: Configuring FCKEditor

2005-10-28 Thread Jay Greer
(for versiion 2.1.1) /FCKEditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/cfm/config.cfm Lines 9 11 Good Luck! ~| Logware (www.logware.us): a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and

Re: Looking for PHP/CF hosting

2005-09-20 Thread Jay Greer
We switched to CrystalTech for precisely that reason, Rick and we've been very please with them so far. http://www.crystaltech.com ~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble Ticket application

Detecting CFLOCK

2005-09-13 Thread Jay Greer
Is there any way to programatically detect when CF releases an exclusive named CFLOCK? ~| Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support efficiency by 100%

Re: Detecting CFLOCK

2005-09-13 Thread Jay Greer
What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Thanks for your reply. I'm using CFDOCUMENT enclosed in an exclusive CFLOCK to create a _BIG_ PDF file in a shared server environment. Under typical server load it takes around 30 seconds or so to create the PDF. However, sometimes it can take much