I'd use the wddx streams and cache the wddx packet or the deserialized
recordset. and schedule an event to refresh that cache however often.
-Original Message-
From: Dave Hannum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 2:18 PM
Subject: Caching with
yep..hotfixes are included..
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2000 8:20 PM
Subject: CF 4.5.1 update
> Howdy. I'm downloading the 4.5.1 update from allaire now. Are the
> hotfixes for cfpop, cfhttp, etc. included in th
Netscape 6 IS Mozilla. Imagine my disappointment after getting all excited
about netscape 6 and then discovering it's almost identical to what I've
been using for the past 6 months under the name mozilla.
IE is pretty forgiving when it comes to screwing up the path of spacer gifs.
NS4 is slightly
or use a single hidden form field by collecting the results from each page
into a struct and serialize/deserialize w/ wddx to store/retrieve to/from
the form field.
-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 2:07 PM
use the tag
-Original Message-
From: aslam bajaria [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 10:41 AM
Subject: View->Source in IE
The coldfusion server, after executing a request/file
, sends only pure html to the browser. Is there a way
to catch thi
also, if you have ie5 on your server, then a version will already be
installed. there was a newer version with better spec conformance in beta a
while back, but i don't know what the status is on it now.
this is oversimplified, but as a starting point:
xmlParser = CreateObject("COM", "Mi
6 matches
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