RE: Which version of vista plays well with CF7?

2007-03-28 Thread Mike Tangorre
Will, I have it running nicely on Vista Business and Vista Ultimate. Like Sandy, I too am liking Vista - it takes a little getting used to but then again, most new things takes some getting used to. -Mike From: Will Tomlinson Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 9:59 AM To: CF-Talk Subject:

RE: IE7 vs IE6

2007-02-08 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Has any one tried IE7, and is it possible to run both version IE6 and IE7 concurrently on the same machine? Question of verifying code for both versions of course. There is a standalone version of IE6 floating around, Google IE6 Standalone.

RE: Setting properties in COM objects

2007-02-06 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Jerry Kew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Set theDoc = Server.CreateObject(ABCpdf6.Doc) theDoc.Rect.Inset 72, 144 Just a shot in the dark as I am not familiar with the COM object you're using. theDoc.Rect.Inset(72,144)

RE: StructClear and passing in a string...

2007-01-26 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Quick question... What if we wanted to just call a CFC and pass in ANY scoped variable? Pass the name of the scope, that is, the string... session, application, etc.. and not the scope itself.

RE: Apache config

2007-01-20 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] che.p df That is a classic! ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 Experience Flex 2 MX7 integration create

RE: Advanced Search

2007-01-18 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Pete [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] cfquery name=qGetAdvertisers datasource=#request.db_dsn# username=#request.db_login# password=#request.db_pwd# select * from tbl_advertisers a, tbl_procedures p, tbl_advertiserprocs ap, tbl_advertiserstates r, tbl_states s where a.advertiserid =

OT: Eclipse Configuration

2006-12-19 Thread Mike Tangorre
Is it possible to use the same Eclipse configuration/preferences for all users? Currently, the following directory exists (hidden by default): C:\Documents and Settings\mtangorre\.eclipse\ I would like to move it under the Eclipse home directory: D:\eclipse\ What is the process

RE: Eclipse Configuration (solved)

2006-12-19 Thread Mike Tangorre
I think I got it... I am not sure if this is the best way to keep all (user, global, private) configuration data together, but specifying -configuration X:\eclipse\configuration in the startup parameters (via the .ini file or shortcut path) does the trick - as far as I can tell. Mike

OT: IIS 6.0 Configuration

2006-11-08 Thread Mike Tangorre
I realize this is off-topic, although the end result will be related to ColdFusion. I am having trouble getting two sites working on IIS. The server is running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise w/ SP1. I have two web sites setup: Host Header: IP: TCP

Re: OT: IIS 6.0 Configuration

2006-11-08 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Kym Kovan [EMAIL PROTECTED] You cannot have two different SSL sites n the same IP address as everything is encrypted by the SSL, even the hostname in the initial connection, so IIS cannot work out what site is being connected to. You need to use differing IP addresses. Actually, I got

SOT: MySql 4.1.21

2006-10-28 Thread Mike Tangorre
Is there a quick way to get the number of tables and columns for a given database? TIA, Mike ~| Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting, up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers,

Re: SOT: MySql 4.1.21

2006-10-28 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED] cfquery name=get ... show tables /cfquery #get.recordCount# cfquery name=get ... explain #tablename# /cfquery #get.recordCount# Perfect. Thanks Barney! ~| Introducing the

Re: CSS nested tag question

2006-10-24 Thread Mike Tangorre
..entryheader h1 A:link{ font-family: Trebuchet MS, verdana,arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.3em; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; color: #ff; } ..entryheader h1 a:hover{ font-family: Trebuchet MS, verdana,arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.3em;

Re: IE7 ?

2006-10-19 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Kevin Aebig [EMAIL PROTECTED] All in all, I uninstalled it and got IE 6 back, but frankly I'll personally call up M$ and tell them to eat a bowl of my nuts if they try and force this on me with a patch... Wow... crap. Tell us how you really feel! Seriously though, why are you so

Re: Select/combine two years

2006-10-18 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Orlini, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] cfloop list=#form.year# index=i cfquery name=getlist dataSource=printprices SELECT * FROM purchases where year = '#i#' order by orderid desc /cfquery /cfloop cfquery name=getlist dataSource=printprices SELECT * FROM purchases WHERE year

Re: Select distinct on multiple columns

2006-10-18 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Gareth Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm turning my brain to mush with a SQL conundrum and wonder if anyone can offer some help. I keep a record of what people searched for, the date/time they searched for it and the page they were on when they searched. My table consists of three

Re: How do you debug this one?

2006-10-17 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Will Tomlinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Just found a bug that I don't rememeber happening before. I know the file is there. Where do ya start figurin this one out? ColdFusion could not delete the file C:\CFusionMX7\wwwroot\plutonation\productImages\ScienceTeacherShirt_Small.gif for an

Re: Form Validation Custom Tag

2006-10-14 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Ali Majdzadeh [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi everybody: Is there any reliable, complete form validation custom tag? Thanks Benign Form validation is pretty generic... what kinds of validations do you need to do? No blank fields? Check dates? Ensure one and only one checkbox is checked in a

Re: Simple CFDump

2006-10-11 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Snake [EMAIL PROTECTED] CFDUMP is just a CFML tag, so you could just rip the code out and modify it. The dump.cfm ct on my box is encrypted... last I checked. ~| Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80

Re: Unknown error

2006-10-02 Thread Mike Tangorre
Try clearing the class files out and then manually check the log files. Post some of the server error log to the list if clearing out the class files does not help. Tango From: Richard White [EMAIL PROTECTED] does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?

Re: Zip Code Question

2006-10-02 Thread Mike Tangorre
Search Google for the zip code distance formula. I believe you need to have the corresponding latitude and longitude values for the zip(s) though. Dan Switzer has a database over at that can get you going with the necessary data; grab the formula and have it. Tango From:

Re: cfinput text backcolour

2006-09-21 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Jake Churchill [EMAIL PROTECTED] style=backgroundColor:##xx; This goes inside your cfinput tag style=background-color:##xx; ~| Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,

Re: cfinput text backcolour

2006-09-21 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Bobby Hartsfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] style=background:##xx; had to ;-) Why? ~| Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting, up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers,

Re: cfinput text backcolour

2006-09-21 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Richard White [EMAIL PROTECTED] is there any way of changing this background in javascript e.g. i am trying to do the following but dont know exactly the syntax script type=text/javascript function changeColor() {; } /script Put

Re: Hosting companies

2006-09-08 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: Doug Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] Was wondering who the best hosting companies were. Need to support mySql. Search the archives at This is a popular question that pops up about once a month... lots of good info in the archives.

Re: CR in a textarea problem

2006-08-26 Thread Mike Tangorre
htmlCodeFormat() From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I want to output the values of the field exaxtly the same like: ~| Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting, up-to-date ColdFusion

Re: Image Resize - again

2006-08-23 Thread Mike Tangorre
If your client got a ticket every time they didn't follow instructions they'd probably resize the image prior to uploading it but since no web enforcement exists we must anticipate EVERY possibility and help the user along. :-) From: Les Mizzell [EMAIL PROTECTED] So, if I get a speeding

Re: cfqueryparam acting up

2006-08-16 Thread Mike Tangorre
Put a trim() and val() around the url.productId. Perhaps some whitespace is getting in there. From: Richard Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] I've recently been getting some odd occurrences when using cfqueryparam. For instance I've have a table products. Everything was fine until recently when a

Re: zip code converter

2006-08-16 Thread Mike Tangorre
Ray, There is a zip file over at that contains zip,city,state,county,lat,long,area code, etc It is not the most current resource as Dan Switzer was providing it to work with a few JS Gateway examples he developed. You can also use some web services from the USPS I believe...

Re: zip code converter

2006-08-16 Thread Mike Tangorre
Is that nice Ray? From: Ray Champagne [EMAIL PROTECTED] I take no advice from upstate New Yorkers. ~| Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting, up-to-date ColdFusion information by your

Re: Way OT: But you know you want one..

2006-08-15 Thread Mike Tangorre
I am pretty sure this is the best Dave Watts post, ever. From: Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED] Without getting into another endless Mac vs PC debate, I would just like to point out that a reacharound does not involve analingus. In other words, you're doing it wrong. In addition, to get the

Re: Fusebox 4 Slow?

2006-06-06 Thread Mike Tangorre
From: dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't think I have ever seen a fast fb application Keep looking. ~| Message: Archives:

Re: Stupid form fields

2006-05-31 Thread Mike Tangorre
Probably the quotes in the dump tag. Try this... cfdump var=#form['CH58']#cfabort HTH, Mike T. From: Robert Everland III [EMAIL PROTECTED] cfdump var=#form[CH58]#cfabort ~| Message:

Re: (admin) important:flight favor

2006-05-31 Thread Mike Tangorre
Mike, I sent you an email. to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I just wanted to let you know in case it got delivered to your spam folder. Mike From: Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks and sorry again for the OT post. ~| Message:

Re: Autorun exe from a usb key

2006-05-29 Thread Mike Tangorre
This should help you out... Mike From: Jason Rogoz [EMAIL PROTECTED] Has any one created an autorun.inf file that will run an exe when the user inserts the usb key? Jason Rogoz ~|

Re: Not to start a flame war.....

2005-07-16 Thread Mike Tangorre
Cutter (CF-Talk) wrote: hhhmmm, sounds like mach-ii, or fusebox, or... Cutter ~| Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a


2005-07-09 Thread Mike Tangorre
Dave Watts wrote: Guess whats on the home page of A ColdFusion banner! If you click on the banner, there's a neat little CF timeline. I'm especially fond of 1996. ICG Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf


2005-07-05 Thread Mike Tangorre
Connie DeCinko wrote: Hey, why does none of the confetti fall upon the cupcake? Is that a conspiracy too? And why does ColdFusion only get a cupcake? After ten years, you'd think it would desert at least a regular size cake! If you were at CFUNITED you could have had a nice piece of the CF

CF and JS

2002-08-18 Thread Mike Tangorre
Forgive me if this same question was going through from my work email, I am having problems with that email. My question was the following: I have a CF page with 7 form elements on it: 3 select boxes, 2 multi select boxes and 2 buttons. I am populating the 3 select boxes and 1 multi select

Re: CF and JS

2002-08-18 Thread Mike Tangorre
: Mike Tangorre [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: CF-Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 2:59 PM Subject: CF and JS Forgive me if this same question was going through from my work email, I am having problems with that email. My question was the following: I have a CF page with 7

CF 5 Books

2002-08-03 Thread Mike Tangorre
If anyone is interested in the following books, email me offlist... I am selling off the following books: Macromedia Cold Fusion Studio 5, Using Cold Fusion 5 Studio ... this is the manual that comes with studio or that you can buy form MM website. Macromedia Cold Fusion 5, Advanced Cold

CF MX / FLASH MX - Tree Menu

2002-07-18 Thread Mike Tangorre
Hi All.. Can anyone point me to some tutorials or online docs or manuals that would aid me in doing the following: I have a menu to build consisting of dynamic parent categories. Next to each parent will be an image, a + sign. When clicked the menu will expand to reveal the

Re: CF MX / FLASH MX - Tree Menu

2002-07-18 Thread Mike Tangorre
Thanks Ben. I think I will go with the Flash approach now.. no better time to get up to speed.. I'll deal with the elarning curve. :-) has been useful in the past, are there any other sites you can think of that might discuss the concepts I will need to grasp to build the menu?

Books - CF MX / FLASH MX - Books.

2002-07-18 Thread Mike Tangorre
Can anyone recommend some good books that deal with Flash MX and CF MX integration? I am looking to advance my skills in actionscripting and the like, and could use some books for reference. Also I will need them for my earlier post about a CF and Flash menu... :-) Thanks! Mike

Tracking time in CF

2001-10-25 Thread Mike Tangorre
Hi everyone. I am trying to find a way on how to do the following securely. I have a website that has 4 chat rooms. Chat Room A = $0.50/minute Chat Room B = $0.60/minute Chat Room C = $0.70/minute Suppose when people sign up they prefill their account with X amount of dollars. Is there a way in

List Slow?

2001-10-21 Thread Mike Tangorre
Is the list slow today? = Michael T. Tangorre Web Applications Developer Alfred University Webteam Slave :-) [EMAIL PROTECTED] AIM: CrazyFlash4 = Friends don't let friends code before coffee!

T-SQL to Access Acceptable SQL

2001-10-05 Thread Mike Tangorre
I need to find something that will convert the Transact SQL statements that we use into SQL 7 into SQL that MS Access can handle any ideas?? IS it even possible? Thanks, Mike === Michael T. Tangorre Web Applications Developer Alfred University Webteam Slave

Re: Important - For a project -- please help

2001-10-04 Thread Mike Tangorre
The only dumb questions are the ones not asked! hehehe, I don't know the answer though sorry. :-( Mike - Original Message - From: Julia Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: CF-Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 10:29 AM Subject: Important - For a project -- please help

Re: CFServer 4.01 to 5

2001-10-04 Thread Mike Tangorre
Jason, If you wouldn't mind, our company is going through the same situation only with NT boxes. I would be interested in hearing anything you find out, and I will post naything I find out. Thanks, Mike - Original Message - From: Stevens, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: CF-Talk [EMAIL


2001-10-04 Thread Mike Tangorre
Hi everyone. I am trying to elarn how to create a simple E-commerce site (for practice purposes). I have no experience with this yet and could use some pointers. What is the est way to store information when the user wants to add something to their basket? I was thinking about using a

Re: E-commerce

2001-10-04 Thread Mike Tangorre
... for what it's worth. DSJ -Original Message- From: Mike Tangorre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 9:01 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: E-commerce Hi everyone. I am trying to elarn how to create a simple E-commerce site (for practice purposes). I have no experience

Output Issue

2001-10-02 Thread Mike Tangorre
I have the following code: cfloop list=#form.fieldnames# index=x delimiters=, tr td cfoutput#x#/cfoutput /td td cfoutput#form.#x## /cfoutput /td /tr /cfloop The value for the form field throws an error the way I am doing it. I am not familiar with the

Re: Output Issue

2001-10-02 Thread Mike Tangorre
cfoutput#x#/cfoutput /td td cfoutput#Evaluate('form.' x)# /cfoutput /td /tr /cfloop There are many variations. -Original Message- From: Mike Tangorre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 12:37 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: Output Issue

CFMAIL and Attachments

2001-10-02 Thread Mike Tangorre
Hello Everyone, I am having problems sending mail with attachments. I have a user fill out a form, and on the form is an input type of file where the suer browses to select the file they wish to send. When they click submit, I process the form and mail its contents to someone. In the cfmail tag

Re: CFMAIL and Attachments

2001-10-02 Thread Mike Tangorre
the file using #cffile.serverfile# as the attachment. 4) Use CFFILE to delete the file from the server using the same var as above. HTH, Jeff Garza Webmaster/Lead Developer Spectrum Astro, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Mike Tangorre To: CF-Talk Sent: 10

Re: CFMAIL and Attachments (SOLUTION)

2001-10-02 Thread Mike Tangorre
the server using the same var as above. HTH, Jeff Garza Webmaster/Lead Developer Spectrum Astro, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Mike Tangorre To: CF-Talk Sent: 10/2/01 7:14 PM Subject: CFMAIL and Attachments Hello Everyone, I am having problems sending mail

Re: Points of failure for session variables

2001-09-30 Thread Mike Tangorre
I have a question semi related. I am studying CF while I finish up school and was getting into how an e-commerce site works in terms of sessions and what not. In an e-commerce site, is it best to not use cookies at all? What is a good approach to an e-commerce site? Mike - Original Message

Re: Calling Custom Tag

2001-09-26 Thread Mike Tangorre
I believe the local folde ris called first, then it checks the custom tags fodler Mike - Original Message - From: saro [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: CF-Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 10:29 AM Subject: Calling Custom Tag i have a custom tag named textinput in

Re: Calling Custom Tag

2001-09-26 Thread Mike Tangorre
geeesh, sorry for the typos! - Original Message - From: Mike Tangorre [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: CF-Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 10:38 AM Subject: Re: Calling Custom Tag I believe the local folde ris called first, then it checks the custom tags fodler Mike

SQL Server - OT

2001-09-26 Thread Mike Tangorre
How difficult is it to go fom SQL Server 7 to SQL server 2K? Is it easy to get the databases tranfered over? Mike ~~ Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at FAQ:

Re: Highlight Script

2001-09-26 Thread Mike Tangorre
Neat! :-) - Original Message - From: Tilbrook, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: CF-Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 8:22 PM Subject: RE: Highlight Script Try this: script language=JavaScript1.2 //Highlight form element- © Dynamic Drive (

HELP!... with intranet idea

2001-09-25 Thread Mike Tangorre
be much appreciated. Thanks, Mike Tangorre ~~ Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at FAQ: Archives:

Re: HELP!... with intranet idea

2001-09-25 Thread Mike Tangorre
cfcomet - - there are some examples there on how to connect through COM, etc. Mark -Original Message- From: Mike Tangorre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 5:04 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: HELP!... with intranet idea Hello all. I

Re: HELP!... with intranet idea

2001-09-25 Thread Mike Tangorre
is to scrap exchange server and go with Imail (, which has the functionality built in already, and a heck of a lot cheaper too. Conrad -Original Message- From: Mike Tangorre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 11:04 PM To: CF-Talk Subject

Cold Fusion upgrade

2001-09-25 Thread Mike Tangorre
Does anyone know of any issues that exist when upgrading from CF 4.01 to CF 5.0? Unfortunately our company never got 4.5 and now they decided we need 5.0. I wanna become familiar with any issues we might be facing. Thanks. Mike Tangorre ~~ Your

SQL Server 2K

2001-09-25 Thread Mike Tangorre
Can anyone tell me how much toruble it is to upgrade from SQL Server 7 to SQL Server 2K. Anything to watch for? Anything to be aware of? Thanks, Mike ~~ Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

Re: Internet Faxing Service

2001-09-25 Thread Mike Tangorre
I use eFax... it does a pretty good job :-) Mike - Original Message - From: Duane Boudreau [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: CF-Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 11:39 PM Subject: Internet Faxing Service Hey Gang, Is anyone here using an internet faxing service? I've

Re: SQL SERVER 2000 GOING TO Single User Mode

2001-09-24 Thread Mike Tangorre
when you set it up did you use the right licensing mode? :-) - Original Message - From: William J Wheatley [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: CF-Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 9:16 AM Subject: OT: SQL SERVER 2000 GOING TO Single User Mode Sql server 2000 keeps going

Re: Certified Master ColdFusion 5 Developer

2001-09-24 Thread Mike Tangorre
Brainbench and Allaires test are like apples and oranges.. :-) - Original Message - From: Tristram Charnley [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: CF-Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 10:04 AM Subject: RE: Certified Master ColdFusion 5 Developer Brainbench do a Master Cert -

Re: Certified Master ColdFusion 5 Developer

2001-09-24 Thread Mike Tangorre
PROTECTED] To: CF-Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 10:12 AM Subject: RE: Certified Master ColdFusion 5 Developer has anyone taken both tests, how do they compare for difficulty? Mark -Original Message- From: Mike Tangorre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 24

Software Migration

2001-09-24 Thread Mike Tangorre
are the differences between the above mentioned versions... any comparison charts out there? Thanks for any help. Mike Tangorre ~~ Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at FAQ: http

Re: Ways to pass variables

2001-09-24 Thread Mike Tangorre
hidden form fields - Original Message - From: Michael S. Kimmett [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: CF-Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 1:02 PM Subject: Ways to pass variables Ok, one more question. I have a client that does not want variables passed through the URL (

Re: Ways to pass variables

2001-09-24 Thread Mike Tangorre not ideal for security reasons either. It's less blatantly obvious but still viewable to prying eyes. Bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Original Message - From: Mike Tangorre [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: CF-Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 10:23 AM Subject: Re

Studio 5.0

2001-09-23 Thread Mike Tangorre
to call in order to get in touch with them. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Mike Tangorre ~~ Get the mailserver that powers this list at FAQ: Archives: http://www.mail