That is the solution. Since HoF wasn't working that day I eventually discovered
that was what was needed. I must say that the documentation wasn't much help in
understanding the purpose of this parameter. I had assumed that it meant that
the processing would follow the location of the cfhttp ta
I tried to post a message with a new thread this morning but it still hasn't
shown up on the list yet.
>I haven't gotten any emails from the list since the 26th. Supposedly the
>list is back up, but I still haven't gotten anything.
cfhttp url="#variables.urlAddress#" method="POST" redirect="no"
throwonerror="yes" resolveurl="no"
I've tried adding this header with no success:
cfhttpparam type="header" name="Accept-Encoding" value="
I'd be interested in seeing this also.
>We have CF5
>and CFMX versions if anyone wants a copy.
>-Justin Scott
Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to
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I'm getting the same error on a frequent basis and we are not using VMWare.
Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade to ColdFusion 8 and integrate with Adobe Flex
The other things weren't working, enabled public access to the default scripts
Download the latest ColdFusion 8 utilities including Report Builder,
plug-ins for Eclipse and Dreamweaver updates.
>No, not really. Whether it's a physical or a virtual directory, you need to
>allow public access to /CFIDE/scripts, or use the SCRIPTSRC attribute of
>CFFORM to get the scripts from another URL.
Honestly, I think I'm doing everything right, but somehow it doesn't seem to be
working still. On the
>No, that KB article doesn't apply. Flash forms don't rely upon Flash Media
>Server, but they do require access to the /CFIDE/scripts directory, by
>default. Visiting this URL returns a permissions error:
Yes, we have the CFIDE folder blocked by IP address. I
We have a page with a cfform using the flash format. It works perfectly to all
users inside the firewall, but does not work to any users outside the firewall.
Do I have to open a special port to use flash forms? We found the following KB
article, but I'm not sure it applies to cfforms:
Here at the City of Renton, WA, we have MS-SQL on a 64-bit server and CF7
working just fine. The only problem we have run into is the lack of a 64-bit
iFilter that indexes PDF files. Google "64-bit iFilter" or see these links for
I'm converting a CF application from Oracle to MS SQL 2005 and found out
that when you insert a date in to a datetime field in SQL, it creates a
time (00:00:00) that includes either AM or PM according to when the
record was inserted. What would be the best way to create a "safe" date
to insert that
CH exting_lines INTO exting_lines_rec;
WHILE exting_lines%FOUND LOOP
SET LINE_SEQ = seq_no
seq_no := seq_no + 1;
FETCH exting_lines INTO exting_lines_rec;
You could alias your database fields in the query.
Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
Experience Flex 2 & MX7 integration & create powerful cross-platform RIAs
When I try to focus the curser in the CF Admin login, I do not see the cursor
and I do not see any *** characters appear when I type the password. I've tried
to type the password and hit enter on the keyboard, but then I get the Invalid
Password error message.
Anyone have any idea what's going
>what ver of arcIMS? what kind of cf (enterprise/standard)?
ArcIMS 9.1, CFMX7 Enterprise, IIS 5.0, Win2k Server.
>arcIMS 9 is a bit more convoluted & requires some
>manual work. i'm at home now so i can't give better details but i do
>recall it was all laid out in the esri docs.
Um, yeah, in
Does anyone here have CFMX7 and ArcIMS installed? I'm trying to install it on a
Win2k server with CFMX7 (in non-J2EE mode) IIS 5. ESRI is telling me that we
have to purchase JRun 4.0 separately from Macromedia or use TomCat, that it
won't work with the version of JRun that gets instaled with CFM
Ah hah! So how do you set a filter for it?
> Yeah pretty much. See this KB article. Watch the long url
> cfm?event=view&id=KC.
Hmmm... I've been trying to figure out what's the deal with the
" Connection reset by peer: socket write error"
messages that I occasionally get from my error handler. What is it? and should
it just be ignored, as I would deduct from your statement below?
>...I have my
Tried that, but the record was not locked for select queries.
>Use something like Aqua DataStudio to update a row in a table, but don't
>commit your changes.
>Then try to update the same row from CF.
>Tom Chiverton
>Advanced ColdFusion Programmer
Problem: we have an (non-web) Utility application that processes account
records in batches twice a month and the batch processing takes about an hour.
I just built a CF application that allows customers to view and pay their
account, but if a customer tries to access their account and their acc
Thank you, Eddie. That helped me figure it out, but it turned out that I didn't
need to use cfxml as I was already using xmlparse, but the rest of your code
was spot on. Have a good weekend, if you haven't already started.
>On 7/8/05, Eddie Awad wrote:
>xPath to the rescue:
How do you parse out this kind of XML string? I need to find the value
of aAccountNumber and bAddress:
I suppose if I could depend on the order of the Parameters, I could
refer to the values like so:
I'm trying to figure out how to handle an XML file that will be
transmitted to my web app. Since I don't have an example of the actual
XML file, I created a test XML document stored in the variable named
First, how do I access the XML document that will be posted to my web
app (via HTTPS
Here is a technique I found on Hal Helms' website See item #2:
I have adapted this technique to work for Fusebox 4. If you are interested, let
me know and I'll send it to you offlist.
That did the trick! You're Awsome Dawson. Consider yourself hugged!
>I think I see the problem now.
>You need to delimit the string:
>Add the "^" and the "$" and it should work for you.
The problem with this is that the [0-9]{1,5} part will accept "123456" as true,
which it technically is, but not what is wanted. It should only allow 1 to 5
digits in the first part, but not more. That's the problem.
>Not tested: [0-9]{1,5}(\-[0-9]{3})?
>You may need to wrap in slashes: /[0-9]
I'm having a heck of a time with this... trying to build a javascript
regExp for the following pattern:
[1-5 digits] [optional hyphen and 3 digits]
If anyone can help, I'd give you a big hug.
Find out how CFTicket can increase
Macromedia aligns with Eclipse
Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking
application. Start tracking and documenting hour
Thank you, Dave. I'll keep my fingers crossed on the COM stuff. The vendor
provides us with a .dll file and that's it.
Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support
efficiency by 100%
I'm trying to set up a payment processing application which will include
session transfer encryption. Below is the example in ASP that the vendor gives
as an example in the documentation. Can anyone help me figure out how this
would be done using CFMX, please?
set trans = server.createObje
So, if you can't just use the structname[structKey] kind of reference for a
query then how can you reference reference a query value using this model, if
at all?
>> -Original Message-
>The FORM scope (and all other scopes) are plain-jane structs - there's no
>real difference between th
This reminds me of something that my boss and I argued about... I said that
query recordsets and forms are structures, and he said that it's not the same
kind of structure as a struct(), that the structure function is better because
it's indexed and that the query and forms are not "real structu
I don't think that's possible. I have built pages that have the multiple select
option. What you have to do is submit the selected items from the list1 to the
action page (using an "Add" or "-->" button), which inserts eacho of the
selected items to a db table, then return to the display page wi
It sounds like you are using 2 different cfapplication names in your site.
Instead, why not just use 1 cfapplication with setClientCookies="Yes" and
create a cfc to handle your authentication calls. Check out this helpful
> It's not my server, we only have access to it. I believe it is not a
> windows server, more than likely it is running on a UNIX server.
> Could be Netscape. I work for a large organization, so we have access
> to it, but have no control over it. Neither are we privy to any specs.
Then u
>3.1 was blue (2nd edition).my first CF Bible ;-)
Mine too. Heck, I bought 2 copies, one for the office, one for home for when I
can't sleep trying to figure out how to make some code work in my head. (Since
I was just learning CF back then, I spent more nights like that then I do now!)
No, you're both wrong. According to this
it should be:
X-moz: prefetch
> So what do I want to choose from the Installer Configuration screen?
> Server configuration: (professional correct?)
Not necessarily, it depends on your license. The Server Configuration can be
Enterprise Edition, which is how we have it here.
Here's a nice one:
Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with
You're quite welcome! Just don't call me Louise... :P
>hey that all worked! jeez-loouise!
>This is quite the mind-readjustment. hmmm. I can do this for my menusets too.
> hmm.
>k, great, thanks!
>> > statement to set the variables for each server.
Done right, there's usually no need for any cfif statement. All you need is
something like this in the app_server.cfm file:
> On top of doing the include file in your Application.cfm, in Rebecca's
> example you can use the CGI.SERVER_NAME variabl
You could try this: in the value field put
> Hi All. I would like to detect that the user has clicked the back
> button. I need to do this in order to get the last value entered in
> the form. ( currently using session variables to recall the last item
> searched for ). Howe
I use a similar approach except that we keep the directory structure for our
applications the same on the prod and dev server, then use CGI.Server_Name in
the app_server.cfm file to make the request vars work on any server.
>In the application.cfm, you can set a variable that holds the absolute
> You're welcome Rebecca.
Thanks again, Fabio, and Bom Dia!
Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble
Ticket application
Message: http://www.h
>*snip*treat query columns as arrays... I know we can
>listtoarray(valuelist(query.column)), except that's more work for the
>machine _and_ it removes duplicates... with CF5 using query["column"]
>worked but with cfmx you have to use query["column"].toArray() --
>which obviously doesn't work on CF5
OK, I figured out what was wrong... I had to add \* to the end of the directory
path, like thus
It's still not clear to me what the difference is between the way that \* and
\- works. Maybe someone can explain that to me bet
>Have you tried using the ColdFusion Code Analyzer in the Administration Page
Yes, no problems are reported. Further, I tried adding the CFusionMX7 directory
to the Sandbox security for this site and I'm still getting the same error!
Today, while testing a application that handles a file upload that was
previously working in previous versions of CF (with Security Sandbox turned
on), I got the following error message:
Security: The requested template has been denied access to
>I believe that
>all you have to do is remove the last block of JavaScript at the bottom.
Ahem, perhaps it would be better to only comment-out the code, not remove it,
Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk
Found the problem: the LoginForm action was set to "Get" instead of "Post". It
worked under v6, but not under v7. Anyway, I think we're all squared away now!
> So now I'm no longer getting the error message in CF Administrator,
> but I have a strange new problem. The login to my website no longe
I upgraded our dev server to MX7 and for some reason it didn't like the
classpath setting. In the ColdFusion Administrator I'm getting the following
error message showing in the left side navigation panel:
Security: The requested template has been denied access to
Just a guess here, but I think if you read between the lines in the press
release, it's not too much of a leap to put 2 + 2 together here. My guess is
that Macromedia has the vision and the inovation, but is (and this is
speculation on my part) under capitialized. Adobe is solid, a bit more
>Could it be a time zone issue? Is Novell trying to adjust your system time
>to match the server time?
Novell syncs the workstation time when the user logs on using the Novell
Netware client (which is the normal procedure). The workstation time is fine.
IE gets the correct time from the OS, Fir
Thank you Connie for sending me that script. The fact that it works for *you*
in both IE and Firefox, plus trying other scripts on the web, helped me to
isolate the problem to my workstation. It turns out to be a frustrating
interaction between Firefox and Novel. If I log on to my workstation wi
I have a clock javascript that works fine in IE 6.0, but does not
display correctly in Firefox 1.0.2 or Netscape 7.0. Can anyone tell me
what's up here? I've tried googling for tips, but didn't come up with
anything. Here is the script:
In the head section:
function clock() {
var time = new Date(
Thanks. And thanks for the reminder, guys, re: the pound signs. Sometimes when
I'm in a rush, I just slip into old habits just to meet some deadline. I'm sure
we all have moments when we look back on code we've written in the past and
groan. There are probably developers somewhere who inherited
When I use CF to create "mail merge" type form letters, I first set up my
format characters as a block of variables, like this:
Then I just loop over the query with the data for the variables and build a
variable with the letter text, like this:
After the loop, use cffile to
>Not much traffic there a US holiday today I'm not aware of? ;-)
Yup, it's called April Fool's day, aka, St. Stupid's Day.
May the Farce be with you!
Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble
>You're just the kind of person to write the tutorials...once someone's been
>something so long they forget what it's like not to know how to do it,
>they're usually
>no good at writing beginners' tutorials...
>-Original M
The approach that I just posted also takes care of that problem. Please check
out the Hal Helms article via the link I sent.
>I don't see a way to solve the issue of a refresh submitting the form again.
>Any ideas how to solve that?
JavaScript will elevate the "low-level" work you currently do now to more
professional, full-featured applications that users have come to expect.
Certainly, you must want to know how to make your web pages more dymamic and
your forms more secure and accurate, yes? Perhaps you'd like to b
ch luck. If
anyone wants a copy, I'll send it to you in a zip file.
Happy coding!
Rebecca Wells
City of Renton, WA
Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking
Rick, I understand where you're coming from. Years ago I really struggled with
learning Javascript. I hated it and really resisted it, but realized that it is
an inescapably valuable toolset for a web developer. So I perservered and now
I'm pretty good at it. Books that I recommend include Visua
Chirp chirp chirp...
Wow, doesn't anyone have a solution to this that works?
Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support
efficiency by 100%
So, am I the only one who has this problem? If so, could somebody please put me
> I have tried all that and still have the same problem.
> In the Application.cfm file:
> In the logout.cfm file:
I have tried all that and still have the same problem.
In the Application.cfm file:
In the logout.cfm file:
And in the act_login.cfm page:
How do you get form data out of the browser's memory so that after a
user logs into a secure website, then logs out, if you click the back
button on the browser, a dialog box pops up warning :
"The page you are trying to view contains POSTDATA that has expired
from cache. If you resend the data,
I tried your suggestion but the querynew gives me only "" as the default, and I
cannot set the default value of a col to zero. So instead, I guess I have to do
Unless someone has a better suggestion. For some field
I hope someone can tell me how the query type of cfparam is supposed to work.
The docs say that cfparam tests for a parameter's existence, tests its data
type, and, if a default value is not assigned, optionally provides one. So I
assumed that you could run a query then use cfparam to set a defa
There's also the whole issue of folder sharing and user permissions that hasn't
been discussed. When the client browser pics a directory on the client
computer, the path is a local path, i.e.
c:\myworkstation\myWorkstationDirectory\. If a server tries to use that path,
it translates into a path
Here's a little javascript majick to do the trick. Create a little javascript
like this:
function getFile(f) { = f.uploadFile.value;
Then in the body of the page, your form is like this:
Browse to your file directory (pick a file):
When the form is submitted, it will
Here's the solution I found: in the master query, I added a field that uses the
TRUNC function on the edit_in field and gave it the name edit_in_date. Then I
use edit_in_date in left side of the Where clause of the q-of-q. Wha-la!
What am I doing wrong with this query-of-a-query?
FROM getPunches
WHERE TRUNC(edit_in) = '2005-02-06'
I get the following error message"
Query Of Queries syntax error.
Encountered "( edit_in ) =" at line 0, column 0. Incorrect conditional
expression, Expected on
Exactly. The way this is written, the cfif statement could still execute even
is the code = "W8" or "W12" if RS1 is not defined.
>It looks to me like there is a parentheses missing or something,
>depending on what RS1 is. Maybe MX places different priority on the
>comparisons. I would think the
Have you tried putting the cfoutput tags outside of the script tag, like this:
Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or
Here is the CFC I use to authenticate users. Notice that there are 2 LDAP
queries, first to see if the user exists, then using the returned username and
form.password to return their info. This is from the example given on page 369
of the book "Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML.
We're using CFMX 6.1 w/ updater and there is a cfstoredproc that has
been working fine previous to migrating to MX. This is an Oracle
procedure and we were using the Oracle driver provided with CFMX. Now
when we try to execute this procedure, it is taking at least 14
to reply. We swi
Can anyone tell me please what do question marks and colon symbols
signify in a javascript command? For example:
F.value = S < 0 ? "?? " + F.value : (new Date(2000, 0, 1, S[0],
My guess is that this is some kind of shorthand for an if-then-else
control structure, but I've
Just remove the From line, i.e.:
Logware: a new and convenient web-based time tracking application. Start
tracking and d
>What's the deal with Homesite? Is it still available? From what I know,
>HomeSite was merged into DW as of the MX release, and is no longer
In addition to being included on the DW CD, t's also available to buy (without
DW) from MM:
>Why not just tell the browser not to cache the pages and alwasy
>checked that they are logged in... or am I missing something?
Well, duh! That's why I said that it works assuming you have set the rest of
your security up right... like having a login-check function in the
application.cfm page so
For some general ideas of things to watch out for:
ColdFusion Developer's Journal, Sept. 2004, pg. 48-50, had a good article: Top
10 Web Security Tips.
Macromedia Developer Center has a helpful article: Ten tips for securing your
ColdFusion application.
Instead of using tables for your layout, you might want to consider using CSS
instead, and avoid the issue of figuring out columns and rows. For a helpful
example/tutorial, see
I'm going through this same process. I ran into the same problem as you with
all the examples showing FB3 to FB4. So I took a class on FB4 and now it really
isn't so scary.
One thing I have discovered is that the "myglobals" file in FB4 is the
equivalent of the app_locals file in FB2, with the
I was reading Sarge's blog something about clearing the cfauthorization
variable ( So, I'm
wondering if this might be a way to work around the problem in the
LoginStorage=Session scenario by clearing the cfauthorization security var wit
Well, yeah. I never really understood what that IE "Automatically" cache
setting was supposed to do besides make the user feel good. It really doesn't
do what you'd expect it to. On my workstations, I always change that default
setting (when I have to use IE instead of FireFox or Netscape) to "c
Argh! Even though I had cleared the browser cache in IE several times,
apparently the settings were set to check "automatically". When I changed the
settings to "every visit to the page" now it is using the correct IIS virtual
Of course it had to be Microsoft's fault!
Can anyone explain why I can't seem to get CFMX configured to not use
C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\ and start using the virtual directories setup in
IIS? The Web Server Configuration Tool shows: localhost, default,
Internet Information Services (IIS): All. I've tried editing the
IIS_connector.bat file to i
using the JRun
option or is it better to try to use the CFMX Web Server Configuration
Rebecca Wells
Systems Analyst
City of Renton - Information Services
"Against logic there is no armor like ignorance."
- Laurence J Peter
This message has been scanned by the City o
[...execute the login queries...]
No need to cfrelocate to the login page.
This message has been scanned by the City of Renton's filtering gateway.
Special thanks to
I was planning to switch from the built-in MX server to IIS as the final part
of our migration plan and I'm wondering what kind of problems? I'm looking at
the instructions on page 22 of the "Installing ColdFusion MX" documentation
where it shows the command to use to configure IIS for CFMX in W
OK, I just got our intranet migrated to MX on our development server
using the CFLOGIN for user security. However, my managers find it
unacceptable that users have to login again if they close the browser
window. Does anyone have any suggestions for work arounds?
This message has been scanned by t
I have successfully implemented a CF application that uploads or downloads documents to an Oracle database. This approach was chosen for security and full-text searching reasons. To accomplish this, I used a custom tag called CFX_BlobManager available from (It is a commercial pa
You could use the W3C CSS Validation Service:
>>> Dwayne Cole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 9/17/2004 06:36:05 AM >>>
TopStyle seems to perform better than StyleMaster but Stylemaster seems
to provide better window into the HTML impact of your CSS.
I'm looking for a c
A CF application I'm building needs a feature that will create documents
using a form letter and data from a database, merging the form and the
data similar to a MailMerge operation. The only way I've been able to
get any results is by using cffile to read the form, then cfset ThisLtr
= Evaluate(fo
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