Datebase Question!

2004-06-04 Thread cf coder
Database question. I have a insert statment. I'm inserting a new record in the table. The table has a primary key (empID) Here is the code INSERT INTO ASSETS ( empName, empDesk, empAsset ) VALUES ( 'blog', '1, 'ast10' ) I want to retreive the primary key (empID) value immediately a

Re: path to uploaded file

2004-06-03 Thread cf
i set that path in the Application.cfm template, then say when I need it to display and image its a very simple call and yes i would just store the image name in the db, other wise you get a big mess for your url example, here is the code to do upload Filefield="pic" DESTINATION="#uploads

Re: path to uploaded file

2004-06-03 Thread cf
dont make it more complicated than it has too be > I have my file uploaded to a directory that is two levels up from my > upload cfm and I'm trying to get it's path through: > > > > > '#dest##CFFILE.serverFileName#.#CFFILE.ServerFileExt#'> > > This is giving me a path to my webhosting envir

CFC example

2004-06-03 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
I need a good example of an "object" CFC. One with get and set methods, etc. Anyone? Cutter [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: OT: cffun tickets REVISION

2004-06-02 Thread cf
sorry but there is only 1 cffun ticket available if still interested reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will answer back after i take kids too pool thanks & sorry bout that > i have 2 cffun tickets, anyone want to go at a discount? > make me an offer > please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > [Todays

OT: cffun tickets

2004-06-02 Thread cf
i have 2 cffun tickets, anyone want to go at a discount? make me an offer please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: Coldfusion and MX

2004-06-02 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
Vishnu, You might start with some of the tutorials on the MM site, as well as those at Cutter vishnu prasad wrote: > Hi All > > i am new to Flash > i like to develop and application using flash and coldfusion > if anyone familar with that will u pls tell me how to develop simple

Re: Recommendation for a book about writing documentation

2004-06-02 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
ogle+Search&meta=). >  > >  >There should be enough in there to get you started or at least help you >  >narrow down your search. >  > >  >HTH >  > >  >Shawn >  > >  >-Original Message- >  >From: Tom Kitta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECT

Re: Blackstone - Toronto CFUG notes

2004-06-02 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
consider here... Cutter Tony Weeg wrote: > oh. > > whatev. > > cool. > > -Original Message- > From: Alexander Sherwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 2:27 PM > To: CF-Talk > Subject: RE: Blackstone - Toronto CFUG notes > > At

Re: how to output the following code using document.write?

2004-05-28 Thread cf coder
I don't have you email, but you can email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] >I have a simple Custom tag that does just this. If you send me an email >off-list I'll send it to you. > >> [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: how to output the following code using document.write?

2004-05-28 Thread cf coder
Sheer genius, I bow down to you! Thanks again for the rescue. Best Regards [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: how to output the following code using document.write?

2004-05-28 Thread cf coder
sorry my bad, I'm still getting _javascript_ errors. Pascal if you have some time can you please help me out. Best Regards, cfcoder >Thank you guys, it works [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: how to output the following code using document.write?

2004-05-27 Thread cf coder
Thank you guys, it works [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

how to output the following code using document.write?

2004-05-27 Thread cf coder
Hi Guys, I want to display the below inside the _javascript_ document.write function. Please, please can someone show me how to do this. I've tried but I keep getting "unteminated string constraint" _javascript_ msg #Comments# #str##trim(Left(tmp,Find('#Chr(13)#',tmp)))##tmp##Left(Slug,25)# ... M

Re: 'Select' statement question!

2004-05-24 Thread cf coder
You are a genius. I'm going home now but will try this tomorrow. Thanks again Pascal, don't know what I would have done without your help. Cheers, cfcoder [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: 'Select' statement question!

2004-05-24 Thread cf coder
Many thanks Pascal for that. It still returns multiple records. I used the group by tag which stops this from happenning, so I don't see multiple records of the same log. Its all good. However, I'm displaying the recordcount in the search result and it doesn't give you the correct picture of the no

Re: 'Select' statement question!

2004-05-24 Thread cf coder
now the sql is not right, but I don't know how to properly code it. I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Best Regards, cf coder [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re[3]: forum software with other surface languages than english

2004-05-23 Thread cf-talk
RE to the FarCry-post: Hi Paul,thanks for your feedback. It looks, as if they don't have forums integrated. If you klick on their web-site, they mention how to integrate fusetalk. Uwe [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re[2]: forum software with other surface languages than english

2004-05-23 Thread cf-talk
Hello Paul, Sunday, May 23, 2004, 4:39:10 PM, you wrote: PH> why not farcry, its free. though you'd have to do the localiztion yourself. >> I need a good forum-software >> but with a german skin/surface. >> I like fusetalk, but it is a bit >> much out of my price-range. >> I would like to spent

forum software with other surface languages than english

2004-05-23 Thread cf-talk
Hi list, I need a good forum-software but with a german skin/surface. I like fusetalk, but it is a bit much out of my price-range. I would like to spent app. 100 USD. Anybody who knows a forum software which is easy customizable and/or even have a german surface ? Thanks. Uwe [Todays Threads]

Re: Executing an ASX file on ColdFusion Server?

2004-05-22 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
WME 9 pushed to WMS9. I think part of the issue was Web Control enabled of WMS, which (by default) ran on port 80. Trying to run it and BD (for CF) created a conflict. Once I changed the port of one or the other everything ran great. Cutter Greg Landers wrote: > Cutter, > > Thank

Re: Executing an ASX file on ColdFusion Server?

2004-05-22 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
I ran into a very similar problem (though I was running BD). Once I assigned a different port to my encode stream all was well with the world. Cutter Greg Landers wrote: > Hello. > > I have an issue with getting an ASX file to properly execute on a CF > server (MX) ... on the

Re: 'Select' statement question!

2004-05-21 Thread cf coder
Thanks Jochem, but your sql returns duplicate callNo's. I tried both your queries. [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: 'Select' statement question!

2004-05-21 Thread cf coder
yes I am using MS SQL Server [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: 'Select' statement question!

2004-05-21 Thread cf coder
Sorry, I made a typo mistake. This is the correct sql SET @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + 'SELECT * From Employee where Employee.callNo IN (select distinct Employee.callNo from Employee where Employee.asst_id IN (select Assets.asst_id from Assets where bar_code = ' + char(39) + @asset + char(39) +

'Select' statement question!

2004-05-21 Thread cf coder
The following code is in a stored procedure. Can somebody please just confirm if this is a valid SQL Statement. I appreciate this is not a SQL Forum. I'm a ColdFusion developer and am trying to query the db. SET @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + 'SELECT * From Employee where Employee.asstetID IN (se

Re: SOT - Last nights NYCFUG meeting.

2004-05-21 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
this feature > specifically, but I do plan on discussing this on tour stops. > > > --- Ben > >   _   > > From: Chunshen (Don) Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 12:37 PM > To: CF-Talk > Subject: Re: SOT - Last nights NYCFUG meeting. > &

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-19 Thread cf coder
thank you once again Pascal, I'll get my head stuck in the CFMX reference guide. [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-18 Thread cf coder
I agree with Pascal, regexps are the most powerfull tools when it comes to parsing, however they are not easy to code. Pascal I was wondering if you could explain what your code is doing: commentRegexp = "[*]{3}\s+(.*?)\s+[*]{3}(.*?)(?=([*]{3}\s+.*?\s+[*]{3})|$)"; timestampRegexp = "\d{1,2}/\d{2}

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-18 Thread cf coder
Thanks Pascal, your script works just fine. Thanks again for your help, most appreciated. Best regards, cfcoder [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

cfscript and methods

2004-05-17 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
When creating an instance of an object (component) within cfscript how would I call a method of that object using arguments[ie: myobject.init(ID);]? It's pretty straight forward using cfinvoke, but I'm not finding much documentation on component manipulation with cfscript... Cutter [Todays Th

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-17 Thread cf coder
Thanks Pascal. Sorry again for any inconvenience caused. Best regards cfcoder >I'm off to home right now, but I'll send you the code in the morning >(for me GMT+2) > >> [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-17 Thread cf coder
sorry Pascal, my bad. The format is not always the same, there may be few comments in the database without the timestamp. All comments added when I build the functionality will not have the *** user timestamp ***. I have CFMX installed on the server. Best regards, cfcoder >If your format isn't al

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-17 Thread cf coder
t apart. > > Thanks, > Robert > > P.S. What are the rules for the data that you are pulling apart now? > e.g.   > 3 asterisks, space date, 2 spaces, time, 2 spaces, username, 2 spaces, > 3 asterisks, comment, cr/lf, cr/lf > 3 asterisks, space date, 2 spaces, time, 2 sp

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-17 Thread cf coder
You are a GENIUS man! That code rocks, I wouldn't know how to do this without your help. You are a star. Just one small problem, the comments column sometimes doesn't store the timestamp. I went through your code. The while condition in the above mentioned situation would be false so the code in th

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-17 Thread cf coder
Pascal, sorry again for being such a PEST. I really do apprecaite your help. There can be more than one occurance of the timestamp in the comment column. Ex: *** 05/12/2003  09:52:10  USER1 *** closing if fixed - awaitng response from User2 *** 04/12/2003  18:55:18  USER2 *** Have been there, h

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-17 Thread cf coder
thanks Pascal! It doesn't quite work how I would like it to. EX: *** 08/12/2003  20:33:31  EDWARI31 *** You code displays the above timestamp like this: 0 8/12/2003 20:33:31   Where as I would like it to be displayed like this: EDWARI31 08/12/2003 20:33:31 I dumped stTmp . This is what it ret

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-17 Thread cf coder
sorry for being such a pest... I forgot to add in my earlier post that the timestamp for all existing comments is in the format: *** 10/28/2003 2:53:52 User1 *** and the timestamp for new comments is: *** User1 10/28/2003 2:53:52 *** Can you also show me how to display all existing timestam

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-17 Thread cf coder
I figured that out.. thanks stTmp = REFind("[*]{3}[[:space:]]+([^*]+)[[:space:]]+[*]{3}",str,1,true); info = Mid(str,stTmp.pos[2],stTmp.len[2]); #info# the above code works however I was wondering if you could do me another favour. At the minute you are searching for the "***". Would it be

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-17 Thread cf coder
Hey Pascal, hope you're doing well buddy! I'm getting an error. The selected method len was not found. Either there are no methods with the specified method name and argument types, or the method len is overloaded with arguments types that ColdFusion can't decipher reliably. If this is a Java obje

Re: help with regular expressions!

2004-05-14 Thread cf coder
limiters. > >-Original Message- >From: Dave Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 10:34 AM >To: CF-Talk >Subject: Re: help with regular expressions! > > >Why regex rather than just Replace() or ListGetAt()? >  ----- Original Message - >  From:

help with regular expressions!

2004-05-14 Thread cf coder
/2003  13:41:47 *** blah, blah I want to read everything that's between the *** ie *** User 1 10/28/2003 2:53:52 *** and display it like this: User 1 | 14/4/2004 15:58:15 THIS IS A TEST Can somebody please show me how to do this using regular expressions? M

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-05-14 Thread cf coder
se show me how to do this using regular expressions? Many thanks cf coder [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: CFC issues

2004-05-12 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
> Macromedia Associate Partner > > - > Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group > Founder & Director > >   - Original Message - >   From: Cutter (CF-Talk) >   T

CFC issues

2004-05-12 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
Please forgive me for stupid questions, it has been quite awhile since I   have been able to work with CFC's. I have a getID() method: returntype="numeric" >         I first create my object: component="" method="get" returnv

Re: cffile upload question

2004-05-07 Thread cf coder
can I create form field on the server? something like this. filefield="form.fileToUpload_#posn#" destination="#request.BlobsDir#" nameconflict="MAKEUNIQUE" accept="#fileMimeTypes#"> Is this possible? [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [Us

Re: cffile upload question

2004-05-07 Thread cf coder
I'll try and explain this better. I have a form on the main page. The form has a button that opens up a pop-up window. The pop-up window has the input type 'file' field. I have added code to allow users add more than one file at a time. I am not uploading the file to the server at this stage. Inste

Re: cffile upload question

2004-05-07 Thread cf coder
can somebody please help! [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: cffile upload question

2004-05-07 Thread cf coder
I added  enctype="multipart/form-data" on the parent form window, I now get a different error. The form field "C:\Documents and Settings\assets.txt" did not contain a file" > Hello Everybody, > > I am working on a application to upload > attachments/files to the server using cffile. > > The inte

cffile upload question

2004-05-07 Thread cf coder
Hello Everybody, I am working on a application to upload attachments/files to the server using cffile. The interface is designed to allow the user to select one or more files to attach through a pop-up window. I am passing the list of files along with the complete file path the user has selected

Re: disable back button when using div's

2004-05-07 Thread cf coder
thank you guys for your help. I decided to go with the server option. I'm checking to see if the record already exists in the database. If he does, I'm just alerting/displaying a message. Thanks again for your help. >cf coder said: >> >> I want to disable the 'b

Re: He3

2004-05-05 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
t;  -adam >  > >  >  > -Original Message- >  >  > From: Guy Rish [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >  >  > Sent: Wednesday, May 5, 2004 07:24 PM >  >  > To: 'CF-Talk' >  >  > Subject: He3 >  >  > >  >  > Hey eve

disable back button when using div's

2004-05-05 Thread cf coder
Hello everybody, I've read a lot about disabling the browser back button when a user submits a form where the action page is different from the submitting page. It is absolutely important that the user is stopped from going back a page because This is an application where authorised users can add

Re: ColdFusion Developer Edition

2004-05-05 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
And, if you have a multiple developer invironment where you may need a CF capable server without IP restrictions, there is still BlueDragon from NewAtlanta. (Sorry Ben, had to throw it out there...) Cutter Ben Forta wrote: > The Developer edition is free, and it does have IP restricti

Re: WOT: Digital VideoCam recommendations

2004-04-21 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
My a/v crew occasionally uses the Canon ZR85 for quick digital footage. Cutter Dick Applebaum wrote: > This is WOT for this list, but I know many of you members have > videocams--- so I hope you will give me the benefit of your experience. > > My granddaughter's first communion is approaching. >

Re: Locking Records!

2004-04-21 Thread cf coder
and I will learn > >-Original Message- >From: cf coder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >Sent: Wednesday, 21 April 2004 9:18 PM >To: CF-Talk >Subject: Locking Records! > > >Hell Everybody, I really need someone's help. I'm >working on a cf application with a sql ba

Locking Records!

2004-04-21 Thread cf coder
Hell Everybody, I really need someone's help. I'm working on a cf application with a sql backend. This is an IT Logs database system. I am working on the front end for the support desk. A support desk user can view a log, add a new log or update a log. My query is specific to viewing an

RE: ZIP code validation

2004-04-19 Thread cf-talk
Here's a link to my free zip code database.  I haven't updated in in a while... but zip codes really don't change much. -Novak -Original Message- From: Stacy Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:17 AM To:

Re: What is the cause of this error?

2004-04-16 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
You are probably using cfqueryparam and defining a datatype but not clarifying what to do if the form value is empty. null="#yesnoformat(not len(trim(form.field)))#" is an option I use (per a suggestion from this list, thank you very much). The other option is that your SQL table field does not

Re: escape(), unescape()

2004-04-15 Thread cf coder
Thanks guys, I forgot about them in a hurry :) [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

escape(), unescape()

2004-04-15 Thread cf coder
Can somebody please tell me the equivalent coldfusion function of escape() and unescape(). __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe

onClick Nightmare!

2004-04-14 Thread cf coder
Hello everybody. The  below code works, however when I don't know how to put the same code in the I've tried really hard but keep getting errors. Please can somebody show me how to do it. document.write(" href=""> I am trying to do this: > return false;" I would really appreciate

how to save a document/spreadsheet/pdf into a database table when it is open?

2004-04-14 Thread cf coder
Hello Everybody, I'm hoping somebody will provide me with some help. I have this section on my site where a user can view his or her attachments. The attachments that can be a word documents, a spreadsheets or a pdf are stored in a database table as binary objects. I've done the bit to allow the u

how to save a document/spreadsheet/pdf into a database table when it is open?

2004-04-14 Thread cf coder
Hello Everybody, I'm hoping somebody will provide me with some help. I have this section on my site where a user can view his or her attachments. The attachments that can be a word documents, a spreadsheets or a pdf are stored in a database table as binary objects. I've done the bit to allow the u

Re: cfx_getImage error! Don't know what's causing it

2004-04-13 Thread cf coder
Have a different problem now, actually I have a question. If the user makes changes to the document, is it possible to save the changes directly back to the database when the user selects the File->Save option from the menu or ctrl-s. DATASOURCE="db" USER="dbUserName" PASSWORD="dbPassword" SQL

Re: cfx_getImage error! Don't know what's causing it

2004-04-13 Thread cf coder
Have a different problem now, actually I have a question. If the user makes changes to the document, is it possible to save the changes directly back to the database when the user selects the File->Save option from the menu or ctrl-s. DATASOURCE="db" USER="dbUserName" PASSWORD="dbPassword" SQL

Re: cfx_getImage error! Don't know what's causing it

2004-04-13 Thread cf coder
I finally got it to work. I went to the ODBC section under Administrative Tools re-configured the settings explicting selecting my database under the "change the default database to" section of the DSN Configuration. I don't know why it didn't select it in the first place, but it don't matter now,

Re: cfx_getImage error! Don't know what's causing it

2004-04-13 Thread cf coder
I finally figured out why I was getting the error. I went to the ODBC Administrator under Administrative Tools and re-configured the dsn. For some reason my database was not selected under the "change the default database to" section. I set it to "db" tested the connection successfully and it all w

Re: cfx_getImage error! Don't know what's causing it

2004-04-13 Thread cf coder
I changed the code a select statement a bit. I appended 'dbo.' before the table name. DATASOURCE="db" USER="dbUserName" PASSWORD="dbPassword" SQL="select filename FROM dbo.Attachment WHERE id = ''" OUTPUT="E:\inetpub\wwwroot\tempDocumentsFolder\#getAttachmentDetails.Fil eName#"> T

Re: cfx_getImage error! Don't know what's causing it

2004-04-13 Thread cf coder
yes it does. I've double checked it. I don't have the source for the dll (.cpp file). I was using the getImage.dll on another project and thought I can reuse it. Tell me, does the .cpp file specify the dsn name? Because if it does then I'll get this error because the dsn name used in that project i

Re: cfx_getImage error! Don't know what's causing it

2004-04-13 Thread cf coder
this is what is dumped in the Stack Trace: coldfusion.tagext.DerivedNativeCFXException: Error occurred in tag CFX_GETIMAGE at coldfusion.tagext.NativeCfx.processRequest(Native Method) at coldfusion.tagext.CfxTag.doStartTag( at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTag(CfJspPage.jav

Re: cfx_getImage error! Don't know what's causing it

2004-04-13 Thread cf coder
can someone please respond to my post! [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: cfx_getImage error! Don't know what's causing it

2004-04-13 Thread cf coder
btw, my application is running on cfmx. I just can't see why the code would error. I've checked the value passed to the "USER" attribute and it is correct. >Hello Everybody, I'm really hoping that someone will >help me. > >A lot of people have used the cfx_getImage tag to open >up office documents

cfx_getImage error! Don't know what's causing it

2004-04-13 Thread cf coder
Hello Everybody, I'm really hoping that someone will help me. A lot of people have used the cfx_getImage tag to open up office documents (word,excel, blah). I thought I'll use it to do the same. The documents are stored on the database table as binary objects. I registered the cfx tag in the admi

Re: evaluating name of form

2004-04-10 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
I would suggest encoding/decoding all your url variables though. Nice UDF at to handle this. Cutter Andrew Grosset wrote: > Thanks for answering my question. >    The following is related but more of a _javascript_ problem than cold > fusion: I want to pass a variable in the form o

Re: App Mappings dilema

2004-04-09 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
Brian, I've never known CF to parse html files, in any of it's incarnations. I've known other servers (Apache, IIS, etc.) to parse the html files, while the CF on top of it parsed all the cfml files, but I've never seen it any other way. Someone let me know if I'm w

Re: Macromedia Max Registration/Cost?

2004-04-08 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
Amen Tony! Could you see MY boss going for that one? (Not No, But ...!) Cutter Tony Weeg wrote: > yeah but who wants to give up a WEEKEND in the summer to learn cf stuff??? > > come on...thats what weekdays are for. > > sorry, I just cant give up good golf weather for

Re: Spam Farmers have arrived

2004-04-08 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
you're just now getting 'em? I've been receiving them for months (though this addy is also used for my MM acct). Cutter Scott Weikert wrote: > I just got a spam to the email address I set up specifically for CF-Talk > traffic. It appears someone's farming email ad

Re: JavaScript Compatibility

2004-04-08 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
Any close to current version of AOL that would work on Win95 would have used the IE browser control as it's main browser window, and would have used the control of whichever version of IE is loaded on the system. If the user never did a windows update (and quite probably never has or could) the

Re: Need some backup here

2004-04-07 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
24.145.42 > > SBC > > Dick > > On Apr 7, 2004, at 10:05 AM, Cutter (CF-Talk) wrote: > >  > >  > > [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: Need some backup here

2004-04-07 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
Thanks for trying. I don't run that site. Didn't realize their form didn't work. I wonder if their test is still valid? Cutter Tangorre, Michael wrote: > Cutter, > > I tested it for you and it failed. When trying to submit my name and info to > you, the resulting page was a "file not found" er

Need some backup here

2004-04-07 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
I need a favor. Internal debate going on here about the feasability of multicast streaming. I'm being told that multicast enabled routers are not in high enough proliferation to warrant considering multicast applications. The following link is a test page for multicast (every router between you

Re: Importing Access to MSSQL

2004-04-06 Thread cf
n place I > think. Alternatively, create the new tables manually in MSSQL. > > Once the tables are in place, use CF to query the Access Table and then > use CF to Insert recrods into MSSQL table. > > Another way is to use a Windows app in client-server mode with ODBC > drivers to do the


2004-04-06 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)
Maybe I'm out of it. I remember at one time seeing a freeware AuthorizeNet CFC out there, does anyone know where I might find it? Cutter [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: how to get rid of the new line character

2004-04-02 Thread cf coder
Thank you for your help Pascal. I'll work this out, you don't waste your time on this. I have got a good idea looking at your code. Thanks again cfcoder [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: how to get rid of the new line character

2004-04-02 Thread cf coder
nd-start); > start = end + Len(delim); > if(Len(Trim(line))){ > text = text & REReplace(line,"[#chr(9)# ]*#chr(10)#",",","ALL") & > crlf; > } > } > > > file="employerNew.txt" > output="

Re: how to get rid of the new line character

2004-04-02 Thread cf coder
; > > > > addNewLine > Optional > Yes > > * Yes: appends newline character to text written to file > > -Original Message- > From: cf coder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 9:35 AM > To: CF-Talk > Subject: how to

how to get rid of the new line character

2004-04-02 Thread cf coder
hi guys I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm reading a text file action=""> file="employer.txt" variable="fOutput"> Looping through the text file, I've set the list delimter to be "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". delimiters="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"> I have a inner loop which loops through each individual lis

how to dynamically create database columns from a text file which has the data in one row.

2004-04-02 Thread cf coder
Hello Everybody, I need your help. I exported the data from a a mdb access database to a text file. The access table had one column. The data in the text file is also displayed in one column. I want to do something to move the data horizontally. I know where a new row should be starting. I'll give

RE: New CFMX Colour Scheme tool on line.

2004-04-01 Thread cf
something like this that could be saved would be nice > A colour picker to assist with choosing would be a great addon feature. > > -Original Message- > From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Friday, 2 April 2004 7:31 AM > To:

Re: Code formatter?

2004-04-01 Thread cf
look up a program called prettyhtml does wonders! & it supports cfml gives u several choices of how it can be done too > Anybody know of a "pretty printer" for CFML? I'd like to run my code > through something to standardize the indents, tag case, etc. > > -- > Howard Fore, [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > >

Re: string formatting and manipulation

2004-04-01 Thread cf coder [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: string formatting and manipulation

2004-04-01 Thread cf coder
thank you all for relying to my message. I'm sorry I was not here yesterday to reply to your posts. I found the solution to my problem. Kindly see this thread. Best regards, cfcoder [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-04-01 Thread cf coder
thanks Pascal that explaination makes perfect sense and I understand it. Thanks again for all your help. Best Regards, cfcoder [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-04-01 Thread cf coder
Sweet! You are a genius! I can never get my head round regular expressions. I don't have a clue what this is actually doing regexp = "^\s*([*]{3}.+?[*]{3}.+?)\s*(?:[*]{3}.*)?$"; str2 = REReplace(str,regexp,"\1"); Can you kindly explain it to me because I have to explain it to my colleague and not

string formatting and manipulation

2004-03-31 Thread cf coder
Hi Guys, I'm strugging to display the data correctly from the comment column in the database and need your help. I want to display the top most comment from the comments table. Here is an example. In the example below there are 2 comments *** 13/01/2003  09:47:06  TUser1 *** callno:1126 Some c

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-03-31 Thread cf coder
Hi Pascal, I'm really sorry for not getting back to you yesterday. I've been asked to work on something else. I'm trying to display the comment properly and need your help. I want to display the top most comment from the comments table. Here is an example. In the example below there are 2 comments

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-03-30 Thread cf coder
can you show me how to do this? >This is for display in HTML, not in a textarea. The tags would show >and everything would be on one line > >> [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-03-30 Thread cf coder
Thank you pascal, the code works just the way I want it to. here it is:                   #str#        #trim(Left(tmp,Find('#Chr(13)#',tmp)))#       #tmp#    I need your help with something else. This is not related to my original query, but related. When the comment field data is displayed

Re: help with string manipulation (Find,Replace)

2004-03-29 Thread cf coder
removed (ad consequently, you need a back reference later) > > You might want to experiment using a different collection of > excluded/included chars. There is for example \s for whitespace, \S > for non-whitespace, but my experiments with those CF-specific > character class d

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