Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-25 Thread Ian Rutherford
Any other thoughts on this? I'm stuck. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j Archive:

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-25 Thread Brian Kotek
So the problem now is the cfcookie tag? Try doing a global search for cfcookie since you must be using it somewhere from what the error says. On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Ian Rutherford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Any other thoughts on this? I'm stuck.

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-25 Thread Brian Kotek
So the problem now is the cfcookie tag? Try doing a global search for cfcookie since you must be using it somewhere from what the error says. On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Ian Rutherford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Any other thoughts on this? I'm stuck.

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-25 Thread Ian Rutherford
I have it one file in the project but it isn't being called on these pages. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-25 Thread Brian Kotek
I'm not sure what to tell you then, because CF appears to think that it is being called, or at least that a cfcookie tag is being called and is causing some kind of problem. My instinct would be that either you missed a cfcookie tag somewhere, or that whatever you are doing is calling the code

RE: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-25 Thread Brad Wood
Ian, have you focused your search in the /adminCFCs/couponWrapper.cfc file since that appears to be where ColdFusion found the Attribute validation error for the CFCOOKIE tag? Is there a stack trace that accompanies the error message that gives you any hints? Perhaps you could go through the

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-25 Thread Ian Rutherford
Hi Brian, I did a full project search in Eclipse and it isn't anywhere in the project. I'm not including any files in either the wrapper or the other cfc. I'm using FB3 which I have heard can do some strange things to layout tags like cfpod and cflayout but there aren't any cookies there

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-25 Thread Matt Williams
Create a temp scribble page and call that cfc, passing in only the bare essentials to make it run. And do some cfdumps or cflog entries to see where it is failing. If you're on CF8, the step debugger is a useful tool to see what all pages have been called, variables created (including cookies),

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-25 Thread Brian Kotek
Then I'd start checking things that run on every request like Application.cfc onRequestStart, Fusebox preprocess or other plugin points, etc. The bottom line is that it *has* to be running something that is causing a cfcookie error. On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Ian Rutherford [EMAIL

RE: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Rick Faircloth
Is that different or a part of Coldspring? Rick -Original Message- From: Will Tomlinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:09 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC I'm just beginning to work with CFC's, so I'm in no position

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Will Tomlinson
Is that different or a part of Coldspring? Rick It's its own framework. It does have coldspring integrated in it. I like it because it uses cfc's as event handlers, not xml. Seems easier for me to understand. Generating a template layout is pretty nifty too. Just been doin basics so far

RE: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Rick Faircloth
Let me know your thoughts as you work with it. Rick -Original Message- From: Will Tomlinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:36 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC Is that different or a part of Coldspring? Rick It's

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Ian Rutherford
So I would have something like this? cfcomponent displayname=couponWrapper hint=Used by remote services to handle coupon interaction. cffunction name=getCoupons access=public output=false returntype=all cfargument name=page required=yes type=numeric

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Ian Rutherford
I am planning on writing my next app in coldbox. I already started and integrated transfer with little difficulty. Not sure I'm going to bother with ColdSpring as it will probably be overkill for an app with about five components.

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread James Holmes
Yes, that's the general idea, although as I recall the access needs to be remote, not public. On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 11:17 PM, Ian Rutherford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: So I would have something like this? cfcomponent displayname=couponWrapper hint=Used by remote services to handle coupon

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Ian Rutherford
I fixed that but am now getting a message Could not find the coldFusion component or interface (The actual cfc in the application scope is, not application. couponcfc as in the code above). I dumped the variable and it is a real

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Ian Rutherford
Oh, I changed the cfscript tag to: cfinvoke method=getCouponList returnvariable=getCouponList cfinvokeargument name=page cfinvokeargument name=pageSize value=#arguments.pageSize#

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Brian Kotek
It needs to be if you want to call a method on an existing instance. Otherwise it assumes you're specifying a package path. On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Ian Rutherford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Oh, I changed the cfscript tag to: cfinvoke

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Ian Rutherford
Makes sense but now it says that element coupons is undefined in application I did a dump of that right before the cfgrid call and it is there. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Brian Kotek
Is the remote proxy CFC running in a folder that will run your Application.cfc? If not, the application scope won't be available for this component. On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:47 PM, Ian Rutherford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Makes sense but now it says that element coupons is undefined in

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Ian Rutherford
Okay, I moved the wrapper into a folder that is part of the application and can now at least get a step farther but now am stuck on this. The GRIDSORTCOLUMN parameter to the getCouponList function is required but was not passed in. I have put a cfdump tag right after the arguments list and the

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Brian Kotek
Are you sure the argument in is not named gridSortColumn? You have it defined as just sortColumn below. On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Ian Rutherford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Okay, I moved the wrapper into a folder that is part of the application and can now at least get

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Ian Rutherford
Okay, I think that this is almost working. If I invoke the wrapper using cfinvoke tags directly in the page I get a result set! The problem I am still having is that when trying to bind it to the grid I get CFGRID: Response is empty. I tried the fix on Ben's blog

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Ian Rutherford
I had forgotten to restart the service so the old variable names were still hanging around. I'm almost there. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-24 Thread Ian Rutherford
One other odd thing I noticed. When I restart Cf and go to this page for the first time, I get an error saying Error invoking CFC /adminCFCs/couponWrapper.cfc: Attribute validation error for the CFCOOKIE tag. This only happens the first time I access the page. I don't use the cfcookie tag in

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm trying to create a cfc in my application scope but the variables I set in the init method don't seem to be persistent. Start dumping everything. Dump application scope, etc. see what's in there. Will ~| Adobe®

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread Ian Rutherford
The cfc is in the application scope. How can I tell if variables.ds is persistent? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
The cfc is in the application scope. How can I tell if variables.ds is persistent? Have you made sure the app was restarted after any changes you may have made? You either need to restart cf, run onApplicationStart() again, etc. If you make changes and don't restart your app, you'll get

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread Ian Rutherford
I restarted CF several times to make sure. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j Archive:

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
I restarted CF several times to make sure. I don't know that I've ever had a problem with this, other than forgetting to restart it. You can try this. Setup a method like so cffunction name=retVariables access=public returntype=Struct output=false cfreturn variables /cffunction Run it

RE: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread Rick Faircloth
I'm just beginning to work with CFC's, so I'm in no position to be able to validate your code, however (and it's probably just a typo in your email), I did notice a missing at the end of this line: cfargument name=ds required=true type=string That could be throwing off the setting of the cfset

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread James Holmes
You've dumped application.admin.ds to make sure something is in that? On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 11:55 AM, Ian Rutherford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I restarted CF several times to make sure. -- mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread James Holmes
Further to this, in which method in Application.cfc is this code being run? On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:04 PM, James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You've dumped application.admin.ds to make sure something is in that? On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 11:55 AM, Ian Rutherford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread Will Tomlinson
I'm just beginning to work with CFC's, so I'm in no position to be able to validate your code, however (and it's probably just a typo in your email), I did notice a missing at the end of this line: Hey Rick, I started playin around with Coldbox today. Man you gotta give it a whirl. It kicks

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread Ian Rutherford
Yep, it is defined there. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j Archive:

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread Ian Rutherford
OnApplicationStart ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j Archive:

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread Ian Rutherford
That was a typo. I need the argument because I feed in the ds name when I run the init code. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread Ian Rutherford
Okay, I figured out the problem but don't know the answer. I am getting this problem when I try to bind the cfc in a grid because the grid is binding a new copy of the cfc instead of the one created in the application scope: cfgrid format=html name=getCouponList pagesize=#attributes.pageSize#

Re: variables.whatever isn't defined in CFC

2008-06-23 Thread James Holmes
You need to write a static wrapper CFC that has inside it a reference to your application scoped CFC. It mirrors the methods and proxies the calls to your app scoped object. On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Ian Rutherford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Okay, I figured out the problem but don't know