I set up a text box and a text field to try to mimic what you are trying to do.
I was able to come up with this, somewhat rudimentary, concept below. I hope
that it might help you to debug.
var submitRow = function () {
var newmssg = document.getElementById('message').value;
YES is not a valid value for DISPLAY property. check the html/css reference.
use "none" (to hide), "inline", "block" or "" [empty string] (to show)
an element.
there are other valid values, too, but support varies by browser and you
will unlikely use those for a TR tag display anyway.
also, you re
Sorry, should have noted I had tried:
eval("document.all." + table_name + ".rows[1].style.display='yes'");
and got a JS error "Could not get the display property. Invalid argument."
>DISPLAY is not a valid TAG ATTRIBUTE. it is just a style setting.
>.setAttribute() is useless for setting DISPLAY
DISPLAY is not a valid TAG ATTRIBUTE. it is just a style setting.
..setAttribute() is useless for setting DISPLAY STYLE.
use William's suggested .style.display='none' / '' instead.
Azadi Saryev
Jeremy Bower wrote:
> Correction: I just use insertRow() and
nd task ,
>a very small request for access to this incredible resource.
>Have you ever read a book that changed your life?
>Go to: http://www.winninginthemargins.com
>Use PassKey: GoldenGrove
>You'll be glad you did.
>::-Original Message-
You'll be glad you did.
::-Original Message-
::From: Bower Jeremy-AJB075 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
::Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:13 AM
::To: CF-Talk
::Subject: cfwindow inside iframe issue
::I'm using some nicely formated cfwindows as tool tip type popups inside
I'm using some nicely formated cfwindows as tool tip type popups inside
an iframe that is expandable/collapsable (tr.innerHTML=iframe or "").
When the user tries to collapse the iframe IE blows up. The expand,
rollover, and mouseout events all act as they should. Is there a way to
more gracefully
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