ot: ergonomics

2003-07-21 Thread Tony Weeg
hey all. listen...ive got a problem, and things are getting worse. my wrists and my forearm (tennis elbow) are really starting to hurt these days, I have been to the doc, got some scripts (vioxx, bextra, ibuprofen, etc...) and they are all well, blah... anyway, what ergonomic ideas does anyone

ot: ergonomics

2003-07-21 Thread Stan Winchester
Tony, Try http://www.kinesis-ergo.com/ and look at their Contoured keyboard. They are not cheap and take a little to get used to, but I LOVE mine!!! You can sometimes find them on ebay and save a ton of money: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemitem=2743175977category=4706 I also