This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rC333862: Moved RangedConstraintManager header to the 
StaticAnalyser include dir (authored by mramalho, committed by ).
Herald added a subscriber: cfe-commits.

Changed prior to commit:

  rC Clang


Index: include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/RangedConstraintManager.h
--- include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/RangedConstraintManager.h
+++ include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/RangedConstraintManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+//== RangedConstraintManager.h ----------------------------------*- C++ -*--==//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+//  Ranged constraint manager, built on SimpleConstraintManager.
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramStateTrait.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SimpleConstraintManager.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace ento {
+/// A Range represents the closed range [from, to].  The caller must
+/// guarantee that from <= to.  Note that Range is immutable, so as not
+/// to subvert RangeSet's immutability.
+class Range : public std::pair<const llvm::APSInt *, const llvm::APSInt *> {
+  Range(const llvm::APSInt &from, const llvm::APSInt &to)
+      : std::pair<const llvm::APSInt *, const llvm::APSInt *>(&from, &to) {
+    assert(from <= to);
+  }
+  bool Includes(const llvm::APSInt &v) const {
+    return *first <= v && v <= *second;
+  }
+  const llvm::APSInt &From() const { return *first; }
+  const llvm::APSInt &To() const { return *second; }
+  const llvm::APSInt *getConcreteValue() const {
+    return &From() == &To() ? &From() : nullptr;
+  }
+  void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
+    ID.AddPointer(&From());
+    ID.AddPointer(&To());
+  }
+class RangeTrait : public llvm::ImutContainerInfo<Range> {
+  // When comparing if one Range is less than another, we should compare
+  // the actual APSInt values instead of their pointers.  This keeps the order
+  // consistent (instead of comparing by pointer values) and can potentially
+  // be used to speed up some of the operations in RangeSet.
+  static inline bool isLess(key_type_ref lhs, key_type_ref rhs) {
+    return *lhs.first < *rhs.first ||
+           (!(*rhs.first < *lhs.first) && *lhs.second < *rhs.second);
+  }
+/// RangeSet contains a set of ranges. If the set is empty, then
+///  there the value of a symbol is overly constrained and there are no
+///  possible values for that symbol.
+class RangeSet {
+  typedef llvm::ImmutableSet<Range, RangeTrait> PrimRangeSet;
+  PrimRangeSet ranges; // no need to make const, since it is an
+                       // ImmutableSet - this allows default operator=
+                       // to work.
+  typedef PrimRangeSet::Factory Factory;
+  typedef PrimRangeSet::iterator iterator;
+  RangeSet(PrimRangeSet RS) : ranges(RS) {}
+  /// Create a new set with all ranges of this set and RS.
+  /// Possible intersections are not checked here.
+  RangeSet addRange(Factory &F, const RangeSet &RS) {
+    PrimRangeSet Ranges(RS.ranges);
+    for (const auto &range : ranges)
+      Ranges = F.add(Ranges, range);
+    return RangeSet(Ranges);
+  }
+  iterator begin() const { return ranges.begin(); }
+  iterator end() const { return ranges.end(); }
+  bool isEmpty() const { return ranges.isEmpty(); }
+  /// Construct a new RangeSet representing '{ [from, to] }'.
+  RangeSet(Factory &F, const llvm::APSInt &from, const llvm::APSInt &to)
+      : ranges(F.add(F.getEmptySet(), Range(from, to))) {}
+  /// Profile - Generates a hash profile of this RangeSet for use
+  ///  by FoldingSet.
+  void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const { ranges.Profile(ID); }
+  /// getConcreteValue - If a symbol is contrained to equal a specific integer
+  ///  constant then this method returns that value.  Otherwise, it returns
+  ///  NULL.
+  const llvm::APSInt *getConcreteValue() const {
+    return ranges.isSingleton() ? ranges.begin()->getConcreteValue() : nullptr;
+  }
+  void IntersectInRange(BasicValueFactory &BV, Factory &F,
+                        const llvm::APSInt &Lower, const llvm::APSInt &Upper,
+                        PrimRangeSet &newRanges, PrimRangeSet::iterator &i,
+                        PrimRangeSet::iterator &e) const;
+  const llvm::APSInt &getMinValue() const;
+  bool pin(llvm::APSInt &Lower, llvm::APSInt &Upper) const;
+  RangeSet Intersect(BasicValueFactory &BV, Factory &F, llvm::APSInt Lower,
+                     llvm::APSInt Upper) const;
+  void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
+  bool operator==(const RangeSet &other) const {
+    return ranges == other.ranges;
+  }
+class ConstraintRange {};
+using ConstraintRangeTy = llvm::ImmutableMap<SymbolRef, RangeSet>;
+template <>
+struct ProgramStateTrait<ConstraintRange>
+  : public ProgramStatePartialTrait<ConstraintRangeTy> {
+  static void *GDMIndex() { static int Index; return &Index; }
+class RangedConstraintManager : public SimpleConstraintManager {
+  RangedConstraintManager(SubEngine *SE, SValBuilder &SB)
+      : SimpleConstraintManager(SE, SB) {}
+  ~RangedConstraintManager() override;
+  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+  // Implementation for interface from SimpleConstraintManager.
+  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+  ProgramStateRef assumeSym(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
+                            bool Assumption) override;
+  ProgramStateRef assumeSymInclusiveRange(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
+                                          const llvm::APSInt &From,
+                                          const llvm::APSInt &To,
+                                          bool InRange) override;
+  ProgramStateRef assumeSymUnsupported(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
+                                       bool Assumption) override;
+  /// Assume a constraint between a symbolic expression and a concrete integer.
+  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymRel(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
+                               BinaryOperator::Opcode op,
+                               const llvm::APSInt &Int);
+  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+  // Interface that subclasses must implement.
+  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+  // Each of these is of the form "$Sym+Adj <> V", where "<>" is the comparison
+  // operation for the method being invoked.
+  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymNE(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
+                                      const llvm::APSInt &V,
+                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
+  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymEQ(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
+                                      const llvm::APSInt &V,
+                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
+  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymLT(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
+                                      const llvm::APSInt &V,
+                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
+  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymGT(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
+                                      const llvm::APSInt &V,
+                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
+  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymLE(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
+                                      const llvm::APSInt &V,
+                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
+  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymGE(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
+                                      const llvm::APSInt &V,
+                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
+  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymWithinInclusiveRange(
+      ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym, const llvm::APSInt &From,
+      const llvm::APSInt &To, const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
+  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymOutsideInclusiveRange(
+      ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym, const llvm::APSInt &From,
+      const llvm::APSInt &To, const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
+  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+  // Internal implementation.
+  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+  static void computeAdjustment(SymbolRef &Sym, llvm::APSInt &Adjustment);
+} // end GR namespace
+} // end clang namespace
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RangedConstraintManager.cpp
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RangedConstraintManager.cpp
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RangedConstraintManager.cpp
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
-#include "RangedConstraintManager.h"
 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/RangedConstraintManager.h"
 namespace clang {
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RangeConstraintManager.cpp
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RangeConstraintManager.cpp
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RangeConstraintManager.cpp
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
-#include "RangedConstraintManager.h"
 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/APSIntType.h"
 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramStateTrait.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/RangedConstraintManager.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableSet.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RangedConstraintManager.h
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RangedConstraintManager.h
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/RangedConstraintManager.h
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-//== RangedConstraintManager.h ----------------------------------*- C++ -*--==//
-//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-//  Ranged constraint manager, built on SimpleConstraintManager.
-#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
-#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramStateTrait.h"
-#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SimpleConstraintManager.h"
-namespace clang {
-namespace ento {
-/// A Range represents the closed range [from, to].  The caller must
-/// guarantee that from <= to.  Note that Range is immutable, so as not
-/// to subvert RangeSet's immutability.
-class Range : public std::pair<const llvm::APSInt *, const llvm::APSInt *> {
-  Range(const llvm::APSInt &from, const llvm::APSInt &to)
-      : std::pair<const llvm::APSInt *, const llvm::APSInt *>(&from, &to) {
-    assert(from <= to);
-  }
-  bool Includes(const llvm::APSInt &v) const {
-    return *first <= v && v <= *second;
-  }
-  const llvm::APSInt &From() const { return *first; }
-  const llvm::APSInt &To() const { return *second; }
-  const llvm::APSInt *getConcreteValue() const {
-    return &From() == &To() ? &From() : nullptr;
-  }
-  void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
-    ID.AddPointer(&From());
-    ID.AddPointer(&To());
-  }
-class RangeTrait : public llvm::ImutContainerInfo<Range> {
-  // When comparing if one Range is less than another, we should compare
-  // the actual APSInt values instead of their pointers.  This keeps the order
-  // consistent (instead of comparing by pointer values) and can potentially
-  // be used to speed up some of the operations in RangeSet.
-  static inline bool isLess(key_type_ref lhs, key_type_ref rhs) {
-    return *lhs.first < *rhs.first ||
-           (!(*rhs.first < *lhs.first) && *lhs.second < *rhs.second);
-  }
-/// RangeSet contains a set of ranges. If the set is empty, then
-///  there the value of a symbol is overly constrained and there are no
-///  possible values for that symbol.
-class RangeSet {
-  typedef llvm::ImmutableSet<Range, RangeTrait> PrimRangeSet;
-  PrimRangeSet ranges; // no need to make const, since it is an
-                       // ImmutableSet - this allows default operator=
-                       // to work.
-  typedef PrimRangeSet::Factory Factory;
-  typedef PrimRangeSet::iterator iterator;
-  RangeSet(PrimRangeSet RS) : ranges(RS) {}
-  /// Create a new set with all ranges of this set and RS.
-  /// Possible intersections are not checked here.
-  RangeSet addRange(Factory &F, const RangeSet &RS) {
-    PrimRangeSet Ranges(RS.ranges);
-    for (const auto &range : ranges)
-      Ranges = F.add(Ranges, range);
-    return RangeSet(Ranges);
-  }
-  iterator begin() const { return ranges.begin(); }
-  iterator end() const { return ranges.end(); }
-  bool isEmpty() const { return ranges.isEmpty(); }
-  /// Construct a new RangeSet representing '{ [from, to] }'.
-  RangeSet(Factory &F, const llvm::APSInt &from, const llvm::APSInt &to)
-      : ranges(F.add(F.getEmptySet(), Range(from, to))) {}
-  /// Profile - Generates a hash profile of this RangeSet for use
-  ///  by FoldingSet.
-  void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const { ranges.Profile(ID); }
-  /// getConcreteValue - If a symbol is contrained to equal a specific integer
-  ///  constant then this method returns that value.  Otherwise, it returns
-  ///  NULL.
-  const llvm::APSInt *getConcreteValue() const {
-    return ranges.isSingleton() ? ranges.begin()->getConcreteValue() : nullptr;
-  }
-  void IntersectInRange(BasicValueFactory &BV, Factory &F,
-                        const llvm::APSInt &Lower, const llvm::APSInt &Upper,
-                        PrimRangeSet &newRanges, PrimRangeSet::iterator &i,
-                        PrimRangeSet::iterator &e) const;
-  const llvm::APSInt &getMinValue() const;
-  bool pin(llvm::APSInt &Lower, llvm::APSInt &Upper) const;
-  RangeSet Intersect(BasicValueFactory &BV, Factory &F, llvm::APSInt Lower,
-                     llvm::APSInt Upper) const;
-  void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
-  bool operator==(const RangeSet &other) const {
-    return ranges == other.ranges;
-  }
-class ConstraintRange {};
-using ConstraintRangeTy = llvm::ImmutableMap<SymbolRef, RangeSet>;
-template <>
-struct ProgramStateTrait<ConstraintRange>
-  : public ProgramStatePartialTrait<ConstraintRangeTy> {
-  static void *GDMIndex() { static int Index; return &Index; }
-class RangedConstraintManager : public SimpleConstraintManager {
-  RangedConstraintManager(SubEngine *SE, SValBuilder &SB)
-      : SimpleConstraintManager(SE, SB) {}
-  ~RangedConstraintManager() override;
-  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
-  // Implementation for interface from SimpleConstraintManager.
-  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
-  ProgramStateRef assumeSym(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
-                            bool Assumption) override;
-  ProgramStateRef assumeSymInclusiveRange(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
-                                          const llvm::APSInt &From,
-                                          const llvm::APSInt &To,
-                                          bool InRange) override;
-  ProgramStateRef assumeSymUnsupported(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
-                                       bool Assumption) override;
-  /// Assume a constraint between a symbolic expression and a concrete integer.
-  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymRel(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
-                               BinaryOperator::Opcode op,
-                               const llvm::APSInt &Int);
-  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
-  // Interface that subclasses must implement.
-  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
-  // Each of these is of the form "$Sym+Adj <> V", where "<>" is the comparison
-  // operation for the method being invoked.
-  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymNE(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
-                                      const llvm::APSInt &V,
-                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
-  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymEQ(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
-                                      const llvm::APSInt &V,
-                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
-  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymLT(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
-                                      const llvm::APSInt &V,
-                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
-  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymGT(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
-                                      const llvm::APSInt &V,
-                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
-  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymLE(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
-                                      const llvm::APSInt &V,
-                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
-  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymGE(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
-                                      const llvm::APSInt &V,
-                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
-  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymWithinInclusiveRange(
-      ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym, const llvm::APSInt &From,
-      const llvm::APSInt &To, const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
-  virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymOutsideInclusiveRange(
-      ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym, const llvm::APSInt &From,
-      const llvm::APSInt &To, const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
-  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
-  // Internal implementation.
-  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
-  static void computeAdjustment(SymbolRef &Sym, llvm::APSInt &Adjustment);
-} // end GR namespace
-} // end clang namespace
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