Author: jlebar
Date: Thu Jan 28 17:58:28 2016
New Revision: 259122

[CUDA] Generate CUDA's printf alloca in its function's entry block.

This is necessary to prevent llvm from generating stacksave intrinsics
around this alloca.  NVVM doesn't have a stack, and we don't handle said

Reviewers: rnk, echristo

Subscribers: cfe-commits, jhen, tra

Differential Revision:


Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGCUDABuiltin.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGCUDABuiltin.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/CodeGen/CGCUDABuiltin.cpp Thu Jan 28 17:58:28 2016
@@ -52,10 +52,13 @@ static llvm::Function *GetVprintfDeclara
 // is converted into something resembling
-//   char* buf = alloca(...);
-//   *reinterpret_cast<Arg1*>(buf) = arg1;
-//   *reinterpret_cast<Arg2*>(buf + ...) = arg2;
-//   *reinterpret_cast<Arg3*>(buf + ...) = arg3;
+//   struct Tmp {
+//     Arg1 a1;
+//     Arg2 a2;
+//     Arg3 a3;
+//   };
+//   char* buf = alloca(sizeof(Tmp));
+//   *(Tmp*)buf = {a1, a2, a3};
 //   vprintf("format string", buf);
 // buf is aligned to the max of {alignof(Arg1), ...}.  Furthermore, each of the
@@ -80,48 +83,24 @@ CodeGenFunction::EmitCUDADevicePrintfCal
                E->arguments(), E->getDirectCallee(),
                /* ParamsToSkip = */ 0);
-  // Figure out how large of a buffer we need to hold our varargs and how
-  // aligned the buffer needs to be.  We start iterating at Arg[1], because
-  // that's our first vararg.
-  unsigned BufSize = 0;
-  unsigned BufAlign = 0;
-  for (unsigned I = 1, NumArgs = Args.size(); I < NumArgs; ++I) {
-    const RValue& RV = Args[I].RV;
-    llvm::Type* Ty = RV.getScalarVal()->getType();
-    auto Align = DL.getPrefTypeAlignment(Ty);
-    BufAlign = std::max(BufAlign, Align);
-    // Add padding required to keep the current arg aligned.
-    BufSize = llvm::alignTo(BufSize, Align);
-    BufSize += DL.getTypeAllocSize(Ty);
-  }
-  // Construct and fill the buffer.
-  llvm::Value* BufferPtr = nullptr;
-  if (BufSize == 0) {
+  // Construct and fill the args buffer that we'll pass to vprintf.
+  llvm::Value *BufferPtr;
+  if (Args.size() <= 1) {
     // If there are no args, pass a null pointer to vprintf.
     BufferPtr = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(Ctx));
   } else {
-    BufferPtr = Builder.Insert(new llvm::AllocaInst(
-        llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(Ctx), llvm::ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, BufSize),
-        BufAlign, "printf_arg_buf"));
+    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 8> ArgTypes;
+    for (unsigned I = 1, NumArgs = Args.size(); I < NumArgs; ++I)
+      ArgTypes.push_back(Args[I].RV.getScalarVal()->getType());
+    llvm::Type *AllocaTy = llvm::StructType::create(ArgTypes, "printf_args");
+    llvm::Value *Alloca = CreateTempAlloca(AllocaTy);
-    unsigned Offset = 0;
     for (unsigned I = 1, NumArgs = Args.size(); I < NumArgs; ++I) {
+      llvm::Value *P = Builder.CreateStructGEP(AllocaTy, Alloca, I - 1);
       llvm::Value *Arg = Args[I].RV.getScalarVal();
-      llvm::Type *Ty = Arg->getType();
-      auto Align = DL.getPrefTypeAlignment(Ty);
-      // Pad the buffer to Arg's alignment.
-      Offset = llvm::alignTo(Offset, Align);
-      // Store Arg into the buffer at Offset.
-      llvm::Value *GEP =
-          Builder.CreateGEP(BufferPtr, llvm::ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, 
-      llvm::Value *Cast = Builder.CreateBitCast(GEP, Ty->getPointerTo());
-      Builder.CreateAlignedStore(Arg, Cast, Align);
-      Offset += DL.getTypeAllocSize(Ty);
+      Builder.CreateAlignedStore(Arg, P, 
+    BufferPtr = Builder.CreatePointerCast(Alloca, 
   // Invoke vprintf and return.

Modified: cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenCUDA/
--- cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenCUDA/ (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/test/CodeGenCUDA/ Thu Jan 28 17:58:28 2016
@@ -9,45 +9,35 @@
 extern "C" __device__ int vprintf(const char*, const char*);
 // Check a simple call to printf end-to-end.
+// CHECK: [[SIMPLE_PRINTF_TY:%[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = type { i32, i64, double }
 __device__ int CheckSimple() {
+  // CHECK: [[BUF:%[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = alloca [[SIMPLE_PRINTF_TY]]
   // CHECK: [[FMT:%[0-9]+]] = load{{.*}}%fmt
-  const char* fmt = "%d";
-  // CHECK: [[BUF:%[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = alloca i8, i32 4, align 4
-  // CHECK: [[PTR:%[0-9]+]] = getelementptr i8, i8* [[BUF]], i32 0
-  // CHECK: [[CAST:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast i8* [[PTR]] to i32*
-  // CHECK: store i32 42, i32* [[CAST]], align 4
-  // CHECK: [[RET:%[0-9]+]] = call i32 @vprintf(i8* [[FMT]], i8* [[BUF]])
+  const char* fmt = "%d %lld %f";
+  // CHECK: [[PTR0:%[0-9]+]] = getelementptr inbounds [[SIMPLE_PRINTF_TY]], 
[[SIMPLE_PRINTF_TY]]* [[BUF]], i32 0, i32 0
+  // CHECK: store i32 1, i32* [[PTR0]], align 4
+  // CHECK: [[PTR1:%[0-9]+]] = getelementptr inbounds [[SIMPLE_PRINTF_TY]], 
[[SIMPLE_PRINTF_TY]]* [[BUF]], i32 0, i32 1
+  // CHECK: store i64 2, i64* [[PTR1]], align 8
+  // CHECK: [[PTR2:%[0-9]+]] = getelementptr inbounds [[SIMPLE_PRINTF_TY]], 
[[SIMPLE_PRINTF_TY]]* [[BUF]], i32 0, i32 2
+  // CHECK: store double 3.0{{[^,]*}}, double* [[PTR2]], align 8
+  // CHECK: [[BUF_CAST:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast [[SIMPLE_PRINTF_TY]]* [[BUF]] to i8*
+  // CHECK: [[RET:%[0-9]+]] = call i32 @vprintf(i8* [[FMT]], i8* [[BUF_CAST]])
   // CHECK: ret i32 [[RET]]
-  return printf(fmt, 42);
-// Check that the args' types are promoted correctly when we call printf.
-__device__ void CheckTypes() {
-  // CHECK: alloca {{.*}} align 8
-  // CHECK: getelementptr {{.*}} i32 0
-  // CHECK: bitcast {{.*}} to i32*
-  // CHECK: getelementptr {{.*}} i32 4
-  // CHECK: bitcast {{.*}} to i32*
-  // CHECK: getelementptr {{.*}} i32 8
-  // CHECK: bitcast {{.*}} to double*
-  // CHECK: getelementptr {{.*}} i32 16
-  // CHECK: bitcast {{.*}} to double*
-  printf("%d %d %f %f", (char)1, (short)2, 3.0f, 4.0);
-// Check that the args are aligned properly in the buffer.
-__device__ void CheckAlign() {
-  // CHECK: alloca i8, i32 40, align 8
-  // CHECK: getelementptr {{.*}} i32 0
-  // CHECK: getelementptr {{.*}} i32 8
-  // CHECK: getelementptr {{.*}} i32 16
-  // CHECK: getelementptr {{.*}} i32 20
-  // CHECK: getelementptr {{.*}} i32 24
-  // CHECK: getelementptr {{.*}} i32 32
-  printf("%d %f %d %d %d %lld", 1, 2.0, 3, 4, 5, (long long)6);
+  return printf(fmt, 1, 2ll, 3.0);
 __device__ void CheckNoArgs() {
   // CHECK: call i32 @vprintf({{.*}}, i8* null){{$}}
   printf("hello, world!");
+// Check that printf's alloca happens in the entry block, not inside the if
+// statement.
+__device__ bool foo();
+__device__ void CheckAllocaIsInEntryBlock() {
+  // CHECK: alloca %printf_args
+  // CHECK: call {{.*}} @_Z3foov()
+  if (foo()) {
+    printf("%d", 42);
+  }

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