Comment #4 on issue 4906 by steve.yegge: italicized preformatted text is
too tall
Incidentally, the font in IE that lines up properly is really ugly, so it
may not be
a ClearType font. It's a very old Windows box.
You received thi
Comment #3 on issue 4906 by steve.yegge: italicized preformatted text is
too tall
Sorry - I do most of my development on OS X and Linux. My testing so far
has been:
OK: Safari 3 (Mac), Firefox 3 (Mac), Firefox 2 (Linux), IE6 (XP)
Comment #2 on issue 4906 by dhhwai: italicized preformatted text is too tall
I do see the problem from the attached file. However, I don't know
which "all other
browsers" are where they do line up (in non-Windows OSes?), but in Windows
Comment #1 on issue 4906 by dhhwai: italicized preformatted text is too tall
I do see the problem from the attached file. However, I don't know
which "all other
browsers" are where they do line up (in non-Windows OSes?), but in Windows
Status: Unconfirmed
Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc
New issue 4906 by steve.yegge: italicized preformatted text is too tall
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