MS-SMB section 2.2.8 says that FILE_OPEN_BY_FILE_ID should return
STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED. We have found that win2008 returns STATUS_OK for
this bit. Can you please tell us how this bit works?
We similarly noticed that w2008 returns the NT_STATUS_OK for each of
the following bits:
On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 08:51 -0700, Richard Guthrie wrote:
> Andrew,
> As per your last mail, we agree this looks like a good scenario to
> target for the upcoming IO lab. As we have discussed, in order to not
> waste time on debugging setup while you are in the lab, we would need
> to work toge
Good afternoon Mr. Simpkins. I have reviewed your comments, with respect to my
earlier answers to your original questions.
I have summarized my research below, in the form of (rough-cut) change
proposals for the [MS-SPNG] and [MS-SMB] documents.
I certainly invite you to suggest amendments, cha
As per your last mail, we agree this looks like a good scenario to target for
the upcoming IO lab. As we have discussed, in order to not waste time on
debugging setup while you are in the lab, we would need to work together prior
to establish the correct repro environment. Establishme